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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/2018 in Posts
5 pointsCouple of buckles and couple of bolos! I’v got lots to learn about turquoise!
1 pointI already posted these pics in the other sections, but I thought I would try to revive this section. My wife got her first pig this year all while using a handgun for the first time. I was able to fill my Wyoming Antelope tag with my 6.5 creedmoor pistol. I never thought I would like pistol hunting, but after having some success I'm looking forward to more handgun hunts.
1 pointLast hunted AZ in 2014 within the SW/24B. While observing a saddle, had an encounter with four lion cubs not 25 yards from me. As they played around, the hair on the back of my neck stood up as I had no idea where momma was. Within 30 seconds, I look across the saddle and there stood momma, 72 yards away broadside and one, me without a tag, and two she had cubs so nothing I could do but admire the near once in a lifetime opportunity to see one of these creatures in their environment and feel good about knowing (?thinking?) she never knew I was there. She gracefully slipped away into the tall grass never to be seen again. Less than 30 min later, I watched four does come in and feed across the same hillside as the cat. Nearly walked in some of the same spots without ever spooking or getting nervous. Great morning that day.
1 pointI had that message and had to keep declining but today I figured out there was a drop down menu by the don't allow response that gave me the option of never allowing it. I clicked that and closed out and restarted and the message didn't come back up. Maybe that will work for you. I thought the issue was just my computer or browser until I saw your post. Thanks for bringing it up.
1 point
1 pointHad a great weekend watching my son take his first buck at 440 yards. We had a few other opportunities at some bigger bucks but we couldn't get it to work out. With just a couple days to hunt we decided to take the opportunity given to us. I am so proud of Thomas for working hard and staying positive through the ups and downs of this hunt!!! On a side note the game wardens down south dress a little strange 😀 YouCut_20181111_194353110~2.mp4
1 pointI'm headed out tonight to help some friends on the late rifle hunt. I'm looking forward to Elk hunting, but not looking forward to being VERY cold and wet. It will be fun regardless! Good Luck to everyone!!!! Please be safe, with the storm coming please ensure you have proper survival gear in your packs. About 8 years ago numerous hunters died during this late hunt after getting caught in a storm overnight.
1 point
1 pointI tried glassing with an angled spotter and I got tired of bending my head down the whole time. I've glassed with a straight spotter and my eyes just got tired. I've talked to guys who use both and it comes down to preference. I ended up carrying to do just what oz says. I would pull out my spotter to get a closer look. Then I got a pair of 15s and quit carrying my spotter because of the extra weight. Then my wife used a set of BTXs at the condor release back in September and now she's scheming on how we can get a set up! Who am I to argue with her??
1 pointA couple years ago my then 14 year old son wanted to kill a pig with his revolver. Made me proud how much he shot before the hunt and somehow managed to shoot the smallest pig in the herd.
1 point
1 pointDoes this count? Calling for bear and this guy shows up the end of my boot.
1 point
1 pointThen he could have made that argument. I, for example, despise the "Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act." The horses and burros are simply feral horses and burros and represent in invasive species that are extremely harmful to range land and wildlife. I talk about the need to change that law often. Conservationist, environmentalists, and cattle growers should be arm in arm trying to change that law which was based not on ecology or biology but on the cuteness and and unhistoric, romanticized view of the West. Or, if a person wants to practice civil disobedience, that's up to them. But do it openly and get people talking about it. A a person shouldn't sneak around and gut shoot them, hoping to get away with it. That's my point.
1 pointNot violating the law in the first place mighta been a good start. But maybe I'm just old fashioned that way. Glad they got a conviction. Like I've said before, if someone disagrees with a law, they should work to change it. If they feel that the best way to draw attention to the law in order to change it is to violate the law (America has a long and proud history of civil disobedience, after all) then they should do so openly with a willingness to suffer the consequences. We all have a right to speak for ourselves at our own sentencing. He coulda used that opportunity to say what he disagreed with, why he disagreed with it, and why he took the actions he too. Instead, he was all sneaky and the story is shrouded in lies. To each, his own though. It was his choice.
1 pointAntelope is impressive with a pistol. I told myself if I got drawn for the late cow hunt this yr I would try doing it with my S&W 500. Didn’t get drawn so maybe next yr.
1 pointCongrats. Brings back memories of my first Javelina I shot in 32 with a Contender and 1.5X scope, another solo hunt. It had a 14" 223 barrel and I used my handloads. Late 80's if I remember correctly.
1 pointWay to go! Nice bull! I was lucky enough to get it done also with the smoke pole last Friday evening. I gutted him out and picked him up in the morning though. Used the sidebyside to winch him into the truck. Barnes 290tez with 110gr bh 209. Sorry for sideways pics.
1 pointhttp://www.sfw.net/data/Deer-Predator-Drought-2012.pdf. Add fire suppression causing thick brush making it easier for predators to stalk deer. The one thing for certain is the 600 mule deer tags for unit 22 is not adjusted for any decrease in the deer population.
1 pointIf hunting were the primary cause of declining deer numbers, why are we not swimming in does and fawns? Human hunters are killing only bucks.
1 point
1 pointFirst off, you are right. There was 10 tags issued for the late hunt and all are cow tags. Russ wasn't up there at the beginning of the hunt because he was helping a client fill a sheep tag and other lousy excuses. (just joking) On the opening day, there were 6 of us hunters and we tried to coordinate as if Russ was there. One of the hunters had a friend who has filled a tag on this hunt in the past and he was helpful in getting us organized for opening day. On opening day, I was designated an area in a pinch point. If buffalo were moving through the area, this area could be hot, but as it turned out, buffalo were not in that area. Nor were there any sightings in any of the areas that the other hunters sat that day, day 1. Others did some scouting on the first day and locations of fresh bison activity was discovered. One hunter tagged out on Saturday morning, day 2, based on information she found scouting the previous day. On the second day, I was recommended to go and sit an area that had a nice dirt tank and a pretty meadow. That is what I asked for. I wanted to make the time sitting the blind very enjoyable with just that type of setting. The problem is, I have never been in the Bab before this hunt and I did not have my GPS with me. I drove past my suggested area. By the time I realized my mistake for sure, I was quite a ways past that location. I decided to educate myself a bit and drive along an area with known recent bison activity. With a little scouting, I found a trick tank that had plenty of fresh bison sign. Russ already had a blind on the tank/ salt lick. I sat that blind for a 3 or 4 hours without anything coming in, but I knew this was the place for me. I decided to set my own blind up next to Russ's. With my own blind set, I can leave some stuff in my blind without having to carry all my stuff to and from the blind each day. One rule of Russ's blinds is that you do not leave anything behind when you leave that set each day. On day 3, I misjudged and parked about 3 miles from my blind sight as opposed to only 3/4 to 1 mile away. Took my old fat butt too long to get to the blind. I sat that blind all day and didn't see anything all day, BUT............BUT I heard bison moving around me. Their hooves sound like horses hooves as the buffalo moved along the gravel road. My blind location gave me a very limited view around me. All I can do is sit and wait. I remember Russ saying the worse thing you can do, is come bounding out of a blind and booger up the buffalo. He says to sit it out and wait for them to come to you. At the end of that day, I walked out while it was still light, because I had a long walk ahead of me. At a puddle, just about 200 yards from the blind, there were signs of mass chaos. The buffalo made big wallows in ash laden silty areas along both sides of the road. Right at the edge of the puddle were signs of some fighting, including some splatters of blood on the ground. Then I saw a horn that apparently was broken off in the fight. All this happened right outside my blind just 200 yards away while I sat in the blind. On day 4, I knew where to park my truck and I was totally set. I sat that blind all day, but it was much quieter than the day before. About an hour before dark, I could hear some noise coming from my left, the park side. Then a couple of bison came running in, fallowed by more and more bison. Soon, there were some 40 or 50 bison jammed together around the salt and trick tank. I was watching the bison trying to pick out a cow that was clear from the rest. I watched and waited for about 10 minutes. One big cow started moving away from the herd. I got a glimpse of utters, so there was no doubt it was a cow. She was big with a horn on one side broomed off about 2/3 gone, so I knew she was old. She didn't have a cow tagging along and her hide on her hump had some gray. She might have even been the lead cow. As she moved to my left, she was in line with the low sun such that I really couldn't make out her front legs. I aimed slightly back, as to avoid her elbow and squeezed off a shot from my 444 Marlin. She ran about 25 yards back towards the park and fell over in a cloud of dust. The herd lingered for a while as I waited in the blind. I did not want to booger them up any more so I waited about 10 minutes before I went to the cow. There was a huge bull that came in about 5 minutes after the first bison came in. This bull literally towered over all the other bison like Shaquile O'Neil. As impressive as he was I was looking for a clear shot at a cow so I didn't watch the bull for long. Two other hunters filled their tags on the same day. As it turned out, I ended up having to break her down by myself. That job beat me up, but I got her done. I was able to drive up to her so that made it easier. THE END
1 point
1 pointI am generally glassing out to 600-1000 yards while at the same time great country/cover at 50 to 300 yards. Best to be backstopped by cover, in the shade and quiet in sound and body movement. Move hands slowly turn your head slowly and no talking and sitting. Have had bucks just feed out of cover in front of me several times at 50 to 70 yards out. Or just move through at 100 to 200 out.
1 pointMy thoughts are that folks that want to let females walk are into it for the business side, personal choice, or like seeing lions out in the wild. For me if it's legal, I am going to shoot female or not.