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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/21/2019 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    If you haven’t got it in the mail yet you probably are not getting one
  2. 2 points
    I'm still on the fence with this. You would think if several people had pics of his deer in other units they would be posted someplace. If it's true maybe they have been ordered not to post them publically but still you would think some would have been leaked or whatever and posted here. The only thing I personally find suspect is what hunter ever posts a pic of his animal with a specific landmark in the background? I think it's safe to say we all pretty much go out of our way to make sure it is not obvious where an animal was killed.
  3. 2 points
    Halarious..Fricken halarious..
  4. 2 points
    That's what it's all about right there. Two great bucks for two pretty young gals.
  5. 2 points
    I thought this was about the raffle bull, not about someone slipping in about a unit the know absolutly nothing about, get off your butt and do the work
  6. 2 points
    Spent the last two days up here in God’s Country enjoying cool weather, long day’s and some beautiful scenery. Got to re-familiarize myself with the roads, talked to the game warden and a couple of landowners. Man’s of course it wouldn’t be a trip without some kind of hassle. Took a rock between the treads on the weak sauce factory tires the rental truck had. I was very disappointed to find that the jack provided by dodge was barely tall enough to raise the truck on perfectly level ground, which this wasn’t. So I spent an hour or so digging a hole with a stick to allow us to put on the spare, which was full-size, but not regular matching tire. It was marked limited-use and was about as thick as a water balloon. I was really worried we Would cut that one trying to get out. Luckily we made it back to the highway, but we did have to cut our scouting a half day short.
  7. 1 point
    Before January 2019, I hadn't taken a buck with a bow or taken one with a rifle since 2016. For 2017 and 2018 rifle seasons, I told my husband if I couldn't find one at least 85", I was going to pass. Coues meat is my favorite, but we had enough for the two of us with his bucks. Passed a handful of nice bucks on both hunts and had a couple blown stalks during the bow seasons. Opening morning of the 2018 rifle hunt, I glassed up 2 bucks a little over 500 yards away. The biggest was about a high 70's, maybe 80". Not wanting to shoot, we continued to glass. About 25 minutes later, we hear 2 guys walking up on us. My husband asked if I wanted to tell them about the bucks and I said sure. He tells them the distance and asked if they wanted to take one and the guy said "you bet!" We had him look through our optics that were a tripod so he would know where they were. He gets set up with his rifle and my husband gives him the range. He shoots and isn't even close... hits 3 feet below the bucks feet and way right. The buck doesn't even spook because the shot was so far off the mark and the other buck just continues to feed. He's getting ready to fire again and my husband told him to hold on and shoot our rifle. It's dead on... I took an antelope with it with one shot at 709 yards. My husband sets up the gun and dopes it for him. The guy slides behind the rifle and can't find the buck in the scope. After a few looong minutes of my husband dialing the power on the scope up and down for him, he finds him and is ready. We get in our binos, tell him just hold right on him and smoothly squeeze the trigger. The gun sounds off and the buck takes 5 steps and is down for the count. The guy is so excited! I think he thanked us and shook my husband's hand about 6 times. lol It was a great feeling to help someone and see them so appreciative and happy. Fast forward to January 2019..... We are on the archery javelina hunt and I always have an OTC deer tag. We have put in almost 4 miles and the pigs have given us the slip twice. Back in December I had sprained my ankle and it was still pretty sore. I told my husband I needed to give it a break, so lets glass a little bit. We set up the tripods and are only in the glass about 3 minutes when he says those words we all love to hear..."I got a buck." What follows was even better..."He's a good one." We didn't have to do "rock, paper, scissors" to figure out who gets to go after him, because he didn't get an OTC tag this year. Lucky me! The buck was feeding in certain direction and the wind was good. To make an already long story short, I was able to position myself in front of where the buck was trying to go. I was in the shade and had good cover. I had time to tell myself..."Make this count. This doesn't happen every day. Stay calm, aim and follow through." I had ranged a few areas where I thought he was going to come out as it was real thick. At the 40 yard clearing, he walked right on by. I can now see he is coming straight at me. I'm watching him through the brush and with the terrain, he's either going to keep on his path or turn and come broadside in front of me at 25 yards with a clear shooting lane. Well...he turns. This is it...it's gonna happen! Everything now slows way down...it was the strangest thing. Almost like slow motion. I can see him on the other side of the brush. I draw my bow and settle in. I see his nose clear the brush, then his eye. He has no clue I'm even here. Now his neck and then his shoulder. I place my pin in that sweet spot just behind the crease and follow him. My bow fires, I don't remember touching off the trigger. It hits it's mark. He spins and blows out of there running straight away from me, so I can't see the exit. I watch him disappear and crash into the brush. I'm trying to see if he comes out on the other side of the brush...he doesn't. I still haven't moved and I hear some huffing sounds that are either him or some pigs then all is quiet. I wait about 15 minutes and decide I can slip down and see if I can find my arrow quietly. I find it and good blood right away and mark it. My husband stayed up on the top of the ridge, so I figure I better go get him and let him know I hit the buck. From where he was at, he couldn't see me, but he heard the arrow hit and heard the buck take off. The second he sees me he asks "Well?" I will never forget the look on his face when I told him I hit him and it should be good. It's now getting late in the day and we're worried about it getting dark. Lucky we had one bar of service to get a call out to a great friend to head our way in case we needed help finding the buck in the thick stuff. It's now about 40 mins after the shot. My husband and I get down to my arrow where I marked the blood and start slowly tracking through the brush. A few drops here and there, nothing, then a big pile, then back to a few drops. I'm not gonna lie...I was wondering what the heck? Maybe I didn't hit him as good as I thought. Then, "There he is!" He is off to the left....in the thick brush...and he is done! I couldn't believe what just happened! From where he was shot, he went about 60 yards. So many things have to go just right. I'm so thankful it was meant to be for me! We had him hung in a tree and skinned when our friends got to us. 2019 has started off almost like a dream. Let's hope the good mojo continues. With 9 bonus points I have drawn an early archery bull tag. Please keep your fingers crossed!
  8. 1 point
    Got my left over tag in the mail today.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Spoke to Tom yesterday, he made it so easy to transfer a 4A Bull Sept (archery) tag that a family member cannot go on. Tom it's in the mail.
  11. 1 point
    I was told by local old timers Jim Grammer and Don Grady (now both deceased) that the Freddy Fritz story was one of the last if not the last griz killed in the state. But as I recall they said the Fritz bear fight happened in the 1920's. Likely close to the truth, because they both knew the Fritz's well that lived and ranched in our area. What do you think about that pilgrims?
  12. 1 point
    What did you draw? I'm applying for a left over 35A tag.
  13. 1 point
    Let me know what you think. Probably buying 15s this year, but thought about the 12s too (UHDs or others)...just can't drop EL money...too much for a non-pro to spend.
  14. 1 point
    Refunds get mailed out by today and tags get mailed out by the 31st.
  15. 1 point
    I have looked at a few website but they don't have any pricing. Lost an old friend and wold like to do one for him since he doesn't have anyone but a sister, never married. Like to do something nice.
  16. 1 point
    Did a really nice but simple one for my wife’s mom a few years back. Cost about $1500. Wedge shape, one carved picture/symbol and all the usual words and dates. Don’t remember the website but it was something like headstones . Com or something easy like like. Price included shipping to our house or cemetery. Chose our house so we could pick the day to set it. It was so heavy and I was alone so I called the funeral home that buried her and they met me at the cemetery and helped me set it free of charge. Did a simple decorative brick border around the grave and filled in with lava rock. Came out nice and the family was happy.
  17. 1 point
    I’m stilling trying to figure out who I blame for not drawing a 23 tag this year?
  18. 1 point
    for a lawyer your reading comprehension SUCKS. however your spin is up to par. I said you lied about this part, (highlighted) I never said anything about the FOIA request, you and the "WE" the people werent out camping or recreating with with each other and started counting cows. court docks show it as I am 100% correct on who you all are. Dont you have an ambulance to go chase I aggressively asked for your name ???? let me guess your one of those Fagbook types aka Susans, I'll send you a "Hurt feeling Report" and you can make your poor poor pitiful me/drama queen case.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    Deer dont migrate otherwise all of the Mexican Coues would be in AZ looking for free stuff.
  23. 1 point
    Love having dad.
  24. 1 point
    Wellers in Tucson......amazing
  25. 1 point