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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/2018 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    It works with muzzle brakes. You just have to move the brake forward of the unit so the blast isn't hitting it.
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    Amazing bows!!!! Customer service is second to none. Bump for a bad butt bow!
  5. 1 point
    It will read out to 2000 on almost evert tree I have tried - deer around 1200 (if you can find them in the optic)
  6. 1 point
    We have ranches in Sonora that can accommodate you and your dad and no matter what shape they are in. Give me a call and I can text you some pictures of 2 clients that just killed good bucks with us last week. 1 guy 75 took a 96” buck and his 74 year old buddy took his best ever Coues buck, 107” from the road.
  7. 1 point
    Chris, I'm thinking to buy one, let me know how you like it and how far you can read constantly, thanks.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    they should tag it and eat it.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Side by side fridge/freezer. You gotta pick it up. Ice maker water dispenser doesn’t work. $50 Located in Gilbert. 480 266 4811
  12. 1 point
    I’d say you are too tall man. 6’6”...Jesus
  13. 1 point
    I actually have a Leica 1600B that I use more than the G7 BR2. But....I just got the G7 this year. I still need to see all the features of the G7.
  14. 1 point
    Less cruising Cwt and more glassing pal!!!
  15. 1 point
    That's cool! Not sure about the tracks yet- I'll check when I get home.
  16. 1 point
    looks like the ear has a battle notch... my local alley cats get them also.. any track?
  17. 1 point
    My son picked one out today. Nice wide 3x3 that was mounting does. Had at least four other bucks and 20 or more does with him but he was running the show. Just couldn’t pass him up and had my younger son and my good friend with me.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    That really sucks man! I feel terrible for you. But $35K without doing a lot of research blows my mind. For a $35K hunt, I'd be consulting with the FBI, CIA, KGB, Mossad, etc.
  20. 1 point
    Seriously? Also, how do you fork over 30+k without due diligence as far as research these days. Not to diminish the OP’s suffering, but how?
  21. 1 point
    If I had the money id go on a high rack Muley hunt. load the high rack with tequila and the hottest whores in Caborca. That would really be something.
  22. 1 point
    If you get an SD card you can save your sessions on your computer. I make a folder for the gun and then label the session by temp and date. Easy to see what gun is doing at different temps.
  23. 1 point
    Mine gets mixed up sometimes if I've had too many beers. Anyone want to buy some re-loads? 😄
  24. 1 point
    The only pic I got. Time was of the essence. I'll have a cool Euro mount done by Authentic and a buffalo rug. That is the entrance wound on this side. See the horn that's broomed off. Not so easy to see, but she is laying in a nest of cats claw. I have a few new scratches.
  25. 1 point
    First off, you are right. There was 10 tags issued for the late hunt and all are cow tags. Russ wasn't up there at the beginning of the hunt because he was helping a client fill a sheep tag and other lousy excuses. (just joking) On the opening day, there were 6 of us hunters and we tried to coordinate as if Russ was there. One of the hunters had a friend who has filled a tag on this hunt in the past and he was helpful in getting us organized for opening day. On opening day, I was designated an area in a pinch point. If buffalo were moving through the area, this area could be hot, but as it turned out, buffalo were not in that area. Nor were there any sightings in any of the areas that the other hunters sat that day, day 1. Others did some scouting on the first day and locations of fresh bison activity was discovered. One hunter tagged out on Saturday morning, day 2, based on information she found scouting the previous day. On the second day, I was recommended to go and sit an area that had a nice dirt tank and a pretty meadow. That is what I asked for. I wanted to make the time sitting the blind very enjoyable with just that type of setting. The problem is, I have never been in the Bab before this hunt and I did not have my GPS with me. I drove past my suggested area. By the time I realized my mistake for sure, I was quite a ways past that location. I decided to educate myself a bit and drive along an area with known recent bison activity. With a little scouting, I found a trick tank that had plenty of fresh bison sign. Russ already had a blind on the tank/ salt lick. I sat that blind for a 3 or 4 hours without anything coming in, but I knew this was the place for me. I decided to set my own blind up next to Russ's. With my own blind set, I can leave some stuff in my blind without having to carry all my stuff to and from the blind each day. One rule of Russ's blinds is that you do not leave anything behind when you leave that set each day. On day 3, I misjudged and parked about 3 miles from my blind sight as opposed to only 3/4 to 1 mile away. Took my old fat butt too long to get to the blind. I sat that blind all day and didn't see anything all day, BUT............BUT I heard bison moving around me. Their hooves sound like horses hooves as the buffalo moved along the gravel road. My blind location gave me a very limited view around me. All I can do is sit and wait. I remember Russ saying the worse thing you can do, is come bounding out of a blind and booger up the buffalo. He says to sit it out and wait for them to come to you. At the end of that day, I walked out while it was still light, because I had a long walk ahead of me. At a puddle, just about 200 yards from the blind, there were signs of mass chaos. The buffalo made big wallows in ash laden silty areas along both sides of the road. Right at the edge of the puddle were signs of some fighting, including some splatters of blood on the ground. Then I saw a horn that apparently was broken off in the fight. All this happened right outside my blind just 200 yards away while I sat in the blind. On day 4, I knew where to park my truck and I was totally set. I sat that blind all day, but it was much quieter than the day before. About an hour before dark, I could hear some noise coming from my left, the park side. Then a couple of bison came running in, fallowed by more and more bison. Soon, there were some 40 or 50 bison jammed together around the salt and trick tank. I was watching the bison trying to pick out a cow that was clear from the rest. I watched and waited for about 10 minutes. One big cow started moving away from the herd. I got a glimpse of utters, so there was no doubt it was a cow. She was big with a horn on one side broomed off about 2/3 gone, so I knew she was old. She didn't have a cow tagging along and her hide on her hump had some gray. She might have even been the lead cow. As she moved to my left, she was in line with the low sun such that I really couldn't make out her front legs. I aimed slightly back, as to avoid her elbow and squeezed off a shot from my 444 Marlin. She ran about 25 yards back towards the park and fell over in a cloud of dust. The herd lingered for a while as I waited in the blind. I did not want to booger them up any more so I waited about 10 minutes before I went to the cow. There was a huge bull that came in about 5 minutes after the first bison came in. This bull literally towered over all the other bison like Shaquile O'Neil. As impressive as he was I was looking for a clear shot at a cow so I didn't watch the bull for long. Two other hunters filled their tags on the same day. As it turned out, I ended up having to break her down by myself. That job beat me up, but I got her done. I was able to drive up to her so that made it easier. THE END