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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2019 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Looking for elk found some mulies. This past Easter weekend. Two matching sets.
  2. 2 points
    A park ranger friend stepped out onto his driveway one evening and a speckled bit him on the ankle. He got life-flighted pretty quickly, and still spent 3 days in ICU in Las Vegas. They are pretty dangerous. forepaw
  3. 2 points
    I have been getting this a lot lately when selling something....the buyer is on the other side of town and wants a discount to cover the cost of his gas. I always just laugh and tell them NO. If you don't want to drive across town to buy something, then look for chit on your side.
  4. 1 point
    I thought I'd share another project of mine. Mostly done in my garage/wanna be shop. I wanted this to be as cheap as possible so I could keep the boss happy! Remington 700 223 SPS Greyboe stock Tally Rings Leupold VX-R 4-12×50 Here is the beginning. As you can see here the action port was a little long and the butt pad needs to be fitted. Opened up the barrel channel free float the barrel. Bedded and built up the elongated ejection port. While that was curing gave the rifle a good needed cleaning as it was a used rifle. After curing, shaped butt pad, and sanded down action area to match the contour of the stock. Sent stock over to Applied Hydrographics(here locally) and had it dipped in black multi-cam. While waiting for the stock to be finished, I bedded and lapped Talley rings, sorry no photos for that. Mounted scope and put it all together after retrieving the stock. Here is the finnished product! I plan on shooting Hornady 53 grain V-max bullets in front of CFE 223, I have a ladder/velocity/pressure test loaded and will fallow up after the shooting is done, and will share my next step in the load development process. For you expert reloaders out there please chime in as reloading is a never ending learning curve. Thanks for looking and whatever input you can add.
  5. 1 point
    My daughter had pet rats for 4 years. We are getting rid of the cage they resided in. We paid $350 for it. Could use a new bottom tray. Other than that, thing is in great shape. 4 story condo w. ADA ramps. $ is a 12 pack of Redbull
  6. 1 point
    Two nice sets at that!
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Just got mine today too. Nice job! Wife want all 3 pairs lol, doesn’t wanna share.
  9. 1 point
    I love that gun! Should sell quick
  10. 1 point
    Don't pull the trigger on that little piggy it won't stay look normal any more.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    I bought 2 pair and they arrived today. Sydney does very good work. My wife was impressed. Guys, help her meet the goal for such a great outdoors trip.
  13. 1 point
    I drew my second choice: first hunt in 26. The western boundary of this unit is a few hundred yards east of my house. Get to sleep in my own bed and eat my wife's cooking! At my age, that sounds pretty darned good!
  14. 1 point
    Nice job with the stock. If you don't have brass that has been fireformed to the chamber, fireform new brass first before working on a load. Is this a factory chamber and do you know barrel twist? Also is this a repeater or a single shot? Repeater or single shot will dictate your seating depth and CBTO. After fireforming uniform primer pockets and flash holes. Use a headspace guage to set up sizing die and bump no more than .002". Make a dummy round and find maximum CBTO for your rifle. Hopefully you have a caliper and a bullet comparator to measure the cartridge base to ogive or CBTO. The best way to find CBTO is to remove the firing pin assembly from your bolt and seat in small increments until you feel just a slight pressure on closing of the bolt. This will be the "touch" measurement or touching the lands. From there you will move either into the rifleing or "jam" or away from the rifleing or "off". Start at .010" off for your ladder test and work your powder load in .3 increments from moderate to max. CFE has a good burn rate for heavier bullets in the 223 so it should do well with the 53gr. Vmax. All this may sound like a lot of work but it will bring the best accuracy out your rifle.
  15. 1 point
    I haven’t missed a year in probably 20 years. End of april-mid may (give or take a week) on a normal year is usually a guarantee. I’ll be the guinea pig i guess. Worst case scenario, i get out of town and cell phone service for a few days
  16. 1 point
    Buying or selling, a man's word is still his bond. Regardless of the times or how people think or the fact that it is the internet, it is still the measure of a man (or woman). I get that some people don't feel that way, but that doesn't mean the rest of us have to lower our standards and go along with the 'new norm'.
  17. 1 point
    Goes both ways. On numerous occasions, I get the "I'll take it", even on free stuff, and then they never show up, communicate, or end up picking it up, so back on the market it goes. Or wants ME to deliver something free to them 50 miles away. Or takes weeks to come and get it, then get pissed when it is gone when they finally contact me again. If I want it gone, I don't want to sit on it for another 2 months just for the first person who says, "I'll take it".
  18. 1 point
    Meanwhile in Sri Lanka 300 people died on Easter.
  19. 1 point
    At least on this site as you start a deal with a known flake you may get a pm with a warning from other members
  20. 1 point
    We got lucky and turned one up yesterday. It was my sons first time shed hunting. Completely made his and my day, he was tired and riding on my shoulders back to the truck when we found it. Quiet ride home
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    How do we just make a donation.
  23. 1 point
    I’m 50 years old. These attacks on our freedoms have commenced less than 10 years ago. This new, younger generation is the catalyst. Unfortunately, it’s your generation that’s ruined hunting. You guys can’t piss in the woods without posting a status update on Instagram! Hunting and the outdoors was so much better before social media. It was shared with only those people that were important to us and not every Tom, Dick and Harry on Instagram or Facebook! We’d go out, kill a few coyotes, sit around the campfire and talk about the fun. And that’d be it! Fast forward to today, and every second of every day HAS to be posted on Facebook or Instagram so you poor snowflakes can get some instant gratification or base your self-worth on others’ opinions. If guys would just go out, kill some coyotes and STFU, this wouldn’t be an issue. Sorry, but that’s the truth. Hunting here was so much better in the 70’s and 80’s and before the addiction to phones and social media that we see today.
  24. 1 point
    I picked the same set up up for 275 yesterday. But mine is stainless
  25. 1 point