The link below displays an interactive map (I am developer) showing the latest perimeter for the Woodbury fire. Each time you open the map it also shows the latest satellite hotspot data. This project is a public service and part of my way to “pay it forward”.
None of this data is ‘real time’. Never rely on any map to ignore an order to evacuate!
The fire perimeter (red and black line) is determined as a result of an overnight flight by a plane equipped with infrared sensing gear. That data is then analyzed by fire staff in the wee hours and the resulting data is hosted on the NIFC FTP site for anyone to use. When there is a big fire (like this one) I get up early and make sure my map is displaying the most recent perimeter.
Eventually this same perimeter data shows up on the Inciweb map but for reasons unknown (at least to me) it often takes hours for that to happen. OK - I just checked. The perimeter shown on the Inciweb *interactive* map is from June 20. Not helpful!
There are two MODIS satellites (red triangle) and one VIIRS satellite (orange square). Together they make 4-6 passes per 24 hours. By the time you see satellite data on any map it is already 3-9 hours old.
The map can display 20+ layers of authoritative data that are hosted on federal GIS (Geographical Information System) servers. For some tips on using the map, please click “Map tips” in the upper left corner. Next to the “Map tips” link there is a “Legend” link.
Want to know more about what the satellite hotspot data shows and does not show? You can find that information in the “Map tips”.
Want to make your own custom map link? Yup, see the Map tips.
When you open the map it is zoomed in a bit on the most active area today.
Open GISsurfer map:,-111.224732&zoom=12&basemap=ESRI_scanned_topo_USA&overlay=VIIRS_24_hours,MODIS_24_hours,GeoMAC_current_perimeters,ESRI_roads_and_labels&txtfile=,Woodbury