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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/24/2019 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Goes both ways. On numerous occasions, I get the "I'll take it", even on free stuff, and then they never show up, communicate, or end up picking it up, so back on the market it goes. Or wants ME to deliver something free to them 50 miles away. Or takes weeks to come and get it, then get pissed when it is gone when they finally contact me again. If I want it gone, I don't want to sit on it for another 2 months just for the first person who says, "I'll take it".
  2. 3 points
    Buying or selling, a man's word is still his bond. Regardless of the times or how people think or the fact that it is the internet, it is still the measure of a man (or woman). I get that some people don't feel that way, but that doesn't mean the rest of us have to lower our standards and go along with the 'new norm'.
  3. 3 points
    Just now.... Should look good on my hat.
  4. 2 points
    Come See Us Friday, Saturday and Sunday 10am to 6pm -- Our Annual Smith & Wesson Spring Sale is this weekend April 26, 27 and 28. *ALL* Smith and Wesson in-stock firearms and accessories are 10% off their regular price - SOME (to be announced here) will be even lower. Please share this with a friend and stay tuned for more sale information... Conveniently Located Right off the 60 Freeway In Tempe at Baseline and McClintock
  5. 2 points
  6. 1 point
    Selling for my FFL a WInchester Model 70 Featherweight in 7-08. This is commemorative rifle from a RMEF banquet. Is as new in a Winchester metal hard case. Has a Burris FFII on it that is also RMEF branded. LOP is 13.5" Barrel is 22" $900 for the package, will separate if someone just wants the rifle. Am in Tucson. Thanks, Kent
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    It's the freaking internet...what you expect!
  9. 1 point
    Sorry, meant ones that buy scrap. We're gonna start stockpiling all the stuff from my jobs instead of paying to throw it away. Copper, aluminum, steel etc. Even though scrap prices suck might be worth a trip in December for Christmas bonuses for everyone.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    At least on this site as you start a deal with a known flake you may get a pm with a warning from other members
  12. 1 point
    Biggest problem is most that do this lack one item, COMMON COURTESY not to leave you hanging
  13. 1 point
    Yep, happened to me about a tripod in the past year or so. In a like manner, I am always amazed to see listings with a reply that says something like "I'll take it" and then the item is not sold. Old School? A man's word used to be good. To bad it''s often not the case anymore. This site has pinned threads for good guy buyers and good guy sellers. Perhaps it needs a pinned thread for flakes.
  14. 1 point
    Great deals!!!! Wish I had the extra cash for the Taurus. Great gun!
  15. 1 point
    Muzzy Bull Tags for me and my son
  16. 1 point
    I run the NABs, shoots lights out. Does what I need it to do. I’ve heard too many issues with the NABLRs. I personally would look elsewhere for a long range hunting bullet. Berger Elite Hunter?
  17. 1 point
    Ive heard better results with accubonds than the long range ones. But on that matter the only rifle Ive heard great results were with the .270 wsm which you got
  18. 1 point
    I have tried various NABLRs in 20+ extremely accurate custom rifles. Never had a single one that I find acceptable to my standards. MOA? Yeah. But not much better. I wish they shot well. 6.5mm 129 & 142 .277 150 7mm 168 & 175 .308 210 (and MAYBE the 190s?) All of my dwindling stock is now used solely for fire forming brass.
  19. 1 point
    We have killed a couple of cow elk, antelope and Aoudads all with the 142 out of 6.5 (3000fps). Bullets have all performed great at short to medium distances. They are a little softer than the regular accubonds and I have had 60-80% retention. I have had the nose separate and the core stay solid. They shoot great out of my gun. I also found they like a little jump, mine shot best at .050 another friend found the same. If your shooting them at 3200 fps you might see some big fragmentation on a close shot but the shank should stay intact. Don't think you would have any issues with them killing but might destroy some meat a close high fps shots, that would be the only down side. EDLX are the same, all the bullets that are designed to expand at low velocities tend to explode more at close range high FPS shots
  20. 1 point
    I've done lots of online sleuthing (no personal field experience with them) and everyone says if you're truly looking expansion at long ranges, its a pretty good bullet (as long as your rifle likes it). But, it sounds like 200 and under it can have some issues with over-expansion. I was looking at them for the same reason, a little heaver .277 bullet with good terminal ballistics at distance, but decided I'll stick with 145gr ELD-X.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    That’s a gopher snake. That’s a good snake.
  23. 1 point
    I just don’t worry about them. Come across them all the time too. They usually want less to do with you than you do with them. Most of them get a free pass, but when i come across a hyper aggressive one they usually get taken out of the gene pool.
  24. 1 point
    I've yet to see one, but Tikka was supposed to come out with a .22, and it was supposedly threaded for around 450.00. Nobody seems to have one.
  25. 1 point
    He goes by many names .. We English speaking folks know him as the Alpine ibex. In Latin, he’s known as the grandfather of all of the goats; Capra Ibex. In his native ranges he goes by several monikers; le Bouquetin the French speaking regions of the Alps of southeast France and western Switzerland, lo Stambecco in the Italian Alps, der AlpenSteinböck in the German, Austrian and eastern Swiss Alps, and Kozerog in Slovenia where he lives in the Julian Alps, the southern arm of Alps proper. To many hunters, he’s regarded as the King of the Alps; Der König der Alpen. I am in this crowd of hunters. He’s a special animal that most hunters are afforded just one chance at, if ever at all, in their lifetime. Permits are extremely limited and very hard to come by. He’s been immortalized in his native range in statues, sculptures, paintings, and writings. Hunters for millennia have looked up from the valley floors on clear days at the highest snow and glacier capped haunts the Alps have and pondered the chance to have just one opportunity to chase the long horned goats that live in those absolute vertical reaches of the incredible range they’d gaze upwards at. I had my opportunity in western Switzerland this past week. I’m humbled to have had the opportunity to receive this rare permit at a time that coincided with my chance to finish my Capra Super 20 (20 different goat species from around the world) I’m thankful, humbled and grateful. It was a hunt I’ll never forget. The Alps gifted me one of its Kings and he’ll forever hold a spot of the highest regard in my life and in my memories from here on out. Having finished my Capra Super 20, I have so many people to thank. Each of you all know who you are. Know that you’re all incredibly gracious good people and I’m a better man for having had the pleasure of you in my life. Thank you all.