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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
  2. 2 points
    If you are a hipster with money to burn just go with Kuiu. Otherwise just hunt.
  3. 2 points
    I have been on the cold water fire for 13 days . They have been using guys out of this camp to help fight the Webber fire . They have been hitting the Webber pretty hard with air attack due to the extreme terrain . Last I heard it was at 20 acres and the sat guy says it’s not putting off much smoke .
  4. 1 point
    I have debated about what to say about this as I know some have mixed feelings about these highly sought after tags being donated. But after thinking about it I hope that if we are able to share the story that more people might enjoy the experience this increasing the good that has come The selfless decision someone made to donate the tag. A little background. In April of last year my son Hunter (9 at the time) was diagnosed with Charcot-Marie-Toothe. CMT is a degenerative neuro-muscular condition that causes muscle atrophy and reduced sensitivity in the extremities. As a result of this condition Hunter also had hip dysplasia in both legs which led to two separate reconstructive surgeries last year. He turned 10 in August and we squeezed in a youth Kaibab hunt as well as a cow elk hunt (from a donated tag) between surgeries. I was proud of his effort as he did whatever he had to and filled his deer tag and stuck with it through three cold days for his elk hunt but that tag went unfilled. He goes to PT twice every week and probably will do PT//OT until he is skeletally mature. We are blessed that his lifespan is not impacted and for now he can walk and ride a bike likE his friends, other than limited strength and the unknown of when and how fast the degeneration of his nerves will occur. Well a couple week’s ago Eddie Corona from OE4A called and asked if Hunter would be interested in an antelope hunt. This has been an aspiration of his for several years since accompanying me on scouting trips for my antelope hunt in 2014. So the next day, after going to PT, and the dr and getting x Rays we met Eddie Corona and picked up the tag. It’s been his top choice every year since so of course we were in. Then to find out it was Unit 10 tag, well, we were over the moon. I hope to share this experience with as many as possible and want to make sure that those involved know how much this means to a kid who has not had an easy past 12 months. Thanks to Eddie and everyone who helps OE4A in anyway and also to Darren Couturier who donated the tag. We can hardly wait to share the journey with everyone.
  5. 1 point
    Anyone ever hear of this Bowyer? Since beginning to build arrows for myself and friends I have been meeting folks who have old items in their garage, these are custom built wood arrows from 50 plus years back still in the box. Still shoot great.
  6. 1 point
    Webber fire above camp Geronimo. Fire restrictions should have been in place already. Tonto starts tomorrow.
  7. 1 point
    Hopefully they get out. Doesnt seem like this fire is moving all that fast like the Wallow fire did with the exception of yesterday. I definitely wouldnt turn down the tag if I drew it!
  8. 1 point
    Somewhat hamstrung right now.. The landcruiser is throwing a code 71 and I took the egr valve off to clean.. perhaps in a few days?
  9. 1 point
    Not sure camo makes all that much difference. I will admit I have not jumped into "high end" camo pool because Kings camo has served me very well. To the human eye, the stuff that blends in the most to the surroundings is larger pattern stuff with a good mixture of light and dark colors. Leafy wear works really well too.
  10. 1 point
    I just wish I could get first lite and kuiu to blend together. I like suspenders and zip off pants. That would be sexy, shorts with suspenders in camo. Haha it is AZ though and even in January it's hot hiking in anything
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    I'd sell my mother in law for a sheep tag.
  13. 1 point
    Coues deer live below 3500 too. Lots of them. This is where you just have to go scout buddy. Find an area that feels good and deer show up in your binoculars, then watch everywhere they go and how they use the terrain. There are coues deer in 95% of 24B.
  14. 1 point
    Dude if you are only sixteen put in for some of the youth hunts next time. Unit 23 has a youth any antlered deer tag and you get to hunt before all the other hunters. Lots of Big Muley and Coues in 23. Also, if you have not already done it go do your hunter safety course. It gives you an extra point for all species. Then next year you will be entering the draw with 2 points instead of one.
  15. 1 point
    90% of us just take binos into the field. A Spotting scope is for after you find deer that are far away so you can get a closer look. Most people are content with 10X and 15X binoculars as they have enough experience with bucks to know if it is a buck they want to shoot. Not a dang thing wrong with walking five miles. We have all done it and most do it regularly and it will give you experience you can't get by looking through a pair of binoculars like finding tracks and bumping critters and learning how to find your way out and back. Don't believe everything you read you are on the right track.
  16. 1 point
    +1 on Flatlander's excellent post. In addition - I would add to specifically start with 10x binoculars. 12-15x are great and praised for good reason, but with as much $ as you are going to have to invest elsewhere, and size of deer not being an issue, 10x will serve all your needs in the forest and open country. Then you can invest in heavier, more expensive deer finders later. 15's tend to overlook the deer that are already in (or closer to) your shooting range. Practice out farther than you plan to shoot. My ethical shooting distance ends when my 3-shot groups exceed 4", YMMV. Also have an idea of what your 1st, cold bore shot does compared to warmer bore shots 2 and 3. Hopefully you just need the first one. When you sit to glass with your tripod, sit within shooting distance of expected encounters whenever possible, have your firearm ready and always keep the wind in your favor for both scent and sound. I killed my first elk 30 seconds after snoring, downwind with my back to a tree and my rifle in my lap after hiking 6 miles that morning. A quick 20 minute nap often keeps me focused for the rest of the day. Finally, search this site for everything that comes to mind. With exception to new equipment, everything a beginner could hope to learn already lives in these forums. Here are some of my favorite threads -
  17. 1 point
    Yeah but if i do get drawn I don't want to be completely clueless.
  18. 1 point
    Good advice above. Next you need to learn to understand how the AZ draw works, it can be a bit complicated until you understand it. If you applied for the late December hunts draw odds are low, whereas if you apply for some earlier hunts especially in southern units your draw odds go way up and even guarantee you a tag for many hunts. Since you are new I'd recomend going for the early hunts and don't get hung up on trying to kill a big buck. Just kill any legal buck and boost your confidence. Tons of info here and lots of Good dudes to offer help and insight. Fyi, there is a tripod in classifieds right now for $80 its a vanguard 264 AO, slam dunk for the price hes asking (considering most name brand tripods are $300 or more). Thats what i started with and just now upgraded the heads on them all. Tripod and 15s are an absolute must.
  19. 1 point
    Regardless of whether you draw or not get a jump on getting yourself some gear. Firearms: You don’t need anything special. But if you plan to keep hunting coues you will find yourself wanting to shoot longer distances. I would recommend finding a common cartridge with a wide offering of factory loads. Any of the .30 cals are great (.308, 30-06, .300 win mag). The 7mm family have very good ballistic co-efficient and lots of factory options (7mm rem mag, 7mm-08) and of course right now everyone loves them some 6.5 mm, particularly the 6.5 creedmore. In reality, just about anything from .243 up will work just fine. Some sage advice here would be to buy something with lower recoil as you will enjoy shooting it more and will this spend more time practicing. I would suggest staying with a common factory platform that has lots of options to customize in the future. Remington 700, tikka, Ruger American Predator, and most of the savages are a great launching point. In regard to optics, you will need a rifle scope and binoculars. A spotting scope is a nice to have, but not the first place I would spend my money. I would rather hunt without boots than without my binoculars. Spend some money on your rifle optics, but prioritize your binoculars. There are plenty of low cost options these days that are far superior to what we were using even ten years ago. Expect to pay at least $300-$500 on a starter pair of bino’s and at least $300 on a rifle scope. Don’t forget a tripod. Without one you are basically wandering around the desert looking for Easter eggs. Also, this website is a good resource. If you poke around on here long enough you will find lots of info on low cost binoculars and other gear. Just look through the archives. Good luck and hit us up with other questions as you go.
  20. 1 point
    Get the tag before you worry about logistics of the hunt
  21. 1 point
    I’ve seen cattle drop with a .22 and coyotes run off after taking a hit from a .300 win mag. I’m sure I’d want some sorta pistol in grizzly country but I’d be going for bear spray first.
  22. 1 point
    We go between the highways on the way to Payson.
  23. 1 point
    Okay. You guys have made up my mind to apply for only the late December hunts since I’m this close. Probably a 10% type odds for first choice and a 40-50% for second choice. If I don’t draw I’ll go down in January, scout around, and try to send an arrow through one.
  24. 1 point
    Aaaaaand this is why we can’t have nice things. Stupidest thread since “Bowtech Truck”.
  25. 1 point
    Sounds like one side of a 2 sided story. I have no dog in this fight but lol at blaming not getting the deer because of a phone call. I mean really?