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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Holy heck guys. Seems like this conversation has covered it all. Bob drunk posts and now he is good for nothing and washed up. Let’s lighten up a bit ok. Can we give Mike his thread back now?
  2. 2 points
    Go home, you’re drunk!
  3. 2 points
    Just ate Chinese, bout to take a crappy pic. BRB.....
  4. 1 point
    Visiting the folks yesterday, mom thought I'd like a photo and newspaper clipping from a javelina hunt pop put together in 1960. Dad's on the left, uncle and grandfather on far right. I'll type out the article below, it's a hoot. What, no camo? PIG HUNTERS--An Oil City man, L.T. Black and a Pleasantville man, E.C. Lindquist, returned recently from a successful wild pig hunt in AZ near the Mexican border. Resting after the kill at the hunting camp are Donald Morrison, who now lives in Tucson, AZ .......
  5. 1 point
    So long story short....My 22 yr old son just received a phone call offering him a job as a firefighter.....The academy starts on the 22nd and is 12 weeks long......It’s at central Arizona college....A two hr drive from my place....I am trying to find a place to rent a spot at a RV place so I can drag my 5 th wheel down for him to live in....I can’t find a place that will allow under 55 yrs of age....Does anyone have any suggestions.....Thanks Dave
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Man I wish I thought as highly of myself as you...... Bob! Good thing you do too, because its obvious you're lonely and nobody really likes you so you have to share your personal life with a bunch of strangers on a hunting forum and you think anyone actually cares. Is it a tough existence being washed up at only 62, unable to hunt for yourself anymore? How can you criticize someone who goes on a hunt in Alaska as a "buyer not a hunter"? How is that at all different from your "hunt" on the Bab? Write a book? 🤣 now thats a good one! We've all seen your writing skills (or lack thereof) on full display here, although you might just have the imagination for fiction.
  8. 1 point
    I was up at Nelson’s a few weeks back and not a bite but it was fun. Here’s a pic of Nelson’s I drove by all the greer lakes, seen 1 fish surface but did not fish it. Let us know how you do
  9. 1 point
    Oooo, me! Do me next, Bob! 🙋🏼‍♂️ C'mon you loony old coot, sock it to me! No one would bat an eyelash if they didnt see you post here again other than to say your idiotic postings were good for a laugh every now and again. Don't let the door hit you in your 62 year old keister on your way out.
  10. 1 point
    Bob- baiting is one of my least favorite ways to "hunt" but I treasure the time I got to spend on the rez baiting bear with my sons. I traded work for the opportunity and I will treasure that time as much as any I've ever had. Absolutley nothing wrong with it. It is such a better way to manage bears. We passed up over 40+ young bears in 2 different hunts before I shot a big mature bear.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    They will Open about week before hunt.
  13. 1 point
    Government usually fails when it attempts to fix a non-existent problem. Hopefully they will refuse to take action this time. 99% of the state and hunts and cameras have no issues. Leave them alone.
  14. 1 point
    Bob is an embarassment to the hunting community.
  15. 1 point
    Gotta be something harder (probably Old Crow) for him to get home at 3am from driving truck to Cali and then posting such dumb^$S stuff so quick... my guess anyhow. I sure do enjoy seeing his laughable, hypocritical, know-it-all comments all the time 🙄 He never forgets to add in the same, simple life story tidbits that he seems to think attest to his views. Even Forrest Gump was smart enough to know he wasn't a smart man... might be time to take the keyboard keys away from him before he hurts himself or someone else. Some people take issue with hunting bears with dogs. I believe both methods are a great way to be selective, get a good close look at a bear to make sure you're taking one that is mature and most likely a boar. Spot and stalk for bears is great, but success goes way down as does your ability to size/sex it. Most spot and stalk (or callers for that matter) bear hunters are shooting the first one they have an opportunity at regardless of size/sex anyways because they know it might be their only opportunity.
  16. 1 point
    What does it matter to you? If you don’t like it don’t do it. Don’t knock on the guy for hunting this way. Go throw a couple more long necks down.
  17. 1 point
    Many areas/roads up on the highest, north facing slopes have huge drifts still. If they dont plow them prior to the hunt, access on them will be difficult.
  18. 1 point
    The arguments posed here are as dumb as teets on a boar hog. Cams or no cams. going to water sources is a primary function of hunting in AZ. If you took the cameras out, the people are still going to go to the water sources. The amount of traffic to water sources is related to the number of hunters not the presence of cameras. Second, if people do not respect the fact that somebody is already at a water site and still come in regardless, then, they are jerks and that has nothing to do with cams. If I am checking cams and see evidence of another hunter at the site, I immediately turn around. I'll say it again, nobody has truly posed a legitimate reason for a ban. Not a single reason, NOT ONE! Stirring
  19. 1 point
    that is a pretty impressive set. If you drew a line east and west across the unit at about rose peak, i would guess 90% of the elk in the unit would be found north of that line. there are a few scattered out all through the unit though. Grey's peak is about as far south as any real population exists.
  20. 1 point
    Yeah lets ban laser range finders, long range guns, wind meters, turrets, scopes, 4x4 trucks, utv's and compound bows. Be a real man and shoot them with a hand made bow and arrow with a rock on the end! ....it never ends
  21. 1 point
    I just spoke with Brian. We are working out the details. The only thing in my way is my wife:) Fingers crossed!!!!
  22. 1 point
    Yeah stay away from 34b early hunts, it’s so bad that I’ve only been able to kill my biggest bucks there. Horrible! Stick to the 36’s, more hunters but far more opportunities. 5 bucks a day in 34 is same as 15 bucks a day in 36’s. Dont fall for the horror stories you read about hunting pressure- most of those folks are hunting by the road. Hike over a hill or 1/2 mile from a road and you’ll be alone most of the time.
  23. 1 point
    Its April but temps have been low and cold water still pouring into the lakes from snow melt.
  24. 1 point
    Congratulations on a great hunt. I would be happy to tag any one of those bucks, not to mention the mountain lion!
  25. 1 point
    Do a little research before giving away anything too valuable. Like that sheep...