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  1. 6 points
    3 hours to go. Freaking long day!!!!
  2. 4 points
  3. 3 points
    I'm headed to Wyoming tomorrow morning at 0400 to start my first Archery Antelope hunt. This will be my third trip to Wyoming in 5 years. I've had great success in all my past trips so I'm hoping for the same on this one. I have a limited amount of time to hunt, but with great info on the area expectations are very high! This will be 100% spot and stalk. I've spent the last 4 months practicing shooting. I've never shot better in my life. I feel extremely prepared for this hunt. Fingers crossed!!!! I'll post daily pics and info to keep everyone updated. Here are some pics of my past Wyoming hunts.
  4. 2 points
    Dang...weve had more than 7" at our place so far... no more please the flooding is getting old. 20190731_153330.mp4
  5. 2 points
    This group will target whatever is biting. There are some serious fisherman on the trip but most don't have the gear for larger specimens. We won't be targeting big fish. Personally, I think it wise to go all in on the big BFT. Having an opportunity at the giants without going long range is a worthwhile endeavor. The downside to such a trip is the skunk factor. These guys just want to catch fish (which is cool too).
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
    Your never going to get there if you keep stopping(lol).
  8. 2 points
    Now you jinxed everything. Will probably rain 3” between now and then
  9. 2 points
    Its coming. We have a weak kneed apathetic society that stands for nothing unless its government handouts or so called government security blankets offered by corrupt politicians. Our society is more concerned about feelings and turning cities and towns into crime ridden shanty towns for homeless and illegals, then the actual law abiding citizens of this country. We have turned from morals and values to anything goes. And as such, we are going to reap what we sow!
  10. 2 points
    Thats sportsmans money, tax payers arent funding the dept.
  11. 2 points
    So I did the co-op thing and Russ even met with me in flag to go over maps before the hunt . He talked to me about the co-op and what goes on up there. What I was told to expect is exactly how the hunt started . As the hunt went on things changed. I learned quickly for me to be successful was to take all the info I had and info given from previous hunters , Russ haters and Team Russ guys and do this myself. I noticed info started flowing one way when you walked in and out of Russ's trailer and some of the things that I was told wasn’t happening. The things “not to do” he or his crew were doing. A few of us stayed together and traded info as the hunt was going on and as we left and came back. All 3 of us tagged out. If you know how to hunt and can gather the info for all the tanks you can do this on your own. There’s enough previous hunters willing to give info needed to be successful on this hunt. I’m not a Russ hater but I don’t agree with how things are going down up there. Dont be afraid to do you. Don’t allow him or crew to dictate how your hunt goes down.
  12. 2 points
    Your getting uglier the older you get
  13. 1 point
    BFGs TKO's lasted just over 1 year on my dodge 2500. The rubber compound is too soft for 3/4 trucks and if you tow a 5 th wheel it's game over. I'm on my 5th set of Coopers AT3. Love them!! When I made the switch, believe it or not, my gas mileage improved over the BFG's.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Here are a couple video from trail cameras, 1. Cheap Cams 2. They got slobbered on pretty good 3. Most of the big bulls haven't shown up since the cattle moved in. Enjoy STC_0131.m4v STC_0132.m4v STC_0553.m4v STC_0552.m4v STC_0485.m4v STC_0552.m4v STC_0553.m4v STC_0132.m4v
  16. 1 point
    Sorry guys, 295 is all he scores. Good angle, good setup, sitting behind the bull and picture taken from a lower point on the hillside. I am not a professional scorer, but I am competent and run an honest tape. We spend a lot of time staging our animals for a good picture. Not trying to fool anyone, just wanting to have a picture that is as special as the kill.
  17. 1 point
    Sorry but I believe this bull pictured that Pine Donkey posted looks bigger than 295
  18. 1 point
    And that 295 is a really nice looking bull!!!!!
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    I will sell you the hardtop for 7499.99 and throw in the Jeep for a penny more.🤡 Thank you sir
  21. 1 point
    I'd like to know what A3 would score that bull.
  22. 1 point
    Nobody wants to pay extra for bad news.
  23. 1 point
    In my mind there is hunting, killing and down right murder. Hunting is when you work your butt off for an animal, no matter how big the bones are. Killing is like this guy did, and murder is like resting your rifle on some fence post shooting something in a pen like Uncle Billy's dried up milk cow or a canned hunt if you will.
  24. 1 point
    I grilled some yellow fin teriyaki steaks last night, making room in the freezer for my Labor Day run to La Paz . I'm starting to twitch, I need to get on the water.
  25. 1 point
    Unit 9, unlike many other units, has a lot of "broken" antelope country. It's a less conventional antelope unit, with less "typical antelope country" than many other areas. It's a big unit, with antelope scattered. It might take some time scouting to turn up a buck worth shooting. I would concentrate on the southern third of the unit, on both sides of the highway. Good luck!