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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/19/2019 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    Thank God for Mexican spotted owls. Otherwise they may have let it all burn. lol
  2. 3 points
    Just read on the Tonto Twitter page that the work done around the Reavis Ranch area was successful. They released the following pictures. Looks like the orchard is ok. “....personnel are happy to report that mitigation efforts in the Reavis Ranch area, including the "Medusa Mother Tree", historic homestead foundation, old orchard, and Mexican spotted owl habitat were successful..”
  3. 2 points
    Browning lightning blr 3006 high gloss walnut stock with 3-9x40 Nikon buckmaster scope asking $675 obo contact David (602)9894326
  4. 2 points
    There are no bear or whitetail in 24B. The Coues I shot there a couple years ago was lost, alone and rabid.
  5. 1 point
    I have wanted to post this for a while and now that we wait for the new draw results, I thought I would share and reminisce. After completing the 2019 deer draw application for my son, this was the first time not being able to apply him for a Jr hunt. I now must come to accept my little man is becoming a man… and a great man at that. I could not be prouder of him in many things in life, one being an outdoors-man. Over the years he has grown and learned from the countless fishing/camping/hunting trips we have taken. Last year he went out in style with the youth trifecta… successful youth turkey, elk and deer in the same year. This after many years of “successful tag soup hunts”, I say successful cuz I consider any hunt with my kids a fruitful adventure. Thank you for the memories buddy, now go make me some grand children to take hunting/camping… don’t tell his mom I said that , lol
  6. 1 point
    Anyone ever hear of this Bowyer? Since beginning to build arrows for myself and friends I have been meeting folks who have old items in their garage, these are custom built wood arrows from 50 plus years back still in the box. Still shoot great.
  7. 1 point
    It's with a heavy heart I share the passing of a long time cwt member and friend Mike Leas, aka GameHauler. He passed away June 14th at his home in Payson, Az. He lift behind two beautiful daughters, Dani and Linnea. I had the pleasure of making many good memories with Mike and the girls on many hunts. One of my favorite Topics Mike started on here was "Let's See Them Kids". My thoughts and prayers are with Mike's family and friends. TJ
  8. 1 point
    Got an old friend looking good. New bull I like the looks of.
  9. 1 point
    Selling my current setup to go with larger glasses. Want to sell all together but may seperate. $850 obo for all. Also have box for binos. Binos were only used one season. Awesome glass.
  10. 1 point
    We have a litter of German shorthair pups that should hit the ground in the next week or so. We are excited for this litter for many reasons. Duke and Bella are both healthy dogs, Duke (liver and white) weighing in around 55 pounds and Bella (black and white) around 40 pounds. Both are ground pounders and noses that will find game birds. Duke trialed for a couple years in Arizona and Texas for NSTRA. We did well and he handles like a well oiled machine. Bella is almost broke. Her heat came right about the time we were starting to get serious about finishing and thinking about force fetch. Both of these dogs have temperaments that are amazing. Family dogs when not hunting is how we raise our dogs. Smart, loving, energetic, and loves all (including strangers). We are asking $550 for males and $650 for females to CWT members only. The pups will be AKC registered. We don't know if they will be liver and white or black and white. Duke comes from the Crosswind Truckin Fritz (16X NSTRA Champion) line. Bella has Rockin G's Warhead (4X NSTRA Champion) lines. Please let me know if you are interested. I will post pictures of the pups when the time comes. Always available for questions if needed. Thanks for the interest.
  11. 1 point
    Two dozen apple and a couple pear trees best I can recall.
  12. 1 point
    They leave their crap lay around the house, sometimes its sharp and you step on it barefoot. They put holes in drywall, and they hide food near the table instead of eating it. Sometimes they use a toy toilet to actually go to the toilet and getting most of it on the floor. They hang on towel bars and toilet paper holders rendering them useless. They throw things in the house knocking pictures off walls, deer mounts come tumbling to the ground, full glasses of water get knocked off the table and glass shatters. they swear they showered and washed their whole body, miraculously they did it with dry hair. As a father you will learn how to remove and install a toilet that's clogged with a teenage mutant ninja turtle shampoo, or a toilet paper rod holder, or maybe even a full sized trout. Your never going to have a back on your tv remote control EVER again. Anything you own which is shiny will forever be covered in sticky hand and finger prints. They will peel one of the buttons off of your electronic gun vault, even after having there rear end smacked several times just for touching it. They will stand outside your door and say "daddy, wook" and you ask what it is and he says.. "its a boogey!", they will go to the bathroom with mom in a busy gas station on the way down to rocky point and run out naked pants down in front of all the other woman and proclaim "I pulls on my weiner wank" the whole time while hes manhandling his lil jhohnson. They will fall into the lake right after you warned the whole crew they will be punished if they fall in the lake. One day they might shoot a roman candle at their own 10 year old boys feet and yell "Dance Cowboy!!", maybe they will even steal a big old stack of porno mags and try to sneak in the house walking like the tin man with 7 of them stuffed under their shirt (yes, even I have been a bad child a few times, and yes I got caught). They will promise to use their bb guns safely but come crying when they got shot by their brother, ensuring their own a$$ beating as well as everyone elses. They will promise to feed the new guini pig but yet "Sophie" tragically dies when your little boys was "just petting it". But then one day you will come home from work and your little girl will scream with pure joy and excitement "DADDY!!!!" and come running for you to pick her up! They will crawl up in bed with you and snuggle into your armpit. You will see them catch their first fish or harvest their first game animal! These are the momnets I live for and they all make all the bad moments seem like distant memories. Even after 5 kids and having a business which pretty much measures up to a pretty stressful life, I can honestly say, I would not give this up for the world! Happy fathers day dads.
  13. 1 point
    I'm wondering how the orchards at Reavis have survived 150 years of lightning and fire storms. Perhaps they'll survive this, perhaps not. For two decades I 've packed in to Reavis for the beauty and the bounty. Always anxious to sink my teeth into a juicy Golden Delicious when ripe or smelling the apple cobbler cooking in the damned heavy dutch oven you reluctantly packed in and didn't dare leave back in the truck. The last Coues I took was while resting my antique .06 on the last southwestern most Apple tree in the orchard. I always resented the usfs stance against that orchard, they were not indigenous and they wanted them gone. Hope those trees are a thorn in the forest services side another 150 years.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Where are all the fish pics????
  16. 1 point
    I don't think the fire will hurt the dwellings , I think people will be shocked if it exposes a bunch that weren't known before.
  17. 1 point
    Hung 4 last weekend, wonder what has walked by so far......
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Some crazy 3rds if the tops match, wow
  20. 1 point
    Here's the bow to go with the arrows, at full draw it feels more like 60lbs, I'm guessing my draw is longer than planned for this build its 65 X 50lbs and very cool that its ambidextrous, shot it from both sides.
  21. 1 point
    This was the last week in Apr
  22. 1 point
    i leave them out all year.
  23. 1 point
    That exact same argument could be made from someone who can’t afford a $120 elk tag from the state. Drawing the line at what you personally can afford doesn’t it any different that you too are buying a public resource.
  24. 1 point
    Not saying anything about working your butt off to afford to do this. I'm just being realistic and honestly I have my own opinions about the donate to betterment of wildlife hunt. I can tell you I have been on both sides of the ball. I've been the guy with the paid hunter. I have also been the guy on the other side of the fence. I once found a huge antelope in Wyoming (pushing 88-90) and went after him during archery season. Opening morning of the hunt I found the buck where I had left him (after a couple months of watching him). I stalked within 60 yard of him and was about to crest the dike on the water tank and stick him in his bed. All of the sudden a truck comes flying down a two track within 80 yard of the antelope and I... scares the buck off. Commissioners tag hunter with a guide that I recognized. They watched me stalk the buck, and as I was about to seal the deal they decided that it was best to interrupt. We exchanged pleasantries and they proceeded to drive over the hill and shoot the buck with a rifle... Me personally, I'm rooting for the dude with the raffle tag. I understand the suck of having a deer shot with your client there and missing out on a paycheck too... Obviously it becomes a shoot show when you have the pressure to deliver on these tags and I'm sure some crazy crap happened and it was a foot race to this deer. Anyone remember the several month long story about a certain elk in Utah..."spider bull"... it happens all the time.... half of Utah was after that bull... Some people just need to pull up their big boy pants, give their feelings a big hug and wipe the tears from their faces. Congrats to the hunter, sweet a$$ deer....
  25. 1 point
    My position is that being successful at what you do for a living and being able to afford expensive things isn’t Bad. It has nothing to do with guiding or even for hunting.