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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2019 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    Been out walking the dogs every chance I get. This has been the best year for finding horns for me. Found my first confirmed lion kill, first match set, first nice deadhead (only deadheads I've found have been spikes 🤣🤣). Heres a few pics. A few of the dogs are locating sheds, one brings them back, one runs off with em, and my pup is addicted to them.
  2. 4 points
    Based on the 2018 BP report, I am slated for my first late December coues hunt in 2019 and I've been scouting new area since archery ended in January. I set new cameras Sunday and saw 15+ bucks with buds and at least 60 doe. I also found a nice deadhead on an unmapped water source and a "white" coues at 1.1 miles away. The weather was incredible, it was a glorious day in new country.
  3. 3 points
    Be careful in Mexico. I went to dental school in Glendale and saw some really bad stuff come out of Mexico. Their cost per procedure is going to be lower but they are gonna make it up in volume. I can’t count how many times I saw someone who needed one crown and a couple fillings and they came back with 4-5 crowns. Yes they probably spent the same or less for those 4-5 crowns but the thing about dental work is that if you do 4-5 crowns poorly you’re setting yourself up for a really really expensive future. Everything dental goes up exponentially each time you mess with it. A sealant is $30 (sealing a crack before a cavity) a filling is $200 (cutting the cavity out and filling it back up) a crown is $1000 (cutting the tooth into a top hat shape and recovering it with a new ceramic top) a root canal and crown is $2500. Taking the tooth out and replacing with an implant is $3500. All of these prices will be lower in MX, but I can promise you they don’t stay in business at the prices they charge without doing volume. If someone comes into my office for a $1000 crown my overhead eats up pretty quick. If I do two the second one has much much higher profit and so on. That’s how they make money on a $300 crown. The other thing to keep in mind is the dental lab work from down there is atrocious. I saw stuff in dental school that I know I could have done better on when I was 8 yrs old. Just for reference, my dental lab charges me $250 to build me a crown. That’s what it costs for quality work. If I charged $300 for crowns I would go out of business in a hurry. Im betting they get their crowns from Mexican labs for $15-30. Scary thought if you ask me. When you think about the stuff a tooth has to go through, acid, hot coffee to cold ice cream in the same bite, hundreds of PSI of pressure. The thought that a $15 piece of lab ceramic made by an underage worker in a lab mill in Mexico is gonna make it more then a few years is not happening. That’s my two cents on it. Get a dentist you trust. Spend the money. You won’t regret it. I wish I were closer I could get you set up.
  4. 2 points
    Its a good thing we didn't have that in or frat house back in the late 80's. God knows what would have gone on.............
  5. 2 points
    gonna get this started.....Fluorite?
  6. 1 point
    Going to list this on GB for a buddy in Green Valley/ Sahuarita. Wanted to see if there was any interest locally. Title basically says it. It has the 16.5" threaded barrel and is in a tan synthetic stock. Scope has the dual BDC for Sub-sonic and full loads. Been shot but in excellent condition. Comes with three mags and at least 3 boxes of ammo. Has close to $600 in it with ammo and extra mags. Thinking $475. Thanks, Kent
  7. 1 point
    Brand new never been shot https://www.howausa.com/american-flag-chassis Make me an offer
  8. 1 point
    He lives in Camp Verde but I’m willing to take him wherever for a bow
  9. 1 point
    Very cool area and full of deer! I'll come walk the draws for mearns while you overwatch and pop any bucks that I push out!
  10. 1 point
    I set new cameras Sunday and saw 15+ bucks with buds, none carrying. Also found a nice deadhead.
  11. 1 point
    My mom gets quite a bit of work done at dental school down there. Significant discounts.
  12. 1 point
    Was this a AES raffle win? Dang i keep trying for 1 and it just ain't happinin...
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    It’s 9.75lbs
  15. 1 point
    Who sold them to you?
  16. 1 point
    I also think that hunt success numbers put out by AZGFD are garbage. They not accurate due to voluntary reporting. Also, people use a lot of points to get December tags and often go home empty handed because they expected that hunt to be something it is not. They incorrectly assume that their late December Coues tags are "rut-hunt" tags, and likewise assume that they should expect to see multiple 100+ inch deer on those hunts. They are not rut hunts. At best they are pre-rut, and in a good year, you might see a little rut activity the last few days. The advantage is fewer tag numbers and a longer hunt period.
  17. 1 point
    Seriously are the books for sale or not
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Troll a DD22 in either white splatter black or in pearl white near in the channel leading to Humbug just before sundown. Once it gets dark out, anchor in 50' - 70' of water, drop a green light 10' below the boat and start chumming with frozen cut anchovies. The action should start in 30 min or less. If it doesn't, move spots. Dropshot cut anchovies on a 1/0 circle hook on 6# flouro line and it should be game on. It works.
  20. 1 point
    Tractors officially gone. Only red wagon remains. Pretty surprised this is still here. Very good condition, great price. Could double as a meat carrier for dove hunting.
  21. 1 point
    I have the 20 x 70 eye piece. It's Amazing!
  22. 1 point
    Seem like legit questions to me. I don’t have any spots to share nor would I put them on the internet if I did. But to answer your questions yes there are a ton of tags and yes the hunt can get crowded. But like others have said there are ways to escape it. As far as quality, this is more of a quantity unit than a quality but some big bulls can and do come out every year. My advice would be shoot the first bull that makes him happy. The only other thing I would add is to just try and enjoy the hunt for what it is. Taking a bull is a nice conclusion but the fun is in the hunting. Make the most of it. He didn’t ask for crap from you. There is no need to be a peckerhead. The dude wants to know if it gets crowded with all the tags in the unit and what caliber of bulls to expect. He even goes to the extent of saying HE IS NOT ASKING FOR SPOTS. Seems pretty fair to me. No need to belittle the guy for asking some simple questions.
  23. 1 point
    I think they have to have 3-points or less on one side? No positive though. Wish i could help, i know nothing about it. I’m sure it will be a blast but 16bp’s for a management hunt seems crazy? Gotta love the Utah draw system.
  24. 1 point
    I wish I could fit in the tractor!!
  25. 1 point
    Pretty sure the move has already been done, but that was a fantastic sales pitch Julie.