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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/18/2019 in all areas

  1. 9 points
    I got it done. 1 shot and done... Awesome hunt!!!!
  2. 5 points
    That's bullcrap. Don't let people be shitty. They outnumber us if you let them. Even if it was confusion he should have cleared it up by now. He took the easy way out. Likely got more $ than advertised cause he priced it like he stole it, and definitely made the never buy from and shitty human being list....
  3. 2 points
    Went out the other day solo and shot this nice bore. Shot was like 250 yards and saw him run into some thick brush. I worked my way over to try find him and after looking for a bit I wasn’t doing any good. It started to get dark so had to make a few phone calls to have some buddies to come out to help track and pack out. He only went about 40-50 yards in to some thick stuff. Looking for a bear at night by myself was a little sketchy so I’m glad I have some good friends that came out and helped.
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
    I would love to beat the f-Uc outta that guy .. What a retard , these people just don’t quit .. wth ?
  6. 2 points
    Sadly it's true. This year has shocked me. Not so much the long range guys or the spot and stalk folks, it's the houndsmen this year. Part of why we use Hounds (or what we all say) is so you can properly identify sex, make sure sows are dry, and have the option to release if it isnt big. I've seen some "big name" hound guys letting people kill bears you could throw in a fanny pack. Sad. Defeats the purpose of having Hounds and makes everyone who drives a hound truck look the same to non hound hunters. I've released giants before, I dont care to kill them. Someday I might, I have hounds to watch them work. Sadly it's become a money game for too many people.
  7. 1 point
    My daughter has unit 10 jr tag in Oct. Have the Big Bo permit lined up. Looking for info from folks who have hunted it recently about good camp areas for a popup etc. I am headed up in the the next few weeks to have a look around. I have the unit 10 map the AZGFD put out years ago. Anybody know if that is still accurate for the ranch?? Feel free to PM so we can avoid all the bullshit Thanks
  8. 1 point
    Getting ready for the early archery hunt. Who else is double and triple checking gear and hoping the weather changes in time for a good rut? My target is gonna be dead after switching to broadheads for exact tuning.
  9. 1 point
    God Damnit Terry, now I'm hungry. You bastard.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    That guys is clue less. Our murder rate is half his quoted number, and we are not in the top 50 countries in the world for mass shootings/murders. There are 7 developed counties in the world that have a higher number of mass shootings than the US and none of them allow their citizens to own guns. The majority of our violence is also concentrated in the largest cities, if you remove NY, NJ, Chicago, New Orleans, LA, DETROIT we drop to third in the world for murders. thats number three from the bottom or lowest murder rate in the world. Brazil took away firearms from the public and their murder rate almost doubled. Its about 65,240.
  13. 1 point
    Interested in selling, bare or with scope, make me an offer
  14. 1 point
    A dozen drunks with shotguns comparing wieners...not my idea of a good time. Besides, I've already met all you corn baggers.
  15. 1 point
    Laws are not the answer unless they target the criminal. If they take away one tool the wacko will just get another tool. The democrats wont stop with just semi auto rifles, it will be your shotguns and handguns. They will word into the law making everyone think its only "assault rifles" and we will lose. Take a look at all the shootings and gang activity in california, chicago, ny, nj gun control dosent work they have very strict gun laws. As for the red flag laws they are their new tool to end gun ownership thats why none of them have any due process. California's new red flag law allows your boss to turn you in. They offer free tuition, health care but dont publicly state how they will pay for it? Can you imagine the VA health care system with an extra 320 million people added to it? I watched the words leave cortezs mouth "we need a 70% tax base". They cant control an armed society.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    I’m only in if NoBull and NatureGirl are guaranteed to be there.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Great bear, congratulations.
  20. 1 point
    Thanks Ashley, that was very helpful. What else can you tell me about you and your uncles parking lot area and how can I take help from it?
  21. 1 point
    See, I honestly kind of disagree with this. I think no bull knows everything there is to know about the situation he's just trying to bad-mouth the game and fish in Defence of his brother.
  22. 1 point
    Looking for some new recipes or techniques to spice things up this year! Usually, I make poppers and kabobs. Both are great, but looking for a change up.
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    Nice, but maybe a few more pictures without your mug in them?🤣
  25. 1 point
    Thanks to BeardownAZ (and his wife) for meeting me halfway (90 miles) to sell me his Kodiak tent. It was exactly as advertised and I'm thrilled to get it. It is really a nice tent and will make an excellent base camp for my upcoming bull elk hunt,. Thanks again BeardownAZ and he's one of the good guys on this forum. Eddie