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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/11/2019 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Sucks that it happened but that’s pretty cool to hear you got it knocked out. Those boys learned some stuff that night, not just how to change out an inter cooler in a Walmart parking lot, but that giving up when life gives you a little crap isn’t the answer. They learned to figure out what the problem is, how to fix it quick and keep on going. I’d say honestly 90% of the guys in here, myself included would have punted on a day or so of the trip and turned around and waited for the next day and headed up a couple days later. Kudos to you for pushing on and teaching your boys to do the same!
  2. 1 point
    I find it funny that the start of elk season always makes me think about the upcoming deer hunts. Is there really a better time to share a coues video than the day before elk season??😄 Elk suck! Coues are da best! Hope this gets some of you excited about the upcoming deer hunts.
  3. 1 point
    ive only put 60 rounds threw it, its a fun accurate little gun originally bought for a ham hunt but getting ready to moove so clearing some stuff out comes with federal shoulder holster for it. 450$ located in globe, feel free mesage with any questions
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    1st post and probably his last.
  6. 1 point
    For a quicker shot, I shoot right off the tripod, but I toss a lightweight shooting bag over it so I don't have hard to hard contact. I shoot the local PRS matches to improve my skills, and I use the shooting bag over all sorts of stuff. I taught two new hunters how to shoot off the top of a tripod in the kneeling position. Dad carried the tripod, pointed one leg towards the deer and set the bag on top of it. The kids were taught to point the rifle the way the front leg was pointing, and how to find the deer over the top of the scope and then move to the sight picture. They were very fast to acquire the target and made perfect shots. I had them practice with my .22 rifle, and it made a huge difference.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Good luck, send pics.....
  9. 1 point
    Just booked Ventana Canyon. Got a mountain view room and sprung for the romantic package. Thanks again for the input.
  10. 1 point
    I spent a couple of hours in that exact Walmart parking lot a couple of years ago when the transmission on my dad's old 1995 GMC gave-out as I was heading out for a Utah deer hunt! 🤣 Was grateful it happened then as opposed to on highway 89 1/2 way between Flagstaff and Marble Canyon..... In my case there was no quick fix, and I ended-up having to rent a truck for the hunt. As mentioned, BIG kudos to you for getting right on it and pressing-on! A good story for the campfire down the road.... Good luck!!!! S.
  11. 1 point
    Well that could have been worse. I made the boys help and got it done relatively quick. Back on the road. Intercooler burst at the seem, new one was $800 gee wiz..
  12. 1 point
    It is pretty amazing to think of what that south of the 60 used to look like......kinda sad in a way..................
  13. 1 point
    No, far north near the Colorado border in the Brazos range. No joy this morning. Had a nice 5x5 in my scope at 120 yds. 5 ft on the wrong side of the boundary. Didn't take the shot. 3 more days.
  14. 1 point
    The claw or even just a v that can be swapped for your head. I like to go even more minimalist and just tilt my pan head all the way over and rest the forend of the gun in the little notch that is formed. It works pretty well. You can do it prone or shoot while sitting down. I'd mess around with your current tripod setup and just see how it works. Tilt that sucker all the way to one side and see if there is a natural spot for a rifle forend to lay. Good luck!
  15. 1 point
    If you are looking at the Gould's hunt dates they start a week later this year because they did a study and found they nest a week later in Arizona than Merriam's. Merriam's adult hunts start the last Friday in April just like always.
  16. 1 point
    I am amazed at how a post to alert the hunting public to a poaching turns into a crap fest on scores, etc. on this forum. Who cares what the freakin score is, someone shot a quality bull and left it. Chris, was that not your point in posting?
  17. 1 point
    A picture of the rest of him for you guys
  18. 1 point
    I have to say, that your pictures are a stellar testament as to how well that machine works, not a weed in sight.
  19. 1 point
    I have a Mesa and it’s a fantastic rifle.
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    Why stop at atvs. Why not all trucks and jeeps?
  22. 1 point
    Personally, I would like to see less roads. In the unit we're hunting this year, there are very few places you can hike more than a mile from a road before hitting another road.
  23. 1 point
    Helping out on an antelope this weekend I got distracted
  24. 1 point
  25. 0 points
    Well got the truck packed and hooked to the camper. Got the boys with me and heading up for my bison hunt. Mommas supposed to come tomorrow with the oldest daughter. Heading out of the valley up the steep incline we here a thud and all of the sudden no power...uggh you gotta be kidding me. Turbo gage drops to zero... limp up the hill to the flat at like 15mph. After a phone call and look over things we figure I blew my intercooler. Drive another hour and a half back to the valley to get one of two in the valley that I can pick up tonight. Pick up at autozone and start to work not realizing I'm right next to a 7 11. After the first encounter with a local undesirable I pack the boys back in the truck and head up to the happy valley walmart. Was really wanting to be up there at first light but hey that's how it goes. I'm just glad ot ain't something worse and that were not stuck in the middle of nowhere. At the very least I suppose it's a character building experience for my boys. Hopefully we can be back on the road in a couple hours.