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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/2019 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    By John Kolesza In Arizona, a small parcel of land in the Heber area was designated a wild horse territory in 1974 as prescribed in the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971. At the time of designation, there were seven horses present and the area was designated as being roughly 19,000 acres. During the 1980s and early 1990s, the horses in this area died out. By 1995, the Forest Service could not find a single horse living in the wild horse territory. In 2002, the Rodeo-Chedeski fire destroyed over 500,000 acres of forests in areas surrounding Heber. With fences down, tribal horses streamed onto forest lands. By 2005, there were over 250 horses when the Forest Service announced intentions of rounding up these trespass horses. Lawsuits by horse advocates followed. The federal court issued its ruling in 2007 and directed the Forest Service to develop a management plan for the horses. Conservationists across Arizona have seen the dramatic changes in the forest areas of Heber and the horse numbers are estimated at between 500 and 1,000 head. If there is a culprit in this, it sits in the total lack of accountability with all of the forest supervisors and staff that have allowed the situation to fester over the past decade. A reasonable number of horses and a plan needed to be developed. The Apache Sitgreaves National Forests has created a climate of hostility and resentment, as well as an entitlement attitude by the horse advocates. The 19,000 acres that were designated as the horse territory has been expanded. The total land that feral horses now inhabit is over 400,000 acres. The “wild” horses are no longer wild, they graze with impunity at campsites. They are often referred to as the “bullies” of the range as they hoard water holes and drinkers to the exclusion of other wildlife. It is simply unacceptable that feral horses are managed differently than resident wildlife, lawful grazing, and at levels that clearly cannot be considered to exist within a “thriving ecological balance” as prescribed by law. This summer, public comments should occur (if the Forest Service can find the time) and that a plan will be put together. The wild horse advocates will scream in protest and file lawsuits so that the plan is on hold indefinitely. Sadly, these advocates do not care at all about any other wildlife. Last, but not least, illegal activity by frustrated people who do not share the passion that horse advocates do is reprehensible. Frustration at the inept forest management is the cause. The Apache Sitgreaves National Forest employees allowed this mess to fester for over 10 years with no action. The forest in another four years will be decidedly worse off and the number of horses will double by that time. Shame on the horse advocates for not being reasonable. They want the whole forest and the way things are going they will soon have it. I pity all of the other wildlife that is being forced out by the bullies of the range.
  2. 2 points
    Yea snowflake figured you had to be thin skinned to not get the joke but we’re good. I’ve been called worse by better !🥴
  3. 1 point
    End of the school year fun!!!
  4. 1 point
    Touchy, I got it. Great price
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    He is simply asking if any has ever shot out a .270 barrel. If you have, how many shots did it take to lose 1MOA of accuracy. I do not think he has shot his out, just trying to gauge when he might expect to start seeing signs of a shot out barrel.
  7. 1 point
    Currently there are two. Both are sub par from my experience and research. I have enough trouble perfecting my shot I certainly don’t want to be second guessing my set up. Just got the email I drew a NV archery deer tag and still have my OTC AZ tag so I really want to get everything dialed in now so I can concentrate on scouting and hopefully put a tag on my first ever buck this year.
  8. 1 point
    I have the same 10's. They are Awesome!!! Smoking deal!!!!
  9. 1 point
    Awesome deal free bump for a great deal. I would buy them if I wouldn’t have literally just got a pair of 12x50 el last week.
  10. 1 point
    The problem needs to be dealt with sooner or later. It is only getting worse. I will admit, when I first read this title, I thought it was going to be about the Ben Avery range masters.
  11. 1 point
    Bull Basin. The best there is up north. Great people. Located in Flagstaff
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Depends on which congressman lol! Nice machine.
  14. 1 point
    1 ph 31 spf Also a few things added.
  15. 1 point
    There is a reason why they have been shooting wild horses on the Apache rez for years.
  16. 1 point
    Pretty lame that the forest service has done little to nothing about this. Even worse that the libtard horse lovers think that the forest, and public land is there for these entitled feral horses to destroy.
  17. 1 point
    Some don’t get it do they (LOL) snowflakes
  18. 1 point
    Yep. I feel like a 24/7 entertainment director.
  19. 1 point
    My mom gets quite a bit of work done at dental school down there. Significant discounts.
  20. 1 point
    If You don't get the joke ,forget it...........Good luck.............BOB
  21. 1 point
    Deal. This thing can become a CWT legacy toy....lol It just needs more speed and a ramp! Oh, and bump for the little red wagon still for sale!
  22. 1 point
    This is awesome! Let me know when you guys are through with it and I’ll buy it from you. I’ve got a 1 year old and another boy coming in August. Maybe when your kids grow out of it, they will be ready for it!
  23. 1 point
    No doubt a little hiking will get you away from the other hunters but don’t let it discourage you even when you see others. This past year a guy killed a beautiful buck 300 yards from me in a canyon I was watching in one of the 36s. I never saw the buck until he killed it and up until the shot I didn’t even know he was there and he probably didn’t know I was there. I moved to a different ridge but still watching the same canyon and killed a buck about an hour later. Just get out, do your own thing and have fun.