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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/11/2018 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    Well short story. Hunted three hard days. One missed shot opportunity. Had to work 2 days. Watching the clock waiting for the time to get back to my glassing spot. Hoping for redemption. Finally Wednesday morning came and 10 minutes into glassing turned up 3 coues bucks feeding with 2 muley bucks. Range 255. One shot later from the Savage 7MM and patiently/impatiently waiting to make my way across the canyon to retrieve him. Not my biggest coues but a tough fun hunt. One heck of a pack out of the canyon. Big thanks to Josh for dropping everything and helping me with the pack out. Well I just bought a new truck and was waiting to get back on the board with my second coues deer. Does anyone on here know where I can get a coueswhitetail window decal. Thanks.
  2. 5 points
    After hunting a specific buck For 3 days with little to no deer to be shown for it I switched hunting areas and met up with my buddy Todd who had found an area in his scouting that had a few mature bucks in it. It payed off and that evening we killed this solid buck. I’m beyond thankful for friends who are willing to grind out the crappy days and come through when I needed it! Thanks fellas!
  3. 2 points
    I drew a tag in a unit that some of my friends are pretty familiar with and we've been spending time in there regularly. I'm not the pickiest of guys but I had 2 big exams coming up the following week so that left little time for me to hunt once again.... not to mention the hot weather and full moon. Opening day came and I was still in class while Steven was out with his father, Steve. Steve had the same tag as I and he got tagged out early Friday morning. I raced out after my Ochem lecture and was in the unit by 1pm. Steven picked me up and took me into camp, where we hung out until it was time to hunt the evening. Around 3:30 we head out to the evening spot and start glassing. As the evening progressed, more deer started to show. I walked back across the hill after checking the backside and Steven said he found a nice 3x3. I looked at him and let him walk. As Im looking through the BTX, I see two other nice bucks start to come over the hill. I saw that one had good height and some bladed tines before they walked back into the trees. I got Steve's new 28 Nosler ready to go while Steven tried to reacquire the buck. After a few minutes, the bucks all reappear at last light, Steven gives me the range, 480. Once I was able to place the 180 berger correctly, the buck dropped like a sack of potatoes. I'm very happy with him and we were thankful that we didn't have to hunt in the heat of the next day. Big thank you to Steven for hunting with me and Steve for letting me use his brand new Christensen Arms 28 Nosler! Also passed those exams so it all worked out perfectly
  4. 2 points
    Great job. That's a really nice looking buck!
  5. 1 point
    I am thinning my 300 win mag rifles so this is up for sale or trade. Winchester Laredo Long Range Hunter in very good condition with a 20 moa badger creek ordinance steel base. $650.00 Bi-pod is not included in the pics
  6. 1 point
    find the young guys five times more than the full size. Thinking the roadrunners put a big damper in them.
  7. 1 point
    seen a few this year
  8. 1 point
    Yep, the 2 I seen were little as well. One was up close and personal as I was lying on the ground, it moved right in front of my face and gave me a bit of a jump start.
  9. 1 point
    Seen 2 in unit7 helping on a goat hunt three weeks ago. Before that, haven't seen one in quite a while.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Dang that's good lucking buck....Congratulations!
  12. 1 point
    Man that bull has killer fronts. Nice work. Sorry to hear about your loss.
  13. 1 point
    Dude....you never DOWNGRADE optics!
  14. 1 point
    Your zero stays your zero (under the exact same conditions) in a FFP or SFP scope on any magnification. But change conditions, like elevation, temps, etc. it will shift minutely. Beyond 100 (or 200 if that is your zero) is where you see a difference in drops from where you usually shoot. Still pretty close out to 400 or so, but changes in POI will occur as conditions change. Go from low elevation cold weather to high elevation summer weather, and drops change significantly out past 400, and big changes occur past 600-1000+. Your clicks stay the same in FFP or SFP scopes on any magnification. 1/4 MOA clicks are 1/4 MOA clicks @ 3x or 24X @ 100 yards. @ 200 yards, they become 1/2 MOA clicks in both FFP or SFP scopes. 400 yards, they become 1 MOA clicks in both FFP or SFP scopes. 800 yards, yep, 2 MOA clicks, 1000 yards, 2.5MOA clicks, and so on. Subtension values are what change at different magnifications in a SFP, whereas they remain constant in a FFP scope. A SFP scope with subtensions are ONLY accurate at max magnification & 100 yards. So say you have a BDC reticle in a SFP scope. Usually*, SFP BDC reticles are 0, 1.5MOA, 3.5MOA, 7.5MOA, 11MOA (or similar). That is @ 24X in a 6-24x50 scope. But, once you turn down magnification, all bets are off. You have to go to half max magnification to get back on track. @ 12X, the same subtensions become 3, 7, 15, 22MOA holds. When you go to 6X, they become 6, 14, 30, 44MOA subtensions. But only @ 100 yards. Start moving out, and those numbers change again, and you better break out a ballistic program and a calculator. FFP subtensions remain constant at any magnification. A 5 MOA mark is a 5 MOA mark @ 6x, 8X, 12.2X, 15.7X, 20.1X, or 24X. At 100 yards. At 200, they double in inches. Still 5MOA, but it is now 10". At 300, they triple to 15" at 400, the quadruple to 20" which is still 5MOA.....@ 1000, they are 10X or 50" but still 5 MOA (yeah, I don't know that term). But magnification has no effect of subtension values.
  15. 1 point
    I want to say thanks to all the guys that take part in this forum. You guys made researching this hunt easy. Coues Whitetail was everything it was supposed to be and more. I scouted this buck in July and found him on the second day of my hunt. I was able to get close (150 yards) and seal the deal with one well placed shot. I'm very proud of this buck. The warden was able to age him between 6 - 8 years which makes it all the better. Thanks for the conversation as always and enjoy the pictures! Reece
  16. 1 point
    Sharing for a buddy “HOSS” he was able to get his client on this bull during his hunt in September. Check out Hoss Guide Service if your in need of an Outfitter on the San Carlos.
  17. 1 point
    Man stop posting up the left over list 😊 my odds go way down
  18. 1 point
    The only pic I got. Time was of the essence. I'll have a cool Euro mount done by Authentic and a buffalo rug. That is the entrance wound on this side. See the horn that's broomed off. Not so easy to see, but she is laying in a nest of cats claw. I have a few new scratches.
  19. 1 point
    First off, you are right. There was 10 tags issued for the late hunt and all are cow tags. Russ wasn't up there at the beginning of the hunt because he was helping a client fill a sheep tag and other lousy excuses. (just joking) On the opening day, there were 6 of us hunters and we tried to coordinate as if Russ was there. One of the hunters had a friend who has filled a tag on this hunt in the past and he was helpful in getting us organized for opening day. On opening day, I was designated an area in a pinch point. If buffalo were moving through the area, this area could be hot, but as it turned out, buffalo were not in that area. Nor were there any sightings in any of the areas that the other hunters sat that day, day 1. Others did some scouting on the first day and locations of fresh bison activity was discovered. One hunter tagged out on Saturday morning, day 2, based on information she found scouting the previous day. On the second day, I was recommended to go and sit an area that had a nice dirt tank and a pretty meadow. That is what I asked for. I wanted to make the time sitting the blind very enjoyable with just that type of setting. The problem is, I have never been in the Bab before this hunt and I did not have my GPS with me. I drove past my suggested area. By the time I realized my mistake for sure, I was quite a ways past that location. I decided to educate myself a bit and drive along an area with known recent bison activity. With a little scouting, I found a trick tank that had plenty of fresh bison sign. Russ already had a blind on the tank/ salt lick. I sat that blind for a 3 or 4 hours without anything coming in, but I knew this was the place for me. I decided to set my own blind up next to Russ's. With my own blind set, I can leave some stuff in my blind without having to carry all my stuff to and from the blind each day. One rule of Russ's blinds is that you do not leave anything behind when you leave that set each day. On day 3, I misjudged and parked about 3 miles from my blind sight as opposed to only 3/4 to 1 mile away. Took my old fat butt too long to get to the blind. I sat that blind all day and didn't see anything all day, BUT............BUT I heard bison moving around me. Their hooves sound like horses hooves as the buffalo moved along the gravel road. My blind location gave me a very limited view around me. All I can do is sit and wait. I remember Russ saying the worse thing you can do, is come bounding out of a blind and booger up the buffalo. He says to sit it out and wait for them to come to you. At the end of that day, I walked out while it was still light, because I had a long walk ahead of me. At a puddle, just about 200 yards from the blind, there were signs of mass chaos. The buffalo made big wallows in ash laden silty areas along both sides of the road. Right at the edge of the puddle were signs of some fighting, including some splatters of blood on the ground. Then I saw a horn that apparently was broken off in the fight. All this happened right outside my blind just 200 yards away while I sat in the blind. On day 4, I knew where to park my truck and I was totally set. I sat that blind all day, but it was much quieter than the day before. About an hour before dark, I could hear some noise coming from my left, the park side. Then a couple of bison came running in, fallowed by more and more bison. Soon, there were some 40 or 50 bison jammed together around the salt and trick tank. I was watching the bison trying to pick out a cow that was clear from the rest. I watched and waited for about 10 minutes. One big cow started moving away from the herd. I got a glimpse of utters, so there was no doubt it was a cow. She was big with a horn on one side broomed off about 2/3 gone, so I knew she was old. She didn't have a cow tagging along and her hide on her hump had some gray. She might have even been the lead cow. As she moved to my left, she was in line with the low sun such that I really couldn't make out her front legs. I aimed slightly back, as to avoid her elbow and squeezed off a shot from my 444 Marlin. She ran about 25 yards back towards the park and fell over in a cloud of dust. The herd lingered for a while as I waited in the blind. I did not want to booger them up any more so I waited about 10 minutes before I went to the cow. There was a huge bull that came in about 5 minutes after the first bison came in. This bull literally towered over all the other bison like Shaquile O'Neil. As impressive as he was I was looking for a clear shot at a cow so I didn't watch the bull for long. Two other hunters filled their tags on the same day. As it turned out, I ended up having to break her down by myself. That job beat me up, but I got her done. I was able to drive up to her so that made it easier. THE END
  20. 1 point
    Sir give me a call. I have a great deal of info I can pass along. Dave 602-228-1719
  21. 1 point
    Not the hog saddle Trphyhntr is looking for
  22. 1 point
    My son and I took off this past weekend for a father-son fly fishing trip to the San Juan while my wife and daughter were on a girls trip. I haven't been to the San Juan in 11 years and its always been bugging me to go back, especially to get my family really into fly fishing. We've all fly fished a couple of small streams here in AZ and Jacob has landed a YOY rainbow w/par marks, but that's it. We got to Abe's about 1pm Friday afternoon, got checked in, license purchased, and some local fly patterns. I was nervous about Jacob wading since he's the skinny kid who has to dance around in the shower to get wet, but he did great. I had a life jacket for him to wear, but the guys at Abe's put us in a spot where he wouldn't need it. When we got there, I asked a guy if we could squeeze in downstream or if he'd prefer we go somewhere else and he graciously offered Jacob his spot. Its nice to see (especially for Jacob) that kind-hearted people are still out there. We started off close together with him upriver of me and me not fishing until I knew he was ok wading, getting his casting game on, and knowing what to look for when a trout takes his fly. He was amazed at all the big trout swimming within a foot of him and he fell into a groove. After an hour or so, the river started clearing, so we moved up to the next good looking spot. I re-rigged his set up, removing the weights so the emergers acted like true emergers and, after 20 about 20 minutes, I hear "I got one!" I coached Jacob on how to use the rod and we were able to net his first real trout on a fly rod. It was a fat 15" bow and I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was completely addicted to flyfishing. That was the only fish of the day, but we stayed for the hatch. Jacob said "How about we stay for 30 more minutes." when the hatch started. Three takes and three misses later, an hour had gone by and we finally worked our way back to the truck. He made it clear that he LOVED dry fly fishing! As we were walking back, I turned around to snap a sunset pic, and I saw a 10-year old boy walking with the swagger of a seasoned fly fisherman. Jacob's first real trout: 15" fat bow Kid with swagger (can't get it oriented right) We got up early Saturday morning, had breakfast, and were on the river by 8:25. It didn't take long for Jacob to hook into another bow, then another, and then he had some real fun. He hooked a 15" fat brown and figured out why I've always said I'll take a 15" brown over an 18"-20" bow any time. I managed to finally get on the board with a smaller bow, but I was finally on the board and giving Jacob some competition. We took a quick lunch break and short nap back at the truck and then decided it was time to get back to our spot, hoping someone hadn't come in. During our lunch break, I reemphasized his casting technique to work on because I spent a big part of the morning undoing wind knots and/or changing leaders because the knots were so bad. That worked and his casting came back solid. I noticed several fish rolling subsurface, so I took my weights off and, after missing a few takes, I ended up landing a 15" fatty bow, too. Jacob and I both played that game off and on, after I set him up with the same flies I was using and removing his weights. We stayed until the hatch went off and I managed to land two bows on my brand new TFO 4wt. Jacob missed a couple of more takes, but is definitely loving this new addiction. He asked me several times on the drive home when we're coming back to the San Juan. Yesterday, we finally set up or fly-tying bench and organized our kits. He was off school for a fall break day and he ended up tying four flies, following the instruction book. His elk hair caddis (#12) needs work but its a great start. His beetle, wooly bugger, and nymph were all pretty solid. He's loving this whole fly fishing thing and I'm loving having a fly fishing buddy! 15" brown Lunch Break My 15" bow Jacob's fly tying
  23. 1 point
    Nice job. Looks like some rough country.
  24. 1 point
    Thank you for your input Ernesto. I’m by no means an outfitter. We buy tag direct from the ranch owners to hunt for ourselves. When we end up with more than one ranch, we have tried to sell the tags so that we have more options for the following year. This has only happened twice so far, last year and this year.
  25. 1 point