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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/06/2018 in all areas

  1. 12 points
    Update on the kids hunt! First off, I want to thank everyone that shared info. Its great knowing there is a community like this one that is willing to provide so much help! Despite the extremely small window of time we had to hunt and the horrible weather encountered, I did manage to find my nephew a bull! The wet weather early made many of the roads I was pointed towards nearly impassable and not worth the risk of getting stuck while solo. The areas I was able to get to for glassing were either so socked in that I couldn't see 50' or loaded with cattle. Saturday night, we made a move to the north end of the unit with the plan to hit the south side of Christopher Mt. But when we got to the rim we were met with blizzard conditions and again, I feared we wouldn't be able to get to where we needed to be by truck. So at this point, we're on about "Plan Z", which was no idea what we were going to do. In a last ditch effort to find something to do, I poured over the maps and found a drainage that had a decent amount of space between roads and threw a hail mary. Turns out it was a good plan after all. Spotted this guy and his buddy as they crossed a burn area and watched them bed down. At that point, it was game on! We had about a mile to cover and with the way the weather was going it was a crap shoot if they would stay bedded. Lucky for us they did! Got across the canyon and after sitting on them for an hour, I decided to give them some help standing up. I threw rocks, broke sticks, but they just didn't care! So in a last ditch effort, I let out a Whoop, Whoop! That did the trick, up they stood, then down he went. One shot, high shoulder, and he the hunt was over. Well, the easy part that is. Thanks again to all that offered up tips,
  2. 10 points
    This is a very cool, unique buck I killed in Jan. In Mx. I was alone at dusk and didnt get good field pics. Clay did a great job as always. I havent been sharing too much over the last couple of years but figured I should catch up.
  3. 5 points
    Had no problems finding bulls in 27. Never saw anything huge but my niece took a solid 6x6 sunday
  4. 4 points
    I have been having photos come through to my phone like crazy from guys I helped out with tips and locations to try in a few units. The snow seemed to really help. Seems like a lot of elk hit the ground this year from what I have seen. Sure wish I could have been out. 1st year in the past 8 I have not been helping someone in the family.
  5. 4 points
    I saw no elk in four days scouting so no brainier when I spotted this bull bedded a long way away. He was still bedded when I got close. He has a big body and well worn teeth so I think he is an old bull.
  6. 3 points
    My daughter took her first deer last year and her first elk this year. A couple super proud daddy moments.
  7. 3 points
    One of my buddy's son had a unit 1 tag. They saw 30 bulls opening morning with at least 20 of them 6X6s. He ended up shooting a nice 6X6. I think the snow definitely helped this year.
  8. 3 points
    I aint no mathematician or nothin but I think Fri thru Thurs is 7 days
  9. 3 points
    Other than the memories, here's the best part of her hunt!
  10. 2 points
    How’s everyone doing? We’ve gotten a few, including this one on opening day. My cousins husband.
  11. 2 points
    Several People in real life thought he was bigger too so idk. Also after scoring this I realize a lot of people online are full of shoot about thier scores
  12. 2 points
    put one in the right spot and it should work. Lots of kids killing whitetail deer with light tackle. Should be fine for javelina. If he’s shooting over 30# and is accurate enough to get the job done I wouldn’t worry a whole lot over calculators and chronographs at this point
  13. 2 points
    i guess everyone that wanted to guess is in so i put the score in the original post
  14. 2 points
    A 323g arrow with a sharp Coc broadhead out a properly tune bow will pass thru if hit in the vitals. Is he above 30lbs of draw weight? my 10y is shooting a 315g arrow out of a 35lbs bow. I dont know/care what speed it is. She has an archery only tag. I have no doubt it will pass thru a broad side javelina with a 100g slick trick.
  15. 2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. 2 points
    Oh the thoughts going threw that dogs head .. Lol
  18. 2 points
    I fur tree? Now that I gotta see.
  19. 2 points
    no profile pic, 3 posts, no pics. gonna file this under things that never happened
  20. 1 point
    Shot approx 200 of these bullets (all hand loads) 168 grn outa my Remington 700 sendero 7 mag @ 3017 fps. .5 MOA @ 100 yds and have shot out to 950 yds with great results. No results on animals since I can’t get drawn if my life depended on it lol.
  21. 1 point
    I have used the 168 LRAB in my 7 mag. I have taken three elk and one coues deer with them. None have been long range, all the elk under 250 yards and the coues was 350. No problems with the bullets themselves, all one shot kills in the lungs. Two elk and the coues dropped in their tracks while one elk went about 20 yards and tipped over. I used RL 22 and was getting 2850 fps. A little slow but with .5 moa at 100 yards from the bench, I was happy with that load.
  22. 1 point
    Heck yeah. Congrats to u both.
  23. 1 point
    Congratulations to all the team!!!!
  24. 1 point
    I adjusted some levels and it looks like no teats, maybe the shadows of the trees? But I might be trippin' ..
  25. 1 point
    Dude almost every coues I have ever seen was narrower than its ears. That really doesn’t say much about a coues at all. That’s like saying he has eyeguards, or a white stripe around his nose.