My prediction is that the average # of BPs required to draw the more desired rifle tags will go down because knowing that left-over tags are (or very soon will be) a thing of the past, many people will abandon the strategy of stockpiling BPs.
The choice will no longer between the chance at a “premium” tag and an almost guaranteed leftover but, instead, a choice between the chance at a “premium” tag and not going rifle hunting at all.
This may be truer for us older folks though. Now that I’m on the back nine of life, hunting now holds great allure. Waiting 8 years for a “trophy” hunt means I’m hunting with a body that’s 8 years older too. Mind you, I’m still in the fight and try to stay fit but, whether we realize it or not, we’re all fighting the indefensible assault of time. Carpe diem, and all that. Life's short. Hunt hard. Hunt now.