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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    My wife and I put down our loyal yellow lab this morning. Charlie was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He likely had a little more time, but we decided to do it when he was still in good spirits. He was 9 1/2, extremely low key and loyal. This dog will make a long impression on me. I already miss him terribly.
  2. 1 point
    I am going into my 8th year living in 19a and I can tell you, for this point in May(over that span of 8 years), conditions have never been better than what it is right now. So much food! Now, just as things are starting to dry a little, we are expecting some good rain this week. Just in time to give food production a big boost, I haven't been out looking at the goats recently, but they were looking fat before all this food production. Right now, the whole valley is green like monsoon season, Good news for the handful of tag holders.
  3. 1 point
    I used my Andriod with OnX maps down by Mexico chasing turkey on opening weekend. I was in airplane mode due to no signal and used my OnX without issue. To save battery, I would turn on/off the gps as needed and it would find me and keep my waypoints that I saved and can pull them back up. If you keep your phone on airplane mode and use gps as needed, battery will last. Or you can use a charger system which will power a phone for a few days.
  4. 1 point
    Okay last time $400
  5. 1 point
    ya think this might scare some folks off? california budgets lol.
  6. 1 point
    This Sven? He has no thumbs...? Nice bird!
  7. 1 point
    Got mine on Friday. I definitely was in need of a new quality glassing pad and so far I have an excellent first impression of this one. Can't wait to get it out to break it in.
  8. 1 point
    Yeah, that’s a hard no for me. We are fighting to keep AZ away from having a banquet raffle/auction like Utah has. Having a banquet just for the standard draw would be a small foot in the door. How many tags are issued through the draw in AZ? The banquet would have to last for a week.
  9. 1 point
    Maybe back when they drew from a barrel, but to watch a computer now?
  10. 1 point
    Registration of vehicles is nothing more than them getting into our pockets another way. Basically, a tax. Why does it cost 400+ dollars for a new car but an old truck is 50 bucks? Still using the same roads. Has nothing to do with being allowed to own the vehicle. Apples to oranges.
  11. 1 point
    I have a feeling the draw is a lot like sausage being made... I'm not sure I really want to know how it works and I seriously doubt they want everyone watching it happen live. In theory, it should be simple, hit enter and boom... History says it's not that easy..
  12. 1 point
    There would be some serious fights at that banquet!!!!
  13. 1 point
    Sounds like my times to the lake when I was in Gilbert. I had identical trip times. Lived in Gilbert. Saguaro always got the nod. I lived for Wednesday’s between 3p-7p hellofa way to break your week up from work and often had the lake ourselves.
  14. 1 point
    I had a 17ft about 14 years ago when I lived in Tucson, used it for two years then sold it, the trips to the lake were a whole weekend because of the distance- slowly stopped using it. Last week we got a used 21ft Sea Ray with a 5.7 liter with 360 hours ($7500)... We have used it 3 times thus far and loved every minute of it- if we rented a boat for 3 trips we would have paid rental fees of $1000, which I know we wouldn't of done....probably just sat home. Looking at the receipts from the previous owner, looks like on average $300 a year in maintenance. From my door to the boat launched is 30 mins for Saguaro and about 50 mins to Canyon - very glad I can store the boat at my home. Very nice to get to lake around 8 am and be home around 2. Saguaro gets very busy on weekends, definitely have to be on the look out - boats and jets skis move fast on the lake. Like I said, so far it's been a blast. Good Luck
  15. 1 point
    I’m in the minority here. I bought a brand new sea ray 18.5 footer. Never had any issues. Always wiped it down after lake days never beached it. Used it pretty hard but always stored in the garage. Ended up selling it for my asking price! Buy new and take care of it.
  16. 1 point
    laws do not prohibit CRIMINAL activity nor do restrictions make it more difficult to obtain ANYTHING. Not is today's society. My favorite question to ask antis is this: Since you are for criminal's rights, and you are all for making guns illegal to own, once they become illegal will you THEN support my right to own one? Pretty much a discussion ender....lol
  17. 1 point
    These are the people that provide fresh needles to junkies. They are better at twisting the legal system than we are.
  18. 1 point
    When I have debates about gun control, I usually bring up the fact that street drugs have been illegal decades, but if I wanted to I could get whatever I wanted in 5 minutes on any street corner in the US. Just because there is a law prohibiting the possession of something doesn't mean squat. More laws won’t solve any problems. (*see the never ending war on drugs) Guns are here to stay whether legal or not. Libtards need to get used to the idea.
  19. 1 point
    Fox News and Fox 10 News. Huge difference
  20. 1 point
    Arizona is becoming rapidly californicated and the news stations are leading the pack!!! They aren't doing us any favors.............
  21. 1 point
    Online application service is open
  22. 1 point
    The people complaining probably had red for Ed written on their car windows lmfao
  23. 1 point
    I don't want to pay for gates, they should use items in the area to block it and put a real sign on it then doze it 100 feet in and fell some trees on it. Most importantly block and sign the other end , they are real good at signing one end and leaving the other open.
  24. 1 point
    Great numbers.... unfortunately you forgot about the support staff that are not sworn officers. Disagree with the amount of the fee, not with what the money is supposed to be used for.
  25. 1 point
    I hope she is ok. The fathers parents were prohibited persons=prohibited from having children.