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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/13/2019 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    I’m 50 years old. These attacks on our freedoms have commenced less than 10 years ago. This new, younger generation is the catalyst. Unfortunately, it’s your generation that’s ruined hunting. You guys can’t piss in the woods without posting a status update on Instagram! Hunting and the outdoors was so much better before social media. It was shared with only those people that were important to us and not every Tom, Dick and Harry on Instagram or Facebook! We’d go out, kill a few coyotes, sit around the campfire and talk about the fun. And that’d be it! Fast forward to today, and every second of every day HAS to be posted on Facebook or Instagram so you poor snowflakes can get some instant gratification or base your self-worth on others’ opinions. If guys would just go out, kill some coyotes and STFU, this wouldn’t be an issue. Sorry, but that’s the truth. Hunting here was so much better in the 70’s and 80’s and before the addiction to phones and social media that we see today.
  2. 3 points
    hopefully they ban fishing tournaments next, then bow fishing tournaments. then bow fishing all together. then we can move onto the real problems like hunting with dogs for sport. then ban hunting lions all together. maybe even get rid of hunting entirely. you and your buddies can still look at elk off the highway
  3. 2 points
    Heard some gobbles in 22 this morning.
  4. 1 point
    The Az GFD is planning to cave to the Anti's and ban all yote contest.It will have a video session on this and you can call in to voice your thoughts---as if it mattered!!!!!
  5. 1 point
    First come first serve. I would prefer you keep it or regift it rather than sell it, but to each their own. I am moving and just use my charcoal egg anymore. I will be at the house off and on today and this weekend to help load (for a six pack of Lagunitas Hop Stoopid or IPA) or bring someone and load yourself. I replaced the regulator last year works fine, just the back of two of the burgers are rusted out so flame distribution sucks. No bottle included.
  6. 1 point
    My brother is selling his howa 308 low round count with a vortex diamondback tactical 3×9 for 500$ of interested I can pass on his number gun is in camp verde.
  7. 1 point
    My 2000 about to roll 410k. Awesome trucks. Good luck with the sale.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    It’s the old guys wearing flat brims. That’s the real problem with the coyotes today.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Good news. I am headed to 23 in the morning and again on Sunday. Wish me luck.
  12. 1 point
    Not trying to sound like an apologist towards the department, but they didn’t ban coyote hunting. You can still go out this evening if you so please. You and your buddies can make a few stands and accomplish the same results without all the social media fanfare.
  13. 1 point
    Our Game and Fish can seem unprincipled at times. One moment, they are asking us to surrender prized tags to be auctioned to the wealthiest hunters, because they said it was to educate the public on the wildlife management philosophy that uses hunters to generate the necessary funding and to manage populations. Then! Then, they go and cave the first time they are challenged. Coyote hunts ARE about population management. The argument can be a slam dunk, but instead the Department is going to use our funds to advocate for anti hunting. WHAT? There is no state that could better defend predator control programs than this state. With a state that has so many "island" populations that can be eradicated entirely by predators. This state can make the most compelling argument with the examples of sheep, antelope, and other populations that are, as we all know, vulnerable. Then they can point out that once the animals, that predators prey upon disappear, than so does the predators disappear. Instead, they appear to be advocating against hunting. This makes the AZGFD look both weak and suspicious.
  14. 1 point
    This is effing awesome. Why did you guys stop?
  15. 1 point
    Building the house we had a lot of critters come and go. A calf was born in the living room, the cat killed rabbits and hid them in the bedrooms, and birds loved the attic. The spookiest one was the javelina. Middle of the night the dogs went crazy! I woke up and could smell the musk and knew exactly what it was. A flash light and piece of lumber was all I could grab since I was groggy still. I counted about a dozen but there might of been more. I have doors and windows now so all that crap stays outside.
  16. 1 point
    Turkeys gobbling like crazy in 34a
  17. 1 point
    heard gobbling in 6a yesteday
  18. 1 point
    Hi Guys, I'm not new to the site, I finally decided to join Coueswhitetail. I think it's a great site for chasing those little boogers from every aspect this site gives you a lot of great advice and information about everything on Coues deer. I don't recommend or plug a lot of products, but I have to say the products at Phoenix Shooting Bags are pretty legit. I've had the opportunity to shoot off the bags and even had an opportunity during this past Dec./Jan. AZ Archery season to try this glassing pad during a trial. It was great. Light,compact, and durable. I will be pre-ordering one myself. These guys are on to something. I even saw their shooting bags on display at the McMillan booth during the 2019 Shot Show. Thanks, GBruno
  19. 1 point
    Sorry I havent gotten back to you guys! It was a rough hunt with not know how to hunt that area and unable to glass most of the time due to the entire first day being fogged out and just went walking that Saturday night and got on some tracks and it snowed Saturday night and I went back out on Sunday morning and I got on fresh tracks and found a spike with a couple cows and shot him at about 250 yards. Pack out was about 2 miles and not too steep. The meat tastes great!
  20. 1 point
    I hadn't mentioned it previously, but during our 4 hour wait, we drove back into town to get the kids. We knew they would love to be there and see her bull. We had the idea to put them in camo with us for that year's family picture. I hadn't shared this picture previously because we ended up saving it for our family Christmas card.
  21. 1 point
    They make that setup it’s called a Toyhauler
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    Just think what would have happened if the didn't get the funds for their marketing and education program.
  24. 1 point
    I think its ridiculous to cave to the anti's AGAIN.
  25. 1 point
    First of all, forget what you see on TV about distant shot at game, ie, 100 yards. They are ONLY going to show you the successful kills and not all of the misses or wounded game regardless of make of bow or the range. Know your effective range and I doubt it is much over 40 yards. I have killed 11 elk and not one over 35 yards, and in my 8 trips to AZ to Coues deer hunt, my longest shot, yes 6 killed bucks, was 31 yards and this January, a 22 yard kill. Bow hunting is all about getting close. The saying, 'When a rifle hunter gets within 100 yards of game, the hunt is over BUT when a bow hunters get within 100 yards, the hunt just starts.'' Do what bonecollector suggests, try a few of them to see what fit, and then stay within your effective range and forget about the "100" yards shots. You just need to challenge your ability to get closer because that is what hunting with a bow is all about. Good luck, My best, Paul