Actually I don't "know" that. Is there a law that prevents you from stating facts of his innocence? Perhaps you have been given advice from an attorney not to discuss this? Maybe a court order?
There is no "fact " that you could relay that would in any way hurt your brother's case. Public knowledge of any "fact" would do nothing but help your brother, especially in the sentiment department. With all of the bashing that has gone on both for and against him, "facts" would go much further than accusations and name calling.
So if you are allowed to come to a public forum and claim his innocence and disparage any person with a different opinion, surely you are not under any court order or advice to refrain from speaking on the matter. As such, what exactly is preventing you from stepping up and putting this thing to rest?
I don't know you or your brother and have little to no knowledge of the event(s) in question. I have only been following this thread because the behavior is very entertaining in a dumpster fire sort of way.
Or, perhaps I simply misunderstood your answer and you are not willing to expound on the 2% for which you claim he is actually guilty.