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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/2018 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    Pet peeve of mine when people ask for help and don't come back to say how they did. Any way my brother shot this tasty spike elk last hour of the hunt in 7E. He had only seen two elk the whole time until he ran into this herd. Tough Unit for sure.
  2. 2 points
    I dotn know where you will be in Az, but heres a few locations for some cats. lake pleasant area(hunt north west side) buddies still see them when fishing. we know of 4 different ones. and thats not the pet ones on the Dam or by the north marina if you hunt the park you have to be on the yavapi county side (north side) and its shotgun ONLY in the Park. The yavapi county side is from the eat ide of the Dam almost a start line to castle creek in the middle. Bartlett lake east side all over. Canyon lake but good luck finding a place to hunt them they are there. Apache lake west side. Alamo lake there one still roaming the south side of the dam. he has a den on the north side in those cliffs somewhere. the bobcat has a den somewhere on the south side then of Course you have the whole north rim 12 a and b 13 a and b I like the slope on the north side of the platue going towards ferdonia on the main highway its easy access when there is snow. or just take the dirt road around it That go off the major highway before you climb the hill to Jacob lake Theres a major dirt road that goes to ferdonia. all those foot hills are good and most of the time your out of the snow. Mt trumble is a fantastic spot in 13a the north side to the base one other spot is around wikiup its decent lots of bobcats. upper trout creek and lower trout creek roads as well. I have no idea on spots south of phx as the places we use to hunt varmits in 31 32 33 have access issues. lots of fun but I am to impatient to wait, usally get caught up in yotes and fox's. lions for me are more of a target of opportunity due to my Patience . night calling is a ton of fun and like lance says scares the crap out of you. owls come in at night and those are the worse for the scare factor. before they allowed night hunting we wen night calling alot no shooting just calling. kit foxs come right up to you. they just appear. dont know what units are open to lion this year as I havent looked only thing I do know is that they stopped the night hunts.
  3. 2 points
    Just plugged in the popper........sitting down to relax!!!
  4. 2 points
    That there is a shoot** eatin grin !!
  5. 1 point
    TRADES WELCOME Last2 located in surprise 900.00 each 1000.00 if paid by credit cards only because have to run through my business The cost to build these are roughly 1000.00, that is including 40 pounds of fireglass, so if any of you have ever bought fireglass before you know it's not cheap They have wheels so you can push them around, also have tabs welded under the top so you can tie them down in your truck and take them from family gathering to your buddies house
  6. 1 point
    We are looking for damaged bowling balls for kids ffa project. The kids use them as exercise for their pigs they are raising. Please let me know if you have any. Thank you
  7. 1 point
    Left home at 6am, got to the spot late. glass up deer on the furthest steepest mountain and they’re at the top like bighorns. Couldn’t see antlers with 15s from there, but one was raking a tree and looked like a bigger bodied deer so we had to get closer and see. We worked to a ridge 550 yards away. See a couple spikes, then my friend says there’s a little better one. Ok last day deer. Hit him a little back, but not bad for standing up using a tripod for the rest lol
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    I'm going to try some mountain stuff after the late elk hunts are over. Wait for a fresh snow, drive the roads until I hit a track, follow it for a bit and then start calling.
  10. 1 point
    There is no need to keep a unit you plan on hunting lions in a secret. That being said, you could probably throw a dart at a map of arizona and there will be a lion somewhere in the area. Find a terrain that suits you and give it heck. Brush and boulder choked canyons with good deer populations would be my first place to look
  11. 1 point
    Awesome! I received our flight confirmations to Nashville this morning. Can't wait!
  12. 1 point
    Yep. They claimed very few were doing it. I dont even know how they think they could even know. Never asked me of my 5 buddy’s who did.
  13. 1 point
    OP is a marketing genius and wanted to get his picture circulating.
  14. 1 point
    I would bet not many people have done it honestly, but I would try the southern units as Vowell mentioned. I have a cousin who has killed two calling for turkeys in the springs. I was able to call one in in Mexico in the Spring, again calling for turkeys. I've never been able to call one in when I targeted them.
  15. 1 point
    Welcome back Red. Figured you were in on this.
  16. 1 point
    In the past the AZGFD has sent a letter out to those that have drawn 35A&B tags with the date of the survey. If I remember correctly they ask that you let them know if you plan to attend so they can let the turkey chapter know how many are coming because they feed you dinner Saturday night. I have done the surveys 3 times and it is awesome. The Game and Fish basically has survey routes that they have been doing for years so they hand out a printed topo route and you go survey the route recording what you see. Then at night you can go over all the routes with everyone. Usually they get all the routes covered Saturday so Sunday you can really home in on where you think you might want to hunt. Every time I've done the surveys they were within a month of the hunt. Great group of guys and gals that put it on.
  17. 1 point
    The Department provides the oversight. The company they have hired is called Off Madison Ave. Sasha Howell gave a wonderful and inspiring presentation during the September 21st Commission meeting. Off Madison has already been representing the current campaign that these funds will support. The Commission also provided some direction to Off Madison during that meeting, and according to Sasha, "the handcuffs are off", and we will soon see some more media messaging that is favorable to hunters and the Department.
  18. 1 point
    You can still mail in an app after the first week
  19. 1 point
    That's super sad. As a parent I can't think of anything worse.
  20. 1 point
    Here’s a couple of the bucks we shot in 13b this year. Had a fantastic 2018 despite the poor drought conditions. Happy Hunting
  21. 1 point
    Is that the same ex who gave you the nickname “One Shot Bob”?
  22. 1 point
    Im sorry but I’m lmao @ not recognizing a picture of yourself and deer
  23. 1 point
    you'll notice too much coffee trying to hold 12's steady. I personally like 8's around my neck and mount my 15's on a tripod
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    My late bab buck. Lots of deer biggest buck in four days and I couldnt pass.