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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/2019 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    When we went to the store for snacks she didnt even wanna go in because her stomach hurt so bad over it. She's a good kid.
  2. 4 points
    Whatever you have to tell yourself. Something will eat it
  3. 3 points
    well obviously searching for it the day after the season is the right thing to do. and if you found it alive and had to put it out of it misery thats also the right thing to do. talking about it on the internet, wrong thing to do.
  4. 2 points
    A witness of Lincoln’s assassination was interviewed on tv in the 50’s.
  5. 2 points
    This is true. On the phone with my wife I said I killed a bison on day one, brakes didn't lock up on the highway with my kids in the truck and we are all safe and alive. Son killed second day and daughter had a shot. Heck I'm just happy to fill my bison tag. Even after all the bad luck I still feel lucky to have a once in a lifetime harvest and all my little ones safe and sound. My oldest baby girl has true grit when it comes to hunting, I'm proud of her regardless of what tomorow brings.
  6. 1 point
    It all started with the credit card update and then the morning check to see if the cards got any hits.Boom $650 hit on the card and now the waiting game began to see if it was the wife or I that grew the bison tag. Weeks later and I find out I am the one that drew the tag and the homework began. Started watching every video I could find on bison including everything the game and fish had for us.also sent out a few pm messages to catfishkev and idgaf. They both handed out info on the hunt and catfishkev was gracious enough to let me jump on is bandwagon and use his trail cams that he had. politics up there made us come to conclusion it would be best to have our own information. catfishkev made the first trip up to place trail cams. He placed 6 cams on different locations. My turn was next and I headed up with my dad and son to meet up with another hunter that catfishkev new and we checked cams and went over the pics for the start of his hunt which started sept 13th. After viewing the cam pictures we learned that we had a lot of bison coming thru different locations with some at night and some during day. The other hunter took that info and just couldn’t make it happen during his hunt. i also Sent the cards to Kev so he could view them and also see what the bison were doing. Seeing this cam pics made the weeks before my hunt even longer and to top it off I was unable to make it for opening day and weekend for my hunt. From day one of getting drawn and looking at graphs of herd movement and what time of year the herds were moving to different places from there gps collars I had my eyes set on the east side of the unit. All the cameras on the east side said different and that the bison just were not there. I had e mail game and fish to ask about any information I would be missing on the hunter meeting that takes place night before hunt. I got an e mail telling me I didn’t miss much and was told over the last week or so there was some movement on the east side. 5 days into the hunt and I arrive on the plateau worried I would not have a place to hunt. Went to the east side and checked out first spot. Cam didn’t work but there was very fresh sign that wasn’t there 2 weeks before. Decided to sit there for evening sense there was not any other hunters. Sat from 3 to dark and only saw deer. On way out I stoped at another camera location and man had that place changed. For over a week there was bison at that location everyday and nobody was there hunting them. That night I reviewed the cameras and saw there was a guide checking cams too that day and he had placed a ground blind in the location due to what he saw on cam. That morning I get to location and there is nobody there and I had the spot to myself so I thought. Hour into sitting with sun up I hear a truck driving up close. Said to myself no way is somebody going to walk up on me after seeing my truck. Few minutes later I hear foot steps hour after sun up. I look over and see it’s a guy my age and an older man with crutches. Start talking to them and find out that the hunter Dan is a wounded warrior that received the tag a week prior to hunt. He had met up with the Guides up there and they had sent him to this location. After I found out he was a wounded warrior and he had a hard time getting around I decided I was going to leave the area and let them hunt it telling them that there are bison coming in everyday. They turned and looked at me like I was crazy and asked me to stay which at first I was still going to leave still but then decided to stay and hunt with them. Told the wounded warrior to take the first shot if anything comes in and i will see what happens after. 0930 comes around and they are at 90 yards and closing. The heard came In and it was a mad dash to the water then the fight for the first licks of the salt. That’s when the real stress started and had to try and identify a cow bison out of the herd. I can hear the other hunting trying to figure out which one to shoot and I was doing the same. Boom they take a shot and the herd scatters. son jumps out of there blind and says well he shot let’s go look for blood. As he was doing that I decided to Pursue the herd and I went around a clump of aspen and they’re were standing there 80 to 100yards away. I dropped to the prone position and put my crosshairs on the first bison I see. She was starring right at me facing me for what seemed like an eternity. She then turned broadside and one shot dropped her in her tracks. I guess the east side of unit was calling to me because that’s were I made it happen. Turns out the wounded warrior missed his shot and didn’t get a bison down. The wounded warrior and his son stayed with me after my harvest and helped me break down the animal. I couldn’t tell them enough how much I appreciated that and if they were not there I would be having one heck of a time getting it done. I gutted her and flew back to camp to get my saw and my dad to help out. The whole time the other hunters stayed to watch over my bison tell I got back. We finished the bison and his son help me load everything into truck and I was back to camp. Long drive back to gilbert to get meat taken care off and hide and head to taxidermy. all in all I had an amazing time from start to finish and I met some great people along the way that were very helping in every way I could imagine. I am very grateful for being able to harvest a bison and share the memories with others. Catfishkev without your help I am pretty sure it would of never happened and I thank you. hope you all enjoy the long read! And catfishkev and idgaf thank you both again. trail cam pics are location I harvested my bison plus I threw in a nice deer! All cam pics are from catfishkevs cams that I was lucky enough to be able to share with him
  7. 1 point
    Wild times along the 35th parallel. 😎 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canyon_Diablo_shootout
  8. 1 point
    Vowell how’s it going man you still going to New Mexico every year?. To be honest really haven’t been much sense they made the tags cost 210 now
  9. 1 point
    there are rough-hewn railroad camps all around this big world-all the same. i first read about diablo in AT & SF historical texts in the 1990's but never again(until the last 24 hours-thank you sir!). you like diablo? check out tsavo!(the movie was gawd-awful). darn i know i am offending someone here but i am not trying to. lee
  10. 1 point
    I got 3 points for Gould’s. I have high hopes! Since I can’t draw any other tag besides deer.
  11. 1 point
    Do your best to tell her sh!t happens! But also do your best to tell her what happens when sh!t happens! Your a good dude Kevin.
  12. 1 point
    Figure if your goin in 3-4 miles are you really needing to glass another 3-4 miles? Or are you just bringing them for antler detail over a mile? If not then I’d say the 12’s are plenty.
  13. 1 point
    hardhorned. goofball Dude will prob try coming in the house when it gets cold out...
  14. 1 point
    I drew the kaibab late tag last year with only two points so yes there is hope
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    I am actually going to do a shoulder mount and a rug or blanket with the back half. Might as well it’s a once in a lifetime tag so I got to make memories! My taxidermist was nice enough to give me the euro skull mount tell he is ready to mount my bison sense it is a once in lifetime tag.
  17. 1 point
    100% We did spend all day. Hiked miles around and down to the nearest tank. Even came back for 2 of dale and Heathers dogs and went back out to search but came up nada. Found a tiny piece of lung I think but that was it. I'm pretty sure it clipped the upper corner of one lung and she will survive so I guess that's reassuring at least.
  18. 1 point
    Unless you are glassing miles away I would think your 12x50's would be more than enough. Weight really starts adding up on those type of hunts.
  19. 1 point
    ive never noticed it being that loud but the only time ive shot it without ear plugs was at pigs so you never realy notice then, yea let me know
  20. 1 point
    if i were in your shoes i'd be scooping up one of those pair of docter 15x60 in the classifieds.
  21. 1 point
    Wow, what an adventure you're having with your kids. That's gold. From the smiles on the boys faces when they're holding the broken parts says that dad is doing things right. Congrats. Oh by the way, congrats on the animal front too! I'd call game and fish about going after if the season closes on you. My 2cents worth. Keep us posted.
  22. 1 point
    Thank you! My experience was much the same at first - I felt great and "thought" I should be seeing the pounds coming off each morning, but it took a long time to actually start seeing results on the scale. About the time I leveled off in "feeling great", that's when I actually started to shed fat and see results. It's been up and down with the way I feel and my appetite fluctuated back and forth between not being hungry at all for days at a time to feeling like I could eat all day and never be satisfied, but I stuck with it and once the weight started dropping, it just kept consistently coming off week after week ever since for the most part... I do hit flat spots now and then - go a full week without losing anything, then the following week I'd lose 2-3 lbs, seemingly at random. I don't understand the science of it, but I have started to identify foods that obviously stall out my metabolism. Pizza, for example... work buys us pizza all the time. I used to indulge in 2-3 slices, but since starting the weight loss journey I limited myself to 1 or 2 slices. I'd notice that even after just one or two slices of pizza for lunch, I wouldn't lose any weight at all for 2-3 days afterwards. Once you get rolling, you should be able to identify things like that to avoid. Then it just comes down to having the willpower to say "no thanks" when they flood the office with pies! 😂 Having a good, reliable digital scale that measures down to 1/10th of a pound consistently is helpful in that regard. I got mine at Costco and it's been amazing. Good luck Quagmire! You can do it!
  23. 1 point
    Winner here! My bud that took the pics said that this cabin is tucked away on the side of a mountain, that is very hard to see, but you can see anything coming for miles.
  24. 1 point
    Making more Ford fans right and left. LoL glad you’re getting fixed though.
  25. 1 point
    I only know one off the top of my head; Sonora, AZ was where the current Ray Mine sits. My parents and older brother & sisters lived in Sonora when my dad was a young mining engineer. In the mid-60s, the town of Kearny was built to house all of the miners so the mine could be expanded (effectively swallowing-up the town of Sonora....). Cool thread! I LOVE old AZ history!!