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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    My Brother in law in South Dakota found this Shed the other day. He had seen him on the hoof. He said the other side was a typical 4pt. When he spotted the horn in the snow he said it looked like a piece of driftwood. Thus he named the buck "Driftwood" Wonder what he will be next year?
  2. 2 points
    That is totally awesome. And way bigger that the first photo seems to represent. Looks like it grew right along the side of the skull.
  3. 2 points
    It’s my understanding (from G&F I spoke to) that when the harvest limit is above 20% for three years in a row then the OTC Archery Hunt changes to a draw hunt. The harvest in unit 1 was almost 30%, per G&F. I’m not sure how they quantify those numbers for 2018 season, as the questionaire just arrived? I was told they also look at helicopter count survey trends (not many deer observed in unit 1), license sales and number of field checked harvested deer as well. I’m all for sound scientific management and what is proper for herd conditions to reach carrying capacity and buck to doe ratio objectives. However, I believe it is equally important to base your conclusions on accurate data and not ‘volunteer’ reporting or formula based objectives.
  4. 2 points
    I just wish they would reduce the tags in a lot of the southern units! Those units get hunted extremely hard and need a break!!!!!
  5. 2 points
    Amanda, can we please to create an 'old fogies bitchin' subforum?
  6. 1 point
    I was reminded that today is National Vietnam War Veterans Day. I always forget about it because every day was Vietnam Vets day growing up and it still is, at least to me. I was going through more pics again last night and came across these two pics. Yes, dad made my life heck growing up, but there were good times and the good times far outnumbered the bad times. It was more that when the bad times happened, they were beyond horrible, bu that's another story. You've heard me elude to it before in other posts. At the end of the day, he was, and always will be, my hero. He taught me more about life, being a man, being a dad, and being a leader than I'll ever be able to thank him for. I was raised, in no small part, by an entire company of hardened combat paratroopers. To all of you Vietnam Veteran's out there, thank you for all you have done, endured, suffered, and triumphed over. You have my deepest respect, admiration, and, yes, love. Here are a couple of pics of dad and his mortar squad laying down some hate on the NVA or VC (maybe both). My dad is the skinny guy in the front with the tattoo on his right arm.
  7. 1 point
    Had a lady ask for a cedar chest for her grand daughter graduation present! This is only my second attempt at making cedar chests! Thoroughly enjoyed the project!
  8. 1 point
    Cool pictures probably puffing on Camel. I’m from that timeframe last 2 years of the war when the draft was by lottery the farthest out from being called was 2days then 1days so almost got to go.
  9. 1 point
    Lance I went with 1.0 Seekins just didn’t want to grind the rail on the new Kelby action. The weight went up 12 ounces It weighs in at 10 pounds. I worked up a new load using 215 Berger’s and H1000 three rounds at 100 Yard
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    I'm probably in the minority here but I would welcome a 3 point restriction. Both sides can argue their points but I have seen it make a big difference in deer quality and it happens very quickly. At least it did in Arkansas where I used to hunt every year while visiting friends.
  12. 1 point
    I have the 6.5 and its been the best gun I have ever owned. Good luck. When I found mine I called every sportsmans warehouse in the state. Prescott was the only store that had one. Cabelas had nothing
  13. 1 point
    I like talking about the weather and such. When I was a young man on a ranch in Montana, I loved to get the old folk in the gulch to talk weather because it always turned into cool old stories. Some stories were like from the area 90 years prior. A guy can just look out along the landscape and picture in your minds eye, the story as they told it. I loved them old stories.
  14. 1 point
    Man, that’s a tough one. Those two idiots look and act the EXACT way that the anti’s think hunters do. Unreal. String em up.
  15. 1 point
    Last time they went to a draw for U1 archery, the herd improved a lot and very quickly. I grew up in unit 1 and hunt it a lot for deer and elk and i am happy to see it go back to a draw. U1 won’t be anything like kaibab but it does have great genetics and if it stays a draw, it’ll be similar to 3a/3c. My dad spoke to a game warden in 27 this year who told him that a store in unit 27 sold 800 nonresident archery deer tags in january alone. He also said to expect to see many units go to draw for archery, especially in January. It’s a hard reality, but with the number of archery hunters now and the level of efficiency, something had/has to be done. You can’t continue with near statewide OTC archery deer tags and expect populations and age class to improve. I am sure the reason why they plan on cutting out 1600 tags is to compensate for the exponential increase in OTC archery hunters.
  16. 1 point
    While out photographing the mountains and desert wildflowers east of Phoenix last weekend, I heard some rocks tumble. Looking in that direction, I saw what I thought was a deer several hundred yards away. Pointing my telephoto lens in that direction, I could see the round white butt of a bighorn sheep. So I abandoned the canyon shots and went in pursuit of the three desert bighorn sheep. If you are interested in the desert wildflower images from the Superstition Mountains and Bartlett Lake areas east of Phoenix, here is a link to that gallery: https://www.plateaulightphotography.com/Landscapes/Arizona-Landscapes/Desert-Wildflowers/ Thanks for having a look.
  17. 1 point
    It will be chaos for the big holiday weekends if all that free shoreline is no longer available for the tons of campers that use it.
  18. 1 point
    I was extremely lucky as I only had 9 points.
  19. 1 point
    Been watching this one. Great looking rifle! FWIW- My sons 6.5CM 22" barrel chrono'd at 3047, 3048, 3050 fps, true to factory ammo claimed velocity (3050). No loss due to barrel length.
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    WooHoo!!! Antlerless elk in limited opportunity multiunit (17a, 17b, 18b, 19b and 20a) for the rut, 3 week hunt. It may not be a highly sought after tag, buy I am stoked. only 35 tags plus 35 bull tags. That's 70 hunters spread over 5 units for 3 weeks. I dig it.
  22. 1 point
    Bought my daughter’s on gun broker...best deal I could find anywhere.
  23. 1 point
    I was happy as heck to see the decline in tags. There are alot of units that would benefit from even less tags.
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    If you didn't buy your license directly from G&F, it will never likely show-up in the portal. Can't speak to the rest of your issues.