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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/17/2018 in all areas

  1. 12 points
    Our Son graduated from Air Force BMT this morning. We are very proud of this Airman!
  2. 2 points
    I've had several friends take their kids to this camp. They had a great time! Thanks to everyone who helps make it happen!!!
  3. 2 points
    Not sure why you felt the need to dump on a youth camp post. Maybe it was late. Guess it should be made clear: The chapter provides all those meals to the kids and their families for free. Chapter members volunteer a ton of time to get that camp ready, volunteer as mentors to make sure kids are safe and have the best chance possible to get a deer. There is no cost to participate in the camp.
  4. 2 points
    I think that most of Umpqua’s concerns would be resolved if they simply made the super point only valid for one year. I still vote for a raffle. Similar to the Big Game Super Raffle, for each species they raffle off 10 additional bonus points to be used in the next draw cycle.
  5. 2 points
    You multiply your points by itself so if you have 5 points you have 25 plus 1 for that entry. 10 points 101, 20=401 30=901 and so on.
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
    The rifle and berger bullets performed well on my first Kaibab hunt. My buddy and I both took our deer with it. The 4x4 was mine at about 250 yards. Mine didn't exit. The fork horn was his at about 40 yards. He hit it quartering toward him through the chest and out behind the opposite shoulder. It made a nasty exit wound.
  8. 1 point
    The Arizona Chapter of SCI is hosting a camp once again to serve the young hunters who drew tags for 36A, 36B and 36C. This is for the hunts that start the day after Thanksgiving. Camp is in a new location this year. It’s near Milepost 4 west of Arivaca on the Arivaca-Sasabe Highway. Look for the big tower on the south side of the road for the turn. The chapter provides breakfast, lunch and dinner on Friday. They also provide breakfast and lunch on Saturday. Dinner on Saturday is a potluck. For more info, visit www.azsci.com/events
  9. 1 point
    Just got back with a nice cow elk. I had a short 150 yard head on shot. The 400 grain partition at about 2,700 fps entered in the center chest and exited the back, after penetrating about 60 inches. Internals affected with no meat loss. The elk went down so fast my partner thought I missed. It must have been dead when it hit the ground, so no tracking was needed in the dark. Sorry, no chance for photos because it was nearly dark when it was shot, and we had to hustle the dressing. We found it to be a very different dynamic for the elk due to the extreme drought this spring, followed by needing to truck water to the accessible tanks. This November elk hunt was mostly uneventful, with lots of long hikes, an absence of elk we normally would see. Just dumb luck on this one.
  10. 1 point
    Congratulations, that's Amazing! Great job!
  11. 1 point
    Congratulations to him, and you
  12. 1 point
    Good stuff congratulations!!!
  13. 1 point
    3 to 6 weeks, customer service can give you better time frames, but never has been very long. I'd send them in the off season when use is low.
  14. 1 point
    It was day 6, and we had not seen anything bigger since opening morning during shooting hours. His twisted his knee the day prior and was in rough shape for hiking. He gutted it out all day on day 6 and this little guy presented himself so he took it knowing it might be the last opportunity he would get. He was about ready to call off the hunt in general so it was great that he got this one. He is a tough dude so I know he was hurting bad to think about calling it.
  15. 1 point
    That thing is huge! Congrats!
  16. 1 point
    My typical day on a late bull hunt starts with glassing feeding areas and travel corridors in the AM, usually from distance. I am not necessarily in position to take a shot but more aligning myself for a mid morning pursuit of bedded elk. After opening day I expect elk to be out of the open areas and headed to bed by sun up. If I locate bulls I watch them until they bed and plan a pursuit. Either attempting to shoot them in their beds or ambush them at last light when they begin to move back towards feeding areas. If I am ambushing I set up on the same travel corridors I saw the museum the AM. If I haven’t located anything then once the sun is up I switch to glassing bedding areas and thick cover. Elk will move around some, and they’re big so they can be located at any time of the day. Sometimes they even water midday. In the evening I am setting up on areas where I expect to see elk emerge from their beds. Evening time is a challenging time to kill a bull, because recovery is a problem. Even in November leaving a bull overnight can lead to spoilage. So be aware of what you are signing up to when you pull that trigger. Good luck amigo! Be sure to report back and take lots of pics.
  17. 1 point
    I had Phoenix Custom Rifles (Tempe), put a AP micro bastard on my T3X 7mm earlier this year that i'm happy with. The rest of my family always goes with Accuracy Speaks, seen their work, top notch.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Hunt update, hunted hard for 9 days saw a total of 10 deer, 3 bucks and 7 doe's. A good friend caught up with me on the last day and with his 50+ years of hunting the area and understanding the deer patterns after they get water he led me to this buck. He is not the monster that is on display at the Ron's place but a nice one just the same. Thank you for all of the suggestions and yes the OnX Hunt app is the real
  20. 1 point
    This morning I became aware of the Super Bonus Point proposal. This was my comment online to AZGFD on the proposal: "BONUS POINT" BACKGROUND: During a 1986 hunt, my guide expressed an idea for a draw system that gave applicants increased draw odds after each unsuccessful year of applying. In 1988, I drafted a letter and sent it to most of the western fish and game departments, including Arizona. In that letter, I described the concept and actually coined the term "bonus point". I received letters back from New Mexico, Oregon, Idaho, Colorado, Nevada and Oregon. In 1991, Arizona adopted the bonus point system. Nevada and Utah have as well. As a nonresident of Arizona, I have accrued max deer points (22 points), one less than max for antelope and sheep (29 points) and 20 points for elk, so I have been INVESTING in AZGFD's bonus point system for nearly 30 YEARS and am on the verge of enjoying the fruit of that long term investment. Since I don't hunt Arizona on years I don't draw, the thousands of dollars of hunting license and application fees have been paid strictly towards future tag opportunities. I have even flown down to Arizona to take Hunters Safety. If a "super bonus point" option is only allowed for ONE SPECIE and those points are retained until drawn, I will be forced to choose which of these four species to move forward on and which three to leave behind. It will DEVALUE a point system people have ALREADY INVESTED in! It will most deeply affect those who have invested the longest. I hope AZGFD sees the ethical and legal problems with this. This would not be the first time AZGFD has devalued points. With the recent change to nonresident tag allocation (5% cap in the bonus pass), my "certainty" of drawing certain tags in my lifetime (13B AZ Strip rifle deer for example) has already vanished. That change has already devalued the investment of long term nonresident applicants. The new "super bonus point" (for one specie) proposal would again further damage that investment for residents and nonresidents alike. For me the problem compounds. As a divorced parent, I have been buying licenses and around 20 points each year for my six children for the past 14 YEARS to eventually create hunt opportunities and memories with them. I have also been applying my wife for the past 9 years. Our family is on the verge of several high quality hunt opportunities that we have ALREADY MADE a huge financial investment towards. The "super bonus point" proposal could threaten the investment by forcing us choose a single specie to move forward on. Actually, I am not opposed to paying slightly more (say $10 per applicant per year) to help with AZGFD's funding through some method, but please make certain that any adopted plan does not DEVALUE THE INVESTMENT ALREADY MADE by your most LOYAL and LONG TERM customers. Here is the way I look at it. Imagine if an investment company offered a retirement savings plan, and drew customers into that plan with certain future expectations. Then 20 or 30 years down the road, just as people began to reach retirement and enjoying their investment, the company cut the benefits down to a fraction of what was originally offered. That would not only be unethical, but likely illegal. I entered AZGFD's bonus point offering with my eyes open to the investment I was making, and under the ground rules laid out by you. Please to not devalue that investment nearly 30 years down the road.
  21. 1 point
    good Karma can be achieved by helping the OP by PM. U just put gps coords on the open web for everyone to see.
  22. 1 point
    68-69 of H-1000 with the 168 Bergers or 70-71gr of Retumbo with the 180s has always given me excellent results. Doesn't matter what rifle it is.
  23. 1 point
    I was really scared this was a rifle problem, and not a bullet problem. The rifle was basically new, and I had no baseline to go against when I started with the copper bullets. I was very relieved when the Bergers put down a bunch of consistent groups. Now I can dial in a load and hopefully tighten them up a little. Either way, I am thrilled the gun will shoot consistently at 1 MOA or less.
  24. 1 point
    If you're going to tackle a hunt like that with lots of private land I would recommend using a GPS mapping software that indicates land ownership. I have used On-X maps for years and strongly recommend it,
  25. 1 point