G&f has signs up in my neighborhood (groom creek, south of Prescott) stating that bowhunters cannot shoot within 1/4 mile of an occupied structure, period. If you read the note in the regs for 20a it also says this, it’s just illegal no matter who’s permission you get.
Im sure antis have something to do with it, but in talking to the neighbors it also has a lot to do with a lack of respect for private property rules. Apparently some “Hunters” feel it’s ok to drive their side by sides up and down the neighborhood streets and jump out to try to spook deer out of people’s yards so they can shoot them. This plus people having deer walk through their yards with arrows in their hams (happened this year) and other non-vital hits.
i don’t know about other units, but it’s not just a problem with antis and Californians here: bow toting jackasses are equally responsible in this unit.