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  1. 5 points
    The 3 biggest lies in the outdoor world are temp ratings on a sleeping bag, person rating on tent size, and the velocity on a box of factory ammo.
  2. 2 points
    Elton Bingham was born on February 19, 1904 in Milton Wisconsin. The son of hard working dairy and hog farmers, he grew up with a love of the land and the soil and the bounties that it could provide. Today it would be hard to imagine but until the late 1960's very few deer could be found in that part of the state and as a boy and into his adult life he always cherished the annual trips to deer camp in northern Wisconsin. When old enough my father accompanied him and I grew up listening to the stories of deer camp. kangaroo court was held each evening and punishment was dealt out accordingly. If you missed a doe the tail of your hunting shirt was cut off, a buck and you lost a sleeve. Bad shots, forgetting your knife and a myriad of other events were also punishable offenses and it was not uncommon for some participants to be wearing only a collar by the end of the hunt. Elton Bingham carried a model 14, .30 Remington pump gun that he traded farm work for in 1920. Basically a rimless 30-30 that was Remington's answer to the lever guns so common of that time period. In Elton's hands it was the nemesis of many, many deer in the Wisconsin woods. I remember as a grade schooler getting to shoot it once at a fence post with a corn field back drop, admiring the spiral magazine and thinking it was the coolest thing in the world. Eventually it made it's way to Arizona when my father brought it back after a visit. At 9500 feet the air was thin and I stopped on the incline to catch my breath and look for awhile. I thought of my Grandpa rushing into the barn and driving out the cows and horse teams as they succumbed to silo gas. He suffered severe lung damage but men were men and to lose the farm was unacceptable, to claim bankruptcy would be worse. Looking down at his rifle and the worn bluing at it's balance point and knowing that because of him my hands were now where his had been was almost surreal. In the thick aspens I knew that this was as close as I would ever come to hunting whitetails in a Wisconsin cranberry swamp. As close to my Grandpa as I had ever felt. Elton and Constance Bingham 1930
  3. 2 points
    I spent more time hunting and less time filming, but it was a lot of fun! Hope you enjoy my quick little video! https://youtu.be/7RZjc5sv9Vw
  4. 2 points
    One of my favorite AZ critters. Found a huge one in 23 a few years ago on a deer hunt. They blend in so good sometimes they are hard to find.
  5. 1 point
    My son connected with this cool forky today. He was sure pumped and I couldn't be more proud. His 2nd year in a row dropping one...he's making me look really bad.
  6. 1 point
    After gathering 17 bonus points, I drew this tag! I have never been there but I was extremely tired of waiting. It is crazy to me that even with 17 points, I could only draw the second hunt. There are only 3 tags on each hunt, so it was tough to get drawn but I am so glad I did. This was the only tag I was certain to draw by the numbers. I am an avid spring hunter, 15 years on San Carlos and several hunts on public lands. I have harvested over 25 birds during spring hunts. If anyone has any information on the bird population, areas to hunt, and places to start, I would really appreciate and direction/guidance you may have to offer. I want to shoot this bird with my bow, but will not eat this tag. Very dedicated to achieving the Arizona Slam with my bow. I have heard that game and fish has trapped birds here, and some years the numbers are down. Any help would be great.
  7. 1 point
    I drew a tag in a unit that some of my friends are pretty familiar with and we've been spending time in there regularly. I'm not the pickiest of guys but I had 2 big exams coming up the following week so that left little time for me to hunt once again.... not to mention the hot weather and full moon. Opening day came and I was still in class while Steven was out with his father, Steve. Steve had the same tag as I and he got tagged out early Friday morning. I raced out after my Ochem lecture and was in the unit by 1pm. Steven picked me up and took me into camp, where we hung out until it was time to hunt the evening. Around 3:30 we head out to the evening spot and start glassing. As the evening progressed, more deer started to show. I walked back across the hill after checking the backside and Steven said he found a nice 3x3. I looked at him and let him walk. As Im looking through the BTX, I see two other nice bucks start to come over the hill. I saw that one had good height and some bladed tines before they walked back into the trees. I got Steve's new 28 Nosler ready to go while Steven tried to reacquire the buck. After a few minutes, the bucks all reappear at last light, Steven gives me the range, 480. Once I was able to place the 180 berger correctly, the buck dropped like a sack of potatoes. I'm very happy with him and we were thankful that we didn't have to hunt in the heat of the next day. Big thank you to Steven for hunting with me and Steve for letting me use his brand new Christensen Arms 28 Nosler! Also passed those exams so it all worked out perfectly
  8. 1 point
    I bought this in January with the intention to restore it. My plans changed. It has the 345 v8 and automatic transmission. I have the soft top to go with it. Asking $4500. Located in East Mesa.
  9. 1 point
    crispi...go try them out a Ross Outdoors
  10. 1 point
    It didn't quite all go to sausage (out of the smoker and chilling down now). The traditional tenders for breakfast.
  11. 1 point
    I'm considering buying a BTX soon and can't decide either. I'm leaning towards the 95, but I would bet the 85 is probably fine for everything I do. If all else fails buy both:)
  12. 1 point
    This morning I became aware of the Super Bonus Point proposal. This was my comment online to AZGFD on the proposal: "BONUS POINT" BACKGROUND: During a 1986 hunt, my guide expressed an idea for a draw system that gave applicants increased draw odds after each unsuccessful year of applying. In 1988, I drafted a letter and sent it to most of the western fish and game departments, including Arizona. In that letter, I described the concept and actually coined the term "bonus point". I received letters back from New Mexico, Oregon, Idaho, Colorado, Nevada and Oregon. In 1991, Arizona adopted the bonus point system. Nevada and Utah have as well. As a nonresident of Arizona, I have accrued max deer points (22 points), one less than max for antelope and sheep (29 points) and 20 points for elk, so I have been INVESTING in AZGFD's bonus point system for nearly 30 YEARS and am on the verge of enjoying the fruit of that long term investment. Since I don't hunt Arizona on years I don't draw, the thousands of dollars of hunting license and application fees have been paid strictly towards future tag opportunities. I have even flown down to Arizona to take Hunters Safety. If a "super bonus point" option is only allowed for ONE SPECIE and those points are retained until drawn, I will be forced to choose which of these four species to move forward on and which three to leave behind. It will DEVALUE a point system people have ALREADY INVESTED in! It will most deeply affect those who have invested the longest. I hope AZGFD sees the ethical and legal problems with this. This would not be the first time AZGFD has devalued points. With the recent change to nonresident tag allocation (5% cap in the bonus pass), my "certainty" of drawing certain tags in my lifetime (13B AZ Strip rifle deer for example) has already vanished. That change has already devalued the investment of long term nonresident applicants. The new "super bonus point" (for one specie) proposal would again further damage that investment for residents and nonresidents alike. For me the problem compounds. As a divorced parent, I have been buying licenses and around 20 points each year for my six children for the past 14 YEARS to eventually create hunt opportunities and memories with them. I have also been applying my wife for the past 9 years. Our family is on the verge of several high quality hunt opportunities that we have ALREADY MADE a huge financial investment towards. The "super bonus point" proposal could threaten the investment by forcing us choose a single specie to move forward on. Actually, I am not opposed to paying slightly more (say $10 per applicant per year) to help with AZGFD's funding through some method, but please make certain that any adopted plan does not DEVALUE THE INVESTMENT ALREADY MADE by your most LOYAL and LONG TERM customers. Here is the way I look at it. Imagine if an investment company offered a retirement savings plan, and drew customers into that plan with certain future expectations. Then 20 or 30 years down the road, just as people began to reach retirement and enjoying their investment, the company cut the benefits down to a fraction of what was originally offered. That would not only be unethical, but likely illegal. I entered AZGFD's bonus point offering with my eyes open to the investment I was making, and under the ground rules laid out by you. Please to not devalue that investment nearly 30 years down the road.
  13. 1 point
    Great season! Got into a herd having a full blown party, opening morning (a week late in 7w this year for the early muzzy hunt in there) Had some bruisers just out of bow range. Got into big bulls every single day and no shortage of amazing elk hunting! Met some cool hunters in the field, earned some blisters and bruises. Found a good shed, hiked through God's most beautiful country, I had a great time overall. I called in many bulls, saw some of the most jacked up bulls I've ever seen, took a shot and missed at a 3x6 that was so strangely cool.. and an hour after that, I managed to slock this little guy on Monday evening. Ranged him at 86 yards, as I began to punch the trigger I noticed a blade hanging out if the rubber band..... Talk about a dilemma..... I punched the trigger anyway. Bull ran 40 yards and spin-out dead! Had him half quartered up before my fellow archers showed up, 2 trips down the mtn, and we had him bagged and tagged and hanging in the cool air back at camp by 1am. My 4th archery bull and I really really enjoyed the hunt. Just got home to do laundry and work tomorrow, then back up the hill to call in another bull for my buddy.
  14. 1 point
    In this case, yes. The son is definitely the better shot.
  15. 1 point
    I use strelok and it is very close to actual. I dont have a chrono so I had to do some trajectory validation to find a close velocity that I believe is about spot on. I have found that the Hornady app is about 1 MOA off in some cases compared to strelok, shooter, applied ballistics, and the G7 ballistics calculator. Once I found my "actual" velocity, I compared all of the above mentioned calculators. The closest to center on paper at 300 yards was strelok. All were tested with the same ammo at the same distance allowing cooling time between each group. I've read that the more precise your inputs are the better outputs you will get. I havent had the chance to really stretch it out and see how accurate the outputs I'm getting are but 1st round hits at 600 are pretty good in my eyes. Especially have zero long range shooting experience prior to.
  16. 1 point
    Hi my my name is Devan, I’m addicted to jerky.
  17. 1 point
    Jerky and sausage ? Come on man that's like putting prime fillet in a crock pot with beer and corn nuts ????!!!!!!!
  18. 1 point
    Game & Fish to plan a new ban! There is talk of a ban on the use of cardboard boxes to hunt Mountain Lions as unfair chase due to the cats inability to resist them!!!!
  19. 1 point
    We've been donated two (2) separate whitetail tags for this Friday, Nov. 9, and would love to get a couple vets out hunting Coues deer. One tag is for Unit 21, the other tag is for Unit 35B. I know it's last minute, but anyone available? Maybe welcome a vet into your camp if you have a tag for this Friday? Or maybe you know one of these 2 units and would like to volunteer and give back to an Arizona veteran? Give me a call as soon as possible if either applies to you --- (480)760-3868. Sincere thanks, --- Tom
  20. 1 point
    I think it will go over better than you think. There are 3 groups of guys. First group is a guy that shoots a sub moa hole at 100 yards and is confident that he can now shoot 1000 yards with his $6,500.00 custom gun and the same amount of money spend on optics. That guys is very dangerous and you got to see him in action the other day. Second group is a guy that shoots out to longer distances and realizes that it is really hard to shoot past 400-500 yards and you need a superior skill set to shoot past 600 yards. These guy will likely cap off their effective range off at 400-600 yards and will work to get closer if the critter is past that range. The third group of guys shoot a bunch and they are probably more into the shooting than that hunting. They live to mess with guns, reloads, shooting and everything that has to do with shooting a long distance. This group has a chance of consistently (not just getting lucky) of hitting a target past 600 yards with only one shot.......not needing a box of ammo. There are very few guys in this group. Personally I don't know one that fits in this category but I'm sure there is a guy or two on this website that fits into this group. I put myself into the second group.
  21. 1 point
    I shoot about 2500-3000 rounds a year of centerfire rifles. Probably 800 or so at 400 to 1700+ yards. My personal hunting rifles are verified at long range for actual drops. Here are some shots over the last 4-5 years. A lot of other 1st round one shot kills from 18 to 350 yards that will not add to this discussion. I can not think of many that needed a second shot. Maybe 1 bull @ 250 just to anchor him at last light. 662 yds, bull elk, 1 shot, within .5" of POA. 7RM w. 180 Hybrid @ 2996fps Bull went 50+/- yards 772 yards, coyote, 1 shot. 7RM w. 180 Hybrid @ 2996fps Coyote ran 40 yards 637 yds, mule deer buck, 1 shot, with wind drift about 4" R from POA (still shattered both shoulders, vertebra, and top of both lungs) deer dropped at the shot and never moved. 6.5 SLR w. 127 LRX @ 3060fps (by my 14 year old daughter) 1365 yds, 2 coyotes, 2 shots. .300RUM w. 230 Hybrid @ 3068fps Coyotes flopped about 20 yards downhill 1323 yards, coyote, 2 shots. .250AI w. 100SMK @ 3100fps Coyote spun about 4 times and dropped 488 yards, mule deer buck, 1 shot. .25-06AI w. 100 TTSX @ 3600fps Never took a step 432 yds, bull elk, 1 shot. .300RUM w. 215 Hybrid @ 3100fps (son-in-law) Dropped at the shot 1201 yards, squirrel, 1 shot. .300RUM w. 230 Hybrid @ 3068fps Flew about 20' in the air in a tangled mess Here are a couple of the misses (names will be withheld): Bull elk @ 882, shot right over his back (because shooter misunderstood when I told him to "hold right on his shoulder", and he held the top of the shoulder....right where the vapor trail showed) .300RUM w. 215 Hybrid @ 3100fps Big mule deer @ 851, saw bullet impact dirt just below belly. Watched that deer play cat and mouse with the hunter for 45 minutes, never offering another shot. 6.5 SLR w. 140 HVLD @ 2950fps I can't count the number of shots NOT taken because conditions did not allow what I consider a guaranteed kill shot or a possible recovery. Not so much distance, but mainly wind, cover, weather, proximity to nasty terrain for recovery, etc., I have missed more archery shots than rifle by far. And 80% of those were at freaking turkeys.
  22. 1 point
    I’m not against the super man point. But I’m not against the a stamp either. I’m against an auction. Also not against a raffle as flatlander stated. I think the stamp FOR EVERYONE. Would raise the most money with the least controversy. I’ve given them my 2 cents in the comments survey.
  23. 1 point
    I’ve seen some good rams glassing from the Rez looking for sheep on our side of course but do the occasional look see. Seen couple 170s that should push the number last year. I got some info at least where to look. Plus a buddy of mine who is the master of 28.
  24. 1 point
    These 2 where taken from these units a few years back, heard they where running together theres a gunsmith up there in Holbrook, you need to go check out, more big bucks mounted in his shop than anywhere I know.
  25. 1 point
    Here are a couple I have had the pleasure to tag along on in 27/28,