Savage 06 and mattnduke, go down a few threads and read the first elk hunt gear and tips thread. Lots of great tips. Then look up old threads on glassing, Get a tripod and a pair of 15s and learn how to glass. I dont know 22 from experience other then driving through and pictures from other hunters here. But i can tell you it is a glassable unit which definately puts the odds in your favor. Mattnduke you live less then an hour from the unit go there and learn it, you guys that live close have little excuse to not get out beforehand and check things out. 22 south is not known to be a trophy unit so adjust your expectations accordingly, for your wife let her shoot the first legal bull unless you guys get lucky and glass something up or have something good come to water. All the info is already here, you just need to apply it in the field. Good luck guys.