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  1. 26 points
    It was a pretty short hunt for us. Found a hot doe on Thursday evening and went back in the AM. Found this buck and a few others but this was the heaviest and largest frame. She thought about passing him as we watched them for a couple hours but then decided to take him. She made a great shot at 270 yards and he was done. Met some good people up there and had a great time. She was very blessed to get that call. Thanks to all the people who offered info on the unit!
  2. 9 points
    Alex drew her first elk tag and was able to take a nice Muzzle Loader bull. Maggie drew her first deer tag and took a nice coues.
  3. 3 points
    DIY wyoming elk this past September was very good to us. We went 3 of 4 and all of us had multiple opportunities to make it happen. It's tough to hunt and try to film solo so don't give me crap about the footage. hahaha! Hope you guys enjoy and one day have the opportunity to hunt Wyoming. It's my 2nd hunt there and it's a special place for sure... Wade
  4. 3 points
    I called my UofA fan bro to ask who won. That is always fun. His reply was "what year"? Ha... nice try bro.
  5. 2 points
    You are not special. Also, what are there socks on your rack?
  6. 2 points
    I asked around up there , no for sures but some pretty good ideas.
  7. 2 points
  8. 2 points
    A couple years ago my then 14 year old son wanted to kill a pig with his revolver. Made me proud how much he shot before the hunt and somehow managed to shoot the smallest pig in the herd.
  9. 2 points
    The fact that you brought action figures on a squirrel hunt............
  10. 1 point
    I already posted these pics in the other sections, but I thought I would try to revive this section. My wife got her first pig this year all while using a handgun for the first time. I was able to fill my Wyoming Antelope tag with my 6.5 creedmoor pistol. I never thought I would like pistol hunting, but after having some success I'm looking forward to more handgun hunts.
  11. 1 point
    My dad and I were able to get out for a few days last weekend. After starting off with a couple missed shots by my dad on Friday morning then not being able to keep an eye on a couple bucks we were able to glass up Friday afternoon. We headed to a different area Saturday saw lots of deer but no bucks. Sunday morning we hunted around camp i glasses up a bachelor herd of 7 bucks. We made a plan and started the climb up the mountain. My dad said since i found the deer i could get first shot so we split up thinking the bucks would go over the top after the shot. So i snuck into place when i got over there i couldn’t find the deer thinking i had gone to low. As i was getting ready to grab my stuff to back out and go higher a spike steps out so i stay put and get ready. After 4 spikes and forkies step out my buck presents himself and i shot. I watch him go down the deer stay put i call my dad and tell him to get over the top right away there’s a bigger buck! After what seemed like a hour but more like 5 minutes his buck was getting ready to top over. My dad tops the ridge and shoots his buck at 200 yards! It was awesome watching both bucks drop within 50 yards of each other!
  12. 1 point
    There used to be some good heads at Jensens Custom Ammo, which is now The Second Amendment in Tucson. Don't know if they are there anymore or not.
  13. 1 point
    https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MRSVOP1/ref=od_aui_detailpages00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 2 OZ i am giving this a try just ordered yesterday
  14. 1 point
    After I posted I realized it wasn't the first time I had refered to these two teams as wet paper bag candidates! I live in a split house when it comes to Az sports but it is all fun!!! I know this will get dumped on too but..........basketball practice in full swing, wrestling in full swing.......oh wait U of A doesn't wrestle.....dang it......and I think ping pong officially started practice too. Cardinals suck.......my Raiders suck..........U of A blew a 4th quarter lead.......I gotta do more hunting.......................
  15. 1 point
    The Exxon in Fredonia had a bunch of spectacular muley's. Been a very long time since I was there, don't know if they still are on display.
  16. 1 point
    Nice deer he should make a great mount.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    You just lost all credibility....blasphemer!
  19. 1 point
    Does this count? Calling for bear and this guy shows up the end of my boot.
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    It all started 10 years ago. When I was growing up, and showed an interest in hunting, my dad grew that interest into a passion. He taught me how to shoot. He taught me how to glass. He taught me how to climb up and over that next ridge to get away from other hunters or relocate the buck that we watched go that way. He taught me how to wait for the right time to make a move on a buck in order to be in a position for a shot. He taught me how to take tasteful pictures of the buck afterwards and how to clean the animal and utilize all the meat that the animal had to offer. My dad is awesome and he taught me all those awesome things. I always hunted with my dad and brothers. My dad was with me on all of the animals I shot...until 2008. In 2008, we had 6 tags in camp. We decided to split up into two groups of 3 to increase our chances. I was hunting with my older brother and my brother in law. We had been watching some good bucks in the area and we made a plan for opening day. Long story short, I glassed up the bucks and my brother and I pulled a double, killing two bucks that were running together. It was awesome because it was the first time my brother and I had hunted without my dad. It was awesome because we pulled the double. We learned a lot and we learned that we were confident to hunt on our own because of how well dad had taught us. Fast forward 10 years. This year, 2018. We killed two good bucks, again without dad present (he drew a different unit with another of my brothers). We did not pull a tenth anniversary double but it was still an awesome hunt. My oldest boy, Tanner and my brother’s oldest boy, Zac had drawn a general rifle tag for Coues deer in unit 32. We have become a little familiar with the unit over the years and both Zac and Tanner have killed bucks in unit 32 previously. We also brought along Tanner’s brother Parker and Zac’s brother, Colton. My dad was also there to help. We got into the unit on Thursday and got camp set up. Glassing Thursday evening only yielded does and some javelina. Opening morning brought high winds and more does. We glassed up about 25 does that morning. We relocated for the afternoon and fought more wind and found more does. Finally about 20 minute before dark I glassed up a little two point buck about 900 yards out. He was not in a huntable spot for the timeframe that we had and we decided to hunt that area in the morning. Saturday morning found us on a great knob that gave us 360 glassing coverage over a lot of great country. My dad had to stop sooner as to not run out of gas in his quad and was glassing other country. The wind was brutal. We were trying to stay out of the wind and also glass stuff that appeared to be out of the wind. We started finding does right away. Then we heard some shooting nearby and found 4 bucks running out of the country while being shot at. Finally around 9:30, I decided to glass a ridge that was out of the wind for the 3rd or 4th time. Within minutes I glassed up 3 bucks about 1500 yards out. We watched them for about 30 minutes until they bedded down within feet of each other. We made a plan to get closer and felt we could get to the 300 yard range. It took us an hour and 45 minutes to close the distance based on the terrain and our 6 man crew trying to not be too loud or get anyone hurt. We left Colton and Parker with some gear under a cedar and moved up another 30 yards to the top of the ridge with Zac and Tanner. As we eased up we relocated the bucks in their beds. We also ended up a lot closer than we had planned. 190 yards. It took us a few minutes to navigate the brush and rocks on the ridge top and get Tanner and Zac set up in seated positions. Tanner’s buck stood and began to feed while Zac’s remained bedded. The plan was for Tanner to shoot first then Zac. After a few moments, Tanner told me he was ready and I told him I was ready and watching the buck. When Tanner shot, I watched his buck do a back flip into a bush and slide out onto the ground not moving. Zac shot next and went just over the buck. The buck came unglued from his bed and stopped. Zac’s second shot found its mark and I watched as his buck made it about 10 yards before crashing! Another double! 10 years after the first one and we had just watched our boy’s pull a double! It was incredible to watch. We had such a great time and of course the success makes it that much sweeter. Tanner’s buck: .270 win, 150 gr Berger VLD, 190 yards Zac’s buck: .243, 95 gr. Berger VLD, 200 yards Sorry for the long winded story, just trying to give it some context.
  22. 1 point
    Outstanding!! Thanks for sharing the hunt with us and taking such great pics
  23. 1 point
    I have a 7e late season tag also. Never hunted in Arizona before. I knew it was not a good unit when I applied but I would rather go than stay at home. Been trying to get info from the game and fish office in flag staff (not going well) tried searching any site that had any 7e info (not much out there) read game and fish sites, joined go hunt (frustrating) The little bit of info that I read for the late season said that the bull elk will not be high and should be in the 7000’-8000’ range. Not sure how good that info is. Elk are scattered through out the area, keep moving and look for fresh sign, glass? Wish I had a solid starting point. Planing on tenting in a seekout side tipi with wood stove close to where I decide to hunt. I would spike out but looks like there are to many roads.
  24. 1 point
    Man can't even ask a honest question anymore on this sight without the little penis patrol going off.
  25. 1 point