Figure I ought to introduce myself before posting. I'm 27 years old, been hunting for about the last 7. Only serious Hunter in my family and group of friends, guess some are born with it. Got a degree in Parks and Rec from NAU and I've worked as a Wrangler/trail guide, assistant park Ranger, wildlife tech on a high dollar South Texas deer ranch, pink jeep guide in sedona, zip line guide in the redwoods, Backcountry packer in the idaho sawtooths and now am working on a contract with the BLM in Kingman. I like to hunt just about everything, small and big game. I mainly shoot rifles, shotguns and my bow in that order. Had an exciting archery season but couldn't seal the deal. Looking forward to getting out there more this year, learning some new country, meeting some good people and seeing lots of game.