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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/23/2019 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Mr Dillenburg, I received an email from one of our Board of Directors, asking that I read a forum on Coueswhitetail.com. After reading your initial statements about the Bar X Ranch, the USFS and your I’ll informed statement about water tanks, I knew exactly who had written this blog. Your group of environmentalists and “anti’s” are familiar to many Sportsmans organizations, the Gila County ranching community and the USFS, your reputation precedes you. A little about myself and the organization I represent, Arizona Mule Deer Organization (AMDO). My name is Jim Lawrence, president of AMDO. I have been in the wildlife conservation arena for over 15 years, served on the Board of Directors with National groups - Mule Deer Foundation and Arizona Wildlife Federation and have received several State / National awards for my conservation work. I sit on several committees with AZGFD, including the Habitat Partnership Committee (HPC) and the Landowner-Leasee-Sportsman Relationship Committee. I am also working on a Master Stewardship Agreement with USFS on all 6 forests in Arizona. AMDO is a 501 (c) 3 non profit conservation organization, who’s mission is to improve and enhance habitat for our struggling Mule Deer. You can find out more by visiting www.azmuledeer.org. AMDO is very familiar with the Bar X Ranch, I believe my organization can speak with confidence about the ranch, the owners and their commitment to wildlife and habitat conservation. Your comments about the Bar X Ranch couldn’t be any further from the truth. AMDO has worked extensively with Mike and Diana Hemovich and the Bar X Ranch over the past 6 years, developing waters for wildlife, rebuilding catchments, adding solar to all the Bar X Wells, adding water storage tanks and pipelines, removing old barbed wire fences that were a hazard to wildlife and even hosting a workshop for Chinese Forestry / Animal Biologists. Since purchasing the ranch 13 years ago, Mike and Diana have poured hundreds of thousands of dollars in to improving habitat and infrastructure for both their livestock and wildlife. As I work with ranch’s all over Arizona on a daily basis, you won’t find a more respected or trusted ranch. Here is a little info on the Bar X you might not know. In 2018, Mike Hemovich received one of AZGFDs highest honors, “Wildlife Steward of the Year” award, he is past president of the Society for Range Management, current President of the Gila County Cattle Growers Association and actively participates with USFS in yearly range monitoring on the ranch. Mike and Diana take a science based approach to managing the ranch, working closely with USFS and other organizations to monitor conditions on the ranch. With respects to USFS and the Tonto National Forest, here again you won’t find a better managed and respected team of professionals than the Tonto. We work with all Arizona forests and can speak with experience. I’m sure my letter here today will not stop your groups continued and unwarranted harassment of both the Bar X and the USFS, but wanted to assure you that we fully support them. Lastly, it’s obvious that you are either ill advised or sadly uninformed about the correlation between ranchers, wildlife and waters. I would love to show you hundreds of photos of Arizona wildlife, watering at ranch built and maintained water sources. Without these waters our wildlife would surely suffer. I’d like to invite you to visit the Bar X with me at your convenience, where you will see how development of these waters has exploded the population of Turkey, Elk, Deer and Bears. Water development is AMDO’s specialty, so we do know a little bit about the subject. Jim Lawrence President Arizona Mule Deer Organization
  2. 4 points
    Not current but may be cool to see. Here is my '16 Coues as he progressed through July. And on opening day.
  3. 2 points
    Bucks in my area arent hitting the salts at all. This guy was just passing by.
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
    I laugh all the time about all the people thinking 6.5 creed is so revolutionary. The 260 has done it for years, and the 6.5x55 has done it for 125 years. The only thing a 6.5 creed can do that a 6.5x55 can't is fit in a short action. So many good old calibers like 6.5x55, 264 Win Mag, etc are overlooked because they are not the new hot thing. Some of the old stuff is better than the new hot thing many times.
  6. 2 points
    I'm guessing that there are long-term water rights obligations laid-out contractually. Likely can't adjust and shift those obligations in a whimsical manner from year to year. Also likely that overall their would be MUCH more money to make in the 'water' business as opposed to license sales for a single body of water. At the end of the day, ALL Arizona reservoirs are here for water management first. Recreational fishing (even "premier fishing") is always going to be secondary. As a fisherman, I might not like it, but it is the way it is.... S.
  7. 1 point
    All the post above sound great, But I see no evidence their skill, or cost. How about the picture , equals 1000 words? This photo is of my trophy room. Yes, I mounted them all in my shop. price $450.
  8. 1 point
    Mr. Lawrence, Thank you for the background on the Bar X ranch owners. Appreciate the work the deer association and other like minded organizations perfrom. Welcome to the site.
  9. 1 point
    Haven’t seen someone so unanimously hated since NefariousRed. Good work team
  10. 1 point
    More sunscreen...bigger hat
  11. 1 point
    Running cams for the first time in years. Hopefully will get my wife a crack at this guy and hopefully get her first deer this summer.
  12. 1 point
    Dealer transmission will just fail again. Fred rebuilds, but bulletproofs them along the way.
  13. 1 point
    Yeah, public opinion has vaulted a lot of lesser cartridges to the forefront while sweeping excellent ones away. .260 Remington is another great example of that, although its enjoying somewhat of a comeback in the long-range game. Its puzzled me how all these new super cartridges, as a good as they are, are often treated as revolutionary... we've been down this road before starting with the exceptional 6.5x55!
  14. 1 point
    Expect plenty of hunters glassing the Coconino Rim from down below in the upper basin. If it is dry, you can boringly sit water all day. I had a tag two years ago that went from dry to 10" snow and -15F, so be prepared for extremes. Most of the bulls I have seen have been at the very first and last lights. Have a good hunt.
  15. 1 point
    Ok Travis here you go. 2005 F350. ARP head studs, fully deleted and bulletproofed. SCT custom tuned. 87,000 miles. This is a weekend truck only.
  16. 1 point
    This is my wife's daily driver. This thing is going to get me arrested someday. Had a "bit" of work done to the motor.
  17. 1 point
    I have a couple other cars that are in the fleet that are cool also.
  18. 1 point
    Wife and I do like our mountain bikes. Cutting edge carbon for her, old school titanium for me.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    First time poster, long time stalker. Sort of wierd topic to come out on, on a hunting site. Anyway here’s my 67. Someone was asking for muscle cars
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point