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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/2019 in Posts

  1. 8 points
    Drank a lot of Bacanora, caught a lot of yellowtail. not as many as last month but still about 50 in 2 days. We threw them all back. Hooked some big groupers but they broke us off. Caught a few Sardinera. We kept some gold spotted bass and pintos. Biggest fish was a 16.5lb pinto
  2. 4 points
    Day one of the hunt started with me shoveling snow all day trying to dig my camper out of the yard. Ugg. Day two I finally got out and spent the day humping hills, and glassing with no luck. Day three I spent humping hills, and glassing some more. At the end of the day I finally spotted 2 pigs about 629 yards away. I couldn't get setup for a comfortable shot, so I let them walk. Day four I went back to the same spot I had seen the pigs the day before. After 3 hours of nothing, I got up and moved a ridge deeper into the unit. I sat down and heard a pig squealing over the NEXT ridge. I packed up, and moved to the next ridge. I started glassing, and couldn't find the pigs making the noise. But I did spot a big Male bobcat. I moved in closer for a shot, and spotted the pigs. They were all huddled up under a tree. I setup for a shot, and my 7 saum found its mark at 309 yards. I tried to get on the cat after the pig, but I was too slow. I went over to where the cat was sitting, and found a baby javelina dead. The cat had bit his throat and killed it. All in all it was a great hunt. I probably should have shot the bobcat first, but I've killed plenty of Bobcats, and I really wanted to get a pig under my belt. I capped it, and it's off to the taxidermist.
  3. 3 points
    I like where you were going with this and thank you elecshoc for calling a spade a spade. Did so very considerately as well if I might add. I wasn't comfortable with the comment either and didn't find it funny. Apparently, some did, openly or quietly... Bummer. I like when folks are open about their position on things like race, even respect it to a degree.
  4. 3 points
    Here is the pig that was killed by the bobcat.
  5. 3 points
    I am not big on my t-shirts being camo in most circumstances. But how about long sleeve t-shirts in colors like sage green, OD green, tan, khaki, brown, loden, charcoal, black?
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
    allforelk, what doesn't makes sense? i can apply for a point. get it. and then in december buy a non permit tag at vendor when I'm down there. I've read the regs. and residents. your just trying to discourage me to hunt your state.
  8. 2 points
    I'm not sure the point of the legislation. Is it to give money to the families of lynch victims. Or to make lynching officially a crime??? Call me crazy but I assumed dragging people behind trucks and murdering them was already illegal.
  9. 2 points
    That's the whole point of me talking about it, does that little comment just the tip of the iceberg or just an one off joke. I freely noted that I don't know, I'm not saying the poster is a racist or not. Is it a racist joke, no doubt it is. Is the poster racist I don't know him from anyone else on here really. That was my point about making a joke like that and the observation after words. It's just a comment I noticed and am amuse at because it's really like a weird, uncomfortable comment that just makes a person wonder.
  10. 2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. 2 points
    Hunting clothing apparel company and 0 camo? Market research missed that one....
  13. 1 point
    Selling some stuff I'm not using so I can buy more stuff that I wont use!! 1) Semi custom 6.5-06, built on savage 110 action, Timney trigger, true fight barrel 24in barrel (.770 at muzzle), Boyd Varmintor stock with adjustable cheek piece. Shoots excellent, 1/2 MOA with 129 LRABS. Comes with EGW 20 MOA rail and Talley one piece rings/base, brass and loaded ammo. Gun weighs 9 lbs without scope. Scope not included. $850 OBO 2) Glock 23, ,40 That's the mid sized frame, night sights, 3 mags guns in new condition. Gen 2 I believe. This was a LE buy back that was never issued, just sat it safe. The armors is a good friend of mine $400 OBO Pictures to come 3)Elite XXL 32 in models. Bow is a 2008 or 9. 60-70 lbs limbs New limbs and strings in 2016 $175 4) PSE Phenom 2016 50-60 LBs limbs Black Its the long draw version adjustable from 28-33 with spot hog 5 pin sight $300 with sights $250 without sights 5) Luepold Gold ring HD Binos 10X42 $350 Pictures to come Everything is OBO and trades. Located southern NM, and I will be in Tucson/Phoenix area in early March.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Bet they cook up good, liven the dream.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    TShirts fit to size or are slightly oversized.
  18. 1 point
    They want our guns. The more of us that call, send emails, show up at the town hall meetings to our senators, state representatives, and Governor the better, . They showing up by the hundreds.
  19. 1 point
    New ones are nice just delete them.
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    Congrats on the pig, but epic failure on shooting the pig before the bobcat.
  22. 1 point
    Cavecreekfoothills Bartlette lake turn off
  23. 1 point
    Nice work!!! And congrats!!!!
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    How does it shoot ? Round count? What power vx3i? Price for rifle only?