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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    By John Kolesza In Arizona, a small parcel of land in the Heber area was designated a wild horse territory in 1974 as prescribed in the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971. At the time of designation, there were seven horses present and the area was designated as being roughly 19,000 acres. During the 1980s and early 1990s, the horses in this area died out. By 1995, the Forest Service could not find a single horse living in the wild horse territory. In 2002, the Rodeo-Chedeski fire destroyed over 500,000 acres of forests in areas surrounding Heber. With fences down, tribal horses streamed onto forest lands. By 2005, there were over 250 horses when the Forest Service announced intentions of rounding up these trespass horses. Lawsuits by horse advocates followed. The federal court issued its ruling in 2007 and directed the Forest Service to develop a management plan for the horses. Conservationists across Arizona have seen the dramatic changes in the forest areas of Heber and the horse numbers are estimated at between 500 and 1,000 head. If there is a culprit in this, it sits in the total lack of accountability with all of the forest supervisors and staff that have allowed the situation to fester over the past decade. A reasonable number of horses and a plan needed to be developed. The Apache Sitgreaves National Forests has created a climate of hostility and resentment, as well as an entitlement attitude by the horse advocates. The 19,000 acres that were designated as the horse territory has been expanded. The total land that feral horses now inhabit is over 400,000 acres. The “wild” horses are no longer wild, they graze with impunity at campsites. They are often referred to as the “bullies” of the range as they hoard water holes and drinkers to the exclusion of other wildlife. It is simply unacceptable that feral horses are managed differently than resident wildlife, lawful grazing, and at levels that clearly cannot be considered to exist within a “thriving ecological balance” as prescribed by law. This summer, public comments should occur (if the Forest Service can find the time) and that a plan will be put together. The wild horse advocates will scream in protest and file lawsuits so that the plan is on hold indefinitely. Sadly, these advocates do not care at all about any other wildlife. Last, but not least, illegal activity by frustrated people who do not share the passion that horse advocates do is reprehensible. Frustration at the inept forest management is the cause. The Apache Sitgreaves National Forest employees allowed this mess to fester for over 10 years with no action. The forest in another four years will be decidedly worse off and the number of horses will double by that time. Shame on the horse advocates for not being reasonable. They want the whole forest and the way things are going they will soon have it. I pity all of the other wildlife that is being forced out by the bullies of the range.
  2. 2 points
  3. 1 point
    Took my buddy and his daughter out pig hunting this past year. First day was a snowy mess yielding no pigs. The following day we were able to turn up a group of pigs about a mile away. Took his 12 year old daughter and a pretty steep hike to get her 290 yards from the bedded pigs. One well placed shot from her 6.5 Grendel and the rest was all smiles!! Good day for sure Whitey Raegan_pig.mp4
  4. 1 point
    I have a canyon cooler 125qt with three baskets I bought it new and have used it with no issues. 300$ for cooler and baskets, it’s marble/sandstone color. 9288125906 Justin
  5. 1 point
    Great cooler at a good price. hold a lot of beers and ice
  6. 1 point
    I literally just posted it! Was about to post a pic. Stock only!
  7. 1 point
    Here is a easy way to understand the law. Simple don’t use them after June 1 2019.
  8. 1 point
    As a school district, we still utilize large copiers as a centralized print shop. We run about 2 million copies a month, and about 60% of that is for other school districts. We have a very nice setup, so whoever gets this job will be able to learn hands on functional skills for small and large projects. We have maintenance agreements on these machines, so little to no experience is needed working on fixing copiers. That is not the job. The job is production. Thanks!
  9. 1 point
    I will shamelessly plug that we are still in need of a Lead Mechanic and Fleet Technician as well at Kyrene. Same website to apply!
  10. 1 point
    I would talk to a behr rep. Catfish kev if you are using that much paint you are losing money if you haven’t got on their program..
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    You have been much closer to cats than that.......and many times. Lucky he didn't think you looked yummy. I was calling last year at a location where I had a camera on some water about 300 yards away. Got done calling about 30 minutes before dark. Headed to camp. Checked the camera the next morning to see that the lion was at the water tank 20 minutes after I ended calling. He for sure knew I was there and probably watched me pick up my call and walk to my truck.
  13. 1 point
    The unit has elk from the south end to the north end. Bulls will move when the rut starts so finding them now don't mean squat. Follow the bugles and you will be fine.
  14. 1 point
    Seem like legit questions to me. I don’t have any spots to share nor would I put them on the internet if I did. But to answer your questions yes there are a ton of tags and yes the hunt can get crowded. But like others have said there are ways to escape it. As far as quality, this is more of a quantity unit than a quality but some big bulls can and do come out every year. My advice would be shoot the first bull that makes him happy. The only other thing I would add is to just try and enjoy the hunt for what it is. Taking a bull is a nice conclusion but the fun is in the hunting. Make the most of it. He didn’t ask for crap from you. There is no need to be a peckerhead. The dude wants to know if it gets crowded with all the tags in the unit and what caliber of bulls to expect. He even goes to the extent of saying HE IS NOT ASKING FOR SPOTS. Seems pretty fair to me. No need to belittle the guy for asking some simple questions.
  15. 1 point
    those cartridges are almost collectors items...Western Super X! I remember my dad having those for his 32 Winchester, I have a full brick of 500 22 LR of those, that were given to me by an old timer who didnt shoot any more.... I wont even consider shooting them, just keep it in my office.
  16. 1 point
    With AZGFD looking for new ways to create revenue and the next draw coming up I had a thought. How many of you guys would pay to watch the draw process? Or even better what if it was an event like the NFL draft where they had an expo and banquet and made the selection process public? I’d go for sure at least 2x per year.
  17. 1 point
    I would pay extra to have them draw my name:)