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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/2019 in all areas

  1. 15 points
    from 2018, i just picked up the cam. majestic af
  2. 7 points
    Helped a friend this week and shot the biggest buck we found, stayed on him for three days, 4 blown stalks, over 20 miles of stalking and he did not quit. Watched him fight off two other bucks and break 3 inches of left cutter. And got it done ,83 yard shot.
  3. 5 points
    i spent 5 days in 10 hunting with my bow. 26 miles of stalking goats/ walking back to truck. killed my buck solo on day 4 at 130pm. unit 10 does suck now. quality an quanity is so low. i killed the biggest buck i could find. i knew what i was getting into after scouting. but i gave it heck an never busted my butt so hard to earn an animal. not for the weak
  4. 3 points
    My wife has a lot of patience. There have been seasons logging over 60 hours in a stand, and she usually gets lucky. This season, she did it in 1. Hopefully some of that luck rubs off on me next week.
  5. 3 points
    My season lasted a little over a half day. I got into my blind at about 7 am. Didn’t have any action until about 10 am, when a doe came in. After she left, nothing went on till just about noon when a two point came in. After that it was a steady stream of deer, couple spikes and does, till 1:30. I had about as much of the heat as I could take. I never had been so hot in a blind. I was wringing wet with sweat. At 1:45 I had enough. I got all my gear ready to go and took one last scan out of the blind to make sure I didn’t miss something. I looked up the hill and here came a big buck down the trail a long with a 1x2. I scrambled to get ready. The buck came right in front of my blind at 15 yards and was quartering away. Drew, settled my pin on the last rib, and released. The arrow it exactly were I aimed. The buck ran up the hill and stopped then walked off. I didn’t like the reaction of the deer so I gathered my stuff and went back to camp. Decided to give the buck two hours. At 4:00 I started on the blood trail. Not much blood. A few drops here and there. When I got to where I last seen him, the blood quit. Slowly I followed a few tracks and a couple broke limbs. 40 yards later there he was piled up. The arrow hit the last rib and came out on the back edge of the opposite shoulder. What an amazing day for a great buck! Brian
  6. 3 points
    Went to cabelas a few days ago to pick up a bear tag . Lady struggles to fill it out. She ended up getting help from another employee. I pay for it and when she hands it to me she says “poor bear”. I told her trust me the bear won’t feel it when I put it on him!
  7. 3 points
    I went out of Westport WA for albacore last weekend. My wife booked a 6 pack day boat for family. Everyone but my father and law and I ended up dropping out for various reasons. We went 45 miles off shore. First time tuna fishing and it was incredible!!! Most fun I’ve ever had fishing!! Sounds like it only gets better and better when you have more people on the boat. We ended up with 27 between the two of us. The captain actually jumped in on one bite and jackpoled one!!! Cool to see. Got hit on the troll within a half hour every time but had trouble keeping them up on the bait with only two fisherman. 150# of fresh albacore for us!! I’ve never had it fresh, it’s incredible!!! Now I know what tuna fishing is all about. I want to get down your way and try for bluefin and yellowfin!!
  8. 3 points
    13. this is my third tag. ive killed a buck in arizona with a bow muzzy an rifle now at 25 years old. dad gave me the rifle tag when i was younger though.
  9. 3 points
  10. 2 points
    Thanks to an invite from an old High School friend and my Brother-in-Law's (both residents) willingness to go with me, I was able to finally get my first grizzly in AK. This was a hunt my Dad always wanted to go on, but never got the opportunity before he passed away. I used his old model 70 .338 Winchester that was handed down to me, because it only seemed right. I was actually able to connect with a great interior Grizzly and as an extra bonus I tagged out on a nice black bear boar also.
  11. 2 points
    A few more photos. Taylor ran for over a mile to get in between the buck and his doe’s he made the perfect stalk, and perfect shot.
  12. 2 points
    Belly hooks were killers vs. nose hooks for us on the yellowfin. We didn't use #1 hooks, just #2. Have chewable Dramamine. Take 2-4L of your own water. We had water on board, but I was grateful I had 1L nalgenes in my bag. 100SPF kids swimming spray sunscreen gets you back in action faster. Have a ton of fun, and take lots of pictures. I thought I took more, but I didn't.
  13. 2 points
    Shake and Bake....Ricky Bobby...
  14. 2 points
    I don’t think 25gns more up front will change anything enough to notice. A slick trick and an appropriately weighted arrow will kill anything you need it to. There will be basically zero difference in anything going from 400 to 425 grains. Now, if you bumped up to 500+, you’ll get more penetration. Stay off the shoulder and have fun
  15. 2 points
    Sounds like they need to be Harvested😏
  16. 2 points
    I have had the same hunt the last two years and drew it again this year. Lots of elk to be seen and pretty much all over the unit is elk country, from the pines in the Williams corner to the rolling juniper hills to the flat plains. The closer you are to Williams the more crowded it will be with other hunters so the further you are from town the better. Since most of the unit is elk country just pick a spot you like start glassing with a decent pair of Binos, ideally on a tripod. That’s what I did 2 years ago and have found a herd that I (think I) can regularly count on. It’s a very enjoyable hunt, especially if the weather is nice and as long as you get out of the truck and do some hiking/glassing you will probably see elk. I’ll be up there in a golden/beige F-150 and glad to give any tips or help if you’re struggling during the hunt. If you have time to scout before the hunt I highly recommend you do that, especially if you will only be hunting opening weekend. It will help you get the lay of the land and find a good spot to camp and hopefully find some elk before the hunt so that you know where to go come opening day. Good luck!
  17. 2 points
    Wow, well played sir.
  18. 2 points
    This might be my favorite thread in years. Rooting for you man.
  19. 2 points
  20. 2 points
    Hopefully a deserving Veteran or a kid that will appreciate it. I donated it to the OE4A.
  21. 1 point
    Our senators are proposing a federal red flag law, but currently there isnt one in the country that has any due process they just come to your house and take them and ask questions later. We dont need this on the federal level. The universal back round check thats been proposed wont allow us to hand a firearm over to one of our kids or a friend without a back round check, not even as a loaner without making you a felon. They need to stop passing laws that only effect the law abiding and focus on the criminal. Below are several links to send letters out to the president and senators. https://oneclickpolitics.global.ssl.fastly.net/messages/edit?promo_id=6868 https://gunowners.org/action-alert-trump-needs-to-hear-from-you/
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    What a Great post. Just found it and caught up with season 1. Looking forward to season two to start in a few days. you have a lot of guys rooting for you.
  24. 1 point
    I have completed several sales in that parking lot without a single issue. Not one buyer has had a problem meeting me there.
  25. 1 point
    Thanks everyone! Now I get to concentrate on my archery bull hunt. Brian