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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/31/2018 in Posts

  1. 7 points
    Kill coyotes, make it rain, stop bulldozing habitat to build new houses.
  2. 3 points
    I put in for over 38 years and had max bonus points for the 2018 sheep draw and got tag #2 in Unit 28 (south). My son-in-law, Dan Ott, and 26+ year hunting partner, Ed Soyring, accompanied me and the guides, Tyson Hatch and Matt Holcomb of Double H Outfitters. We decided to wait till Monday, Dec 3rd to start hunting to avoid some foul weather and any conflicts with the other hunter in the unit who had been waiting for 51 years for tag #1. Congrats to Craig (and Matt) on his terrific sheep, which scored 189". We saw lots of sheep on the first day and tried a stalk but two big rams got into it and ran off before we were in position. The second day was more discouraging with fewer sheep sighted and the big one from the day before just walking off out of the area. Third day was the charm. High winds kept a herd of 7 rams and 1 ewe pinned down below some cliffs. Three different stalks finally culminated in a 176 yard shot on a very nice ram. Pack-out was easy. He green scored by G&F at 172-1/8” and 6 -7 years old. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ; and, also, to Chris, Matt, Tyson, Ed and Dan.
  3. 3 points
    Oh and stop voting for the budget override's the school funding bills all sell of our state land which is primarily where antelope live.
  4. 3 points
    As a kid Mutual of Omaha Marlin Perkins and American Sportsman with Curt Gowdy was must see TV . Miss those shows-----
  5. 2 points
    As some of you may know I've spent quite a bit of time hunting Coues and it is by far my passion but since I've made a yearly pilgramage to Mx for coues I've decided to spend a bit more time chasing Mule deer. Well my wife and I travelled to Wy on a 6 day backpack hunt. I was disappointed that this buck was the highest scoring buck I saw, but not disappointed in his "look" I was happy to kill him and pack him back with my beautiful bride of 19 years by my side. Next my Son drew a tag up around the house and after me scouting and finding some solid bucks he reminded me that he couldn't play basketball if he missed any days of school or tryouts so after passing a couple solid 3x4s on Friday he told me he needed to shoot something. As disappointed that all of my scouting would be as not, I have never been the father to live vicariously through his children. He wanted this velvet 4x4 ( October 28th) and so he shot him. I'm proud of him. Next I was able to finish 2018 in a blizzard at 15° on this 4x4 with a 45ish yard shot. Sorry about all the mixed up pictures in the story. I haven't mastered the new look yet.
  6. 2 points
    Went to glass for pigs this morning and do some deer hunting. Found no pigs but saw 40 deer. We glassed up a herd that finally had 3 rutting bucks. A spike. A 3x0, and a 160 class 4x4. Put my daughter on the stalk of course to shoot the 4x4 but when she got up there the 2 bigger bucks pushed the spike out of the herd and he came to her at 43yds. With 2 days 3 days left in December and never killing a buck with her bow she got it done. Long pack out. The arrow was all the way to the fletchings but he fell on it and pushed it out. He went 30yds and expired so proud of her and we cant wait for January
  7. 2 points
    You can shoot coyotes at night. Go out and shoot them!
  8. 2 points
  9. 1 point
    Found this set during the muzzleloader elk hunt. First time I've ever found a set this close together.
  10. 1 point
    My son, Colton, and I first found this buck on December 17th but decided I would not to make a stalk that evening. We relocated him yesterday with a large group of does and several smaller bucks. The group bedded before noon above a wash in some thick brush. I moved in to about 100 yards but could not pinpoint this particular buck. A broken 3 point (now a 3X1) and a 2 point were visible along with several does but the deer were spread out and I could not get any closer without exposing my location. Eventually, I began to move to the next point of cover. One of the does saw me and they all started to move out. The target 4X4 stood at 70 yards but did not stop for a shop. Colton watched him and one single doe separate from the group and move across a several ridges. They eventually bedded deep in a palo verde thicket. It was now about 2 pm. This time I was able to sneak into a location just below their bed and settled in behind some cholla cactus. I was inside of 45 yards and figured they would not get up until right before dark. I waited in this position until I determined we only had a few minutes of shooting light left. The deer were not up so I had to make a move. With an arrow knocked, I stood and started to move laterally hoping the buck would stand. After about 10 feet, he busted out and moved up hill away from me. He stopped broadside and I ranged him at 79.9 yards. The orange 80 yard pin settled in and the arrow was on its way...….next was that unmistakable "thump" sound as the deer ran away. He piled up less than 40 yards away as both lungs had been deflated. After a few late night photos, we were deboned, loaded and packing by 7:30 pm. THANK YOU Colton for all your hard work and determination, not to mention, packing out all the meat!! A perfect end to the 2018 season.....looking forward to getting back out there on 1-1-19.
  11. 1 point
    I am needing help in finding a mule deer cape for my daughters buck. I capped out her buck to get mounted but the cape got ruined from being held in a refrigerator for over a week to be scored 🤬🤬. The cape needs to be around 24" in the neck area. Please message me if you have one or know of anyone who has one so I can get her buck mounted. Thank you for looking at this.
  12. 1 point
    I'm thinking not.
  13. 1 point
    Thanks everyone for your comments. I was so excited when she radioed me and said buck down! She has been trying to get a deer with her bow since she was 16years old. She is 21 now. I remember every Christmas break she had I would text her in the morning from work and ask are you up? How's your day going and she would reply I'm glassing. She earned it cause she puts her time in.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    I havent seen a WT rut activity yet, mule deer have been going strong all week. I posted this in my mule deer thread but I killed this buck yesterday chasing off a smaller buck, after not being able to find my target buck the last 2 times out...Bad weather is my favorite time to archery hunt.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    Yes sir! Goin back out in a few. Got a buck kind of sort of patterned. Hoping to have blood on the ground tonight.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    No ice where I was trolling today. My son.
  23. 1 point
    Up to two annually. Not an expert but they cannot be from the exact same hunt number but can be the same unit. For example, one archery in unit X and then a HAM or rifle in same unit. Or can be different units.
  24. 1 point
    Not trying to be a turd, and I no longer hunt javis, but aren't you allowed one per year? I know I'm about to be straightened out on this.. I can put you on pigs in both units if you want to pm me your phone number.
  25. 0 points
    Hi all, First time request. My son Eddie is in the hospital for his second seizure. He’s still out. Prayers for him and a full recovery with a found cause would be awesome. Thank you. -Ed