I had a unit 1 tag yesterday. in the morn had a bird roosted thought it would be a sure thing. Got there 1 hour early set up a decoy that I normally don't do, Bird is hollering away on the roost. Comes down and goes other way. . I followed and chased and headed off. We played till 9;30 ,Got a few of his hens to come in but he would stay 100 yards out consistantly. We went up and down hills over a creek zig zag . was an educated bird ,One of the toughest I ever had. Finally he quit talking and game over. He kicked my butt. I was sore mid day.Afternoon got windy I just slept against a tree hoping one would come thru . Nothin. Half our before dark I decided to move and try to roost a bird for next day. Tried about 5 spots ,nothing. Then at the last place I went where I heard one the night before , One blasts off hundred yards out. I thaught thats my play for tommorow as it is getting dark. I got off the road and much to my surprize He's closing distance. I grab the gun ,get set up and sure as heck He keeps coming. At 35 yards boom ,1 shot with # 4 pheasant shot he was down . Still legal shooting lite ,but getting dark I didn't think he would come . It was 7: 10 or 7 :15 PM. So easy and it made up for all the hard work in the morning I did. Talked to 7 guys from 2 other camps and nobody killed. I feel this was a lucky one, but it came from being persistant and not giving up and working till last minute of day. Never give up hang in there. I have allways hunted birds all day. Killed a couple Mid day and as many at nite as in the Morn. But the Morn is the funnest I think. The rest of the day is working it. Pics to come in an hour ,gotta go get more ice rite now. Finally ahunting story from me instead of Bullcrap. LOL..........BOB!