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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/2019 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    This bird out played us yesterday morning. We put him to bed last night and went at it again this morning. He was hot and gobbling. Flew down and few more calls sucked him in to Dylan. 20 yd shot. We have 3 more years with Dylan as a junior hunt. Get your kids out there.
  2. 5 points
    We got lucky and turned one up yesterday. It was my sons first time shed hunting. Completely made his and my day, he was tired and riding on my shoulders back to the truck when we found it. Quiet ride home
  3. 3 points
    Went out this morning with both of my boys for the youth turkey hunt. We heard the first gobble at 5:30 am and about 300 yards away. We quickly cut the distance to about 100 yards. The Tom wouldn’t stop gobbling from the roost. Once he flew down he made his way straight towards us and our decoys. After a few minutes he came out of the junipers and Jacob took a shot at 25-yards and putting his first turkey down
  4. 2 points
    What appears to be a nice muley missing both sides in southern AZ, April 13th.
  5. 2 points
    This was my Wife's show horse, he was struck in the rear leg, after numerous surgeries he was able to come back to about 85%. Every rattlesnake that comes on the property is treated like a tresspasser.
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. 1 point
    My son went on his first turkey hunt today with a tag in his pocket. We heard a gobble right after the sun came up this morning. We had only been walking about 25 mins an called twice. We put out the decoy and got set up. He came in great but circled us the last 75 yards and got above us. We tried to reposition but the sun was right in our face and we couldn’t see. We kept quiet as he gobbled and passed around us, trying not to move. After a few minutes we backed out and moved up higher to the bench above us. I set out the decoy again and we set up above it. I let out a few yelps and 2 different birds sounded off. Within 10 mins my son says he see’s him. The Tom spots the decoy and starts running in. He breaks into a strut 30 yards from us. I hear the click of the guns safety as he goes behind a tree. I’m trying to video the best I can but I can’t control my shaking. The strutter catches movement as the shotgun gets shouldered and sticks his head up. He starts to turn away and I cluck to stop him. BOOM !!! The bird drops and starts kicking. We high five, shake hands and hug. It all happened so fast we are still smiles while hanging out in camp. a special thanks to Ammon at little creek calls. He makes great sounding calls, at least this bird thought so.
  9. 1 point
    Fished the Tonto end today and five fish in 4 hours. The brush is flooded and the water color was very good. 69 degree water. Should get better in the next few weeks as the fish adjust to the new habitat.
  10. 1 point
    Last October a buddy living in New river went out to feed the chickens and goats while raining after dark and got hit by a rattler in the top of his foot. Barely broke skin took 4 vials of anti venom and day in the hospital. I don't take chances with them.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    What did you get?
  14. 1 point
    Another vote for in reach here. I chanced a lot over the years, but now I have kids with me and their lives are far more valuble. And for that matter, mine is far more valuble too. My biggest fear of death isn't about me it's a out my kids going through the loss of a parent.
  15. 1 point
    Completly new experience for us, only ever done "party boat" type fishing until this trip. Lost a few good ones but landed enough to be dang happy. Me and the younger boy got sea sick but not too bad. I learned a valuble lesson about taking dramamine before you get to the boat! We had a blast though, Pickles catching the grouper was just icing on the cake
  16. 1 point
    I have a guy local that could probably hook you guys up if you want me to contact him ?
  17. 1 point
    SWAROVSKI EL BINOCULARS 12x50 FIELD PRO, 35212 https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F401738675556 Here is another great deal on eBay. This users name is gooddeals019
  18. 1 point
    These 2 boys are still looking for a good home.
  19. 1 point
    Weed wack to close to a patio door and you'll have a bunch for free!
  20. 1 point
    https://classifieds.ksl.com/listing/55520092 this guy is legit! Sells usually on eBay.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    Oh yea the grand slam is getting a lot of research
  23. 1 point
    Hornady has great marketing skills when introducing rounds that overlap several other rounds already in existence and convincing people they are new and needed. 6.5CM did this w. 6.5 Grendel, 6.5x47L .260 Rem, 6.5x55 Sweed, 6.5x57 Mauser, and a ton of other lesser used SAAMI and wildcats. 6.5 PRC will do this with the 6.5-.284 Norma, 6.5RM, 6.5SAUM (GAP 4S), 6.5SS, 6.5WSM, .264WM, 6.5-300 Weatherby, 26 Nosler and several other great SAAMI and wildcats. All with crappy brass to start with while everyone else waits to see if it will catch on. I am all for new cartridges. Especially if they fill a niche. Variety is the spice of life. People just need to weigh their options before they jump in with both feet.
  24. 1 point
    How light are you looking for? If you don’t reload, the 280 AI might not be for you. Bergara is nice, the kimber is shaved down to bare minimum and feels way too cheap for me and for that price. I ended up going with the Ridgeline, overall much nicer IMO than the kimber. Plus I hated the action of the kimber and prefer the Remington based action on the Christensen. Custom Tikka with a carbon barrel is very nice, as well as a custom r700 carbon barrel.
  25. 0 points
    Anyone have any first hand knowledge of Brandon's Taxidermy in Phoenix? Dropped off my javelina (full body mount) a year ago last January. Was told it would be ready in 10-12 months. It is now 15 months and counting. Is this normal for this to take so long? Have sent text message requesting ETA. I get the same response...'will get back to you with an ETA'... Thoughts??