Update on the kids hunt!
First off, I want to thank everyone that shared info. Its great knowing there is a community like this one that is willing to provide so much help!
Despite the extremely small window of time we had to hunt and the horrible weather encountered, I did manage to find my nephew a bull! The wet weather early made many of the roads I was pointed towards nearly impassable and not worth the risk of getting stuck while solo. The areas I was able to get to for glassing were either so socked in that I couldn't see 50' or loaded with cattle. Saturday night, we made a move to the north end of the unit with the plan to hit the south side of Christopher Mt. But when we got to the rim we were met with blizzard conditions and again, I feared we wouldn't be able to get to where we needed to be by truck. So at this point, we're on about "Plan Z", which was no idea what we were going to do. In a last ditch effort to find something to do, I poured over the maps and found a drainage that had a decent amount of space between roads and threw a hail mary. Turns out it was a good plan after all. Spotted this guy and his buddy as they crossed a burn area and watched them bed down. At that point, it was game on! We had about a mile to cover and with the way the weather was going it was a crap shoot if they would stay bedded. Lucky for us they did! Got across the canyon and after sitting on them for an hour, I decided to give them some help standing up. I threw rocks, broke sticks, but they just didn't care! So in a last ditch effort, I let out a Whoop, Whoop! That did the trick, up they stood, then down he went. One shot, high shoulder, and he the hunt was over. Well, the easy part that is.
Thanks again to all that offered up tips,