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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/2018 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Our son, Jacob, who turns 11 next month, started his year-long journey to get his black belt through our TaeKwanDo studio this past Wednesday. I can't speak for other studios, but I know getting your black belt in this studio is a difficult process. Among the many things he has to do, he has to raise the $550 black belt promotion fee on his own. One of the ways he wants to raise that money is to tie flies for fly fishing and accept donations for them, since we technically can't sell them. He does great with woolly buggers, and does pretty well with elk hair caddis, parachute adams, foam beetles, griffiths gnats (down to #22), and a couple of nymphs. He recently tied 12 woolly buggers for a friend in Iowa (4x#10, 4x#12, 4x#14) for farm pond bluegills and the guy sent him $20 to start his journey. I explained to my wife that we, as parents, are probably going to lose money on this deal, but we have to support his journey and his thought process. You obviously won't hurt our feelings if you say no and pass this, but Jacob would appreciate any consideration. You can PM me or text me if you have my number if you are interested and want to place orders. Below are some samples of his work. Thanks for reading this and, most importantly, considering helping Jacob. These are not even close to professional-grade flies, but, as an avid fly-fisherman, I think he's off to a good start and I've helped him figure out he can make them look more like what they are supposed to. The top left fly in the middle pic is his first attempt at an elk hair caddis. I told him it was a good start, but it needed work. The elk hair caddis in the bottom pic is his second attempt, after getting a better "how-to" video on Youtube. That's my favorite fly out here, so I was very critical of how he needs to tie it.
  2. 4 points
    You probably had bonus points, putting you in the max point portion, very likely with a lot of other people. That eliminated you from the general draw where the tags were leftover.
  3. 3 points
    now you can get both your first and second choice, win win!
  4. 3 points
  5. 2 points
    I drew a tag in a unit that some of my friends are pretty familiar with and we've been spending time in there regularly. I'm not the pickiest of guys but I had 2 big exams coming up the following week so that left little time for me to hunt once again.... not to mention the hot weather and full moon. Opening day came and I was still in class while Steven was out with his father, Steve. Steve had the same tag as I and he got tagged out early Friday morning. I raced out after my Ochem lecture and was in the unit by 1pm. Steven picked me up and took me into camp, where we hung out until it was time to hunt the evening. Around 3:30 we head out to the evening spot and start glassing. As the evening progressed, more deer started to show. I walked back across the hill after checking the backside and Steven said he found a nice 3x3. I looked at him and let him walk. As Im looking through the BTX, I see two other nice bucks start to come over the hill. I saw that one had good height and some bladed tines before they walked back into the trees. I got Steve's new 28 Nosler ready to go while Steven tried to reacquire the buck. After a few minutes, the bucks all reappear at last light, Steven gives me the range, 480. Once I was able to place the 180 berger correctly, the buck dropped like a sack of potatoes. I'm very happy with him and we were thankful that we didn't have to hunt in the heat of the next day. Big thank you to Steven for hunting with me and Steve for letting me use his brand new Christensen Arms 28 Nosler! Also passed those exams so it all worked out perfectly
  6. 1 point
    Well short story. Hunted three hard days. One missed shot opportunity. Had to work 2 days. Watching the clock waiting for the time to get back to my glassing spot. Hoping for redemption. Finally Wednesday morning came and 10 minutes into glassing turned up 3 coues bucks feeding with 2 muley bucks. Range 255. One shot later from the Savage 7MM and patiently/impatiently waiting to make my way across the canyon to retrieve him. Not my biggest coues but a tough fun hunt. One heck of a pack out of the canyon. Big thanks to Josh for dropping everything and helping me with the pack out. Well I just bought a new truck and was waiting to get back on the board with my second coues deer. Does anyone on here know where I can get a coueswhitetail window decal. Thanks.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    A little late but it's been a busy stretch. My daughter turned 10 this year and drew a few tags for the fall break. A lot of built up excitement (mostly my own) over the years and it came and went in the blink of an eye. We started off with a southern deer and javelina hunt. Fortunate enough to have the help of my Dad and friend Nate. Opening morning started with a close call on a good buck but after watching Marissa handle the pressure and miss like a champ I knew she was going to do just fine as a young hunter. Later opening morning we had pigs bedded and the stalk was on! We closed the distance and patience paid off with a perfect heart shot that dropped her first kill ever! Watching her reaction afterwards was priceless and easily one of the greatest experiences I have ever had! We headed back to camp with her confidence sky high. It was already a successful hunt and my Mom's birthday was on Sunday in a couple days so the plan was to head home early for that. Little did I know that Saturday morning she wasn't done. We had some other close encounters and as the morning hunt dwindled, Nate spotted a spike across a canyon. We made a stalk and got above the buck who was bedded deep inside a juniper. The wind was blowing pretty strong and Marissa struggled identifying the buck. After some more patience she finally was able to pin point him. The buck was now on to us and once again, under pressure as a first time hunter, she executed a great shot and the buck went 10 yards! Another priceless moment! Fast-forward to the following weekend and we are now on her final hunt for the fall, junior cow elk. Opening morning we had some bulls talking but nothing coming in. We decided to head back to the same canyon for the evening. As we hiked in with Nate we spotted some elk moving away below us. I tried getting them to slow down by calling when Nate whispered to us to look up. Coming in to the call was a young antlerless bull. We hurried and get her setup and she was a seasoned vet at this point. The young elk dropped in it's tracks! More excitement, hugs, celebration, and the trifecta was complete. Marissa was a bit skeptical going into the season but grew confidence in abundance and learned to trust herself and appreciate the sport. From campfire talks, quad rides, watching wildlife, seeing the diversity and beauty of the outdoors, to all aspects of the actual hunt, I could see her enjoy something I've been so passionate about my whole life. Passing this on and building a future with her as hunting buddies is about the greatest feeling there is. It has been a great start and I can't wait for the memories to come.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Dude, go to roosevelt. It's worth the extra drive.
  11. 1 point
    There’s a lengthy answer to that question somewhere on here. It made sense at the time.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Awesome !!! ...Great Job Marissa!!!
  14. 1 point
    I’d let you fill up at my place but I won’t be home. RV Park and truck stop on hwy 90 and I-10 as stated earlier, RV Park off ocotillo road north of the ten maybe 1/4 mile, and one in st David (don’t remember the name?) if all fails call John with titan drilling, he may be able to help but not sure. Which unit are you hunting?
  15. 1 point
    I don't really know. I looked around a bit to try and figure it out and wasn't able to, other than you can page through all the pages in the leaderboard area and look for your name. I will ask tech support and see what they say.
  16. 1 point
    Sharing for a buddy “HOSS” he was able to get his client on this bull during his hunt in September. Check out Hoss Guide Service if your in need of an Outfitter on the San Carlos.
  17. 1 point
    Man stop posting up the left over list 😊 my odds go way down
  18. 1 point
    The only pic I got. Time was of the essence. I'll have a cool Euro mount done by Authentic and a buffalo rug. That is the entrance wound on this side. See the horn that's broomed off. Not so easy to see, but she is laying in a nest of cats claw. I have a few new scratches.
  19. 1 point
    First off, you are right. There was 10 tags issued for the late hunt and all are cow tags. Russ wasn't up there at the beginning of the hunt because he was helping a client fill a sheep tag and other lousy excuses. (just joking) On the opening day, there were 6 of us hunters and we tried to coordinate as if Russ was there. One of the hunters had a friend who has filled a tag on this hunt in the past and he was helpful in getting us organized for opening day. On opening day, I was designated an area in a pinch point. If buffalo were moving through the area, this area could be hot, but as it turned out, buffalo were not in that area. Nor were there any sightings in any of the areas that the other hunters sat that day, day 1. Others did some scouting on the first day and locations of fresh bison activity was discovered. One hunter tagged out on Saturday morning, day 2, based on information she found scouting the previous day. On the second day, I was recommended to go and sit an area that had a nice dirt tank and a pretty meadow. That is what I asked for. I wanted to make the time sitting the blind very enjoyable with just that type of setting. The problem is, I have never been in the Bab before this hunt and I did not have my GPS with me. I drove past my suggested area. By the time I realized my mistake for sure, I was quite a ways past that location. I decided to educate myself a bit and drive along an area with known recent bison activity. With a little scouting, I found a trick tank that had plenty of fresh bison sign. Russ already had a blind on the tank/ salt lick. I sat that blind for a 3 or 4 hours without anything coming in, but I knew this was the place for me. I decided to set my own blind up next to Russ's. With my own blind set, I can leave some stuff in my blind without having to carry all my stuff to and from the blind each day. One rule of Russ's blinds is that you do not leave anything behind when you leave that set each day. On day 3, I misjudged and parked about 3 miles from my blind sight as opposed to only 3/4 to 1 mile away. Took my old fat butt too long to get to the blind. I sat that blind all day and didn't see anything all day, BUT............BUT I heard bison moving around me. Their hooves sound like horses hooves as the buffalo moved along the gravel road. My blind location gave me a very limited view around me. All I can do is sit and wait. I remember Russ saying the worse thing you can do, is come bounding out of a blind and booger up the buffalo. He says to sit it out and wait for them to come to you. At the end of that day, I walked out while it was still light, because I had a long walk ahead of me. At a puddle, just about 200 yards from the blind, there were signs of mass chaos. The buffalo made big wallows in ash laden silty areas along both sides of the road. Right at the edge of the puddle were signs of some fighting, including some splatters of blood on the ground. Then I saw a horn that apparently was broken off in the fight. All this happened right outside my blind just 200 yards away while I sat in the blind. On day 4, I knew where to park my truck and I was totally set. I sat that blind all day, but it was much quieter than the day before. About an hour before dark, I could hear some noise coming from my left, the park side. Then a couple of bison came running in, fallowed by more and more bison. Soon, there were some 40 or 50 bison jammed together around the salt and trick tank. I was watching the bison trying to pick out a cow that was clear from the rest. I watched and waited for about 10 minutes. One big cow started moving away from the herd. I got a glimpse of utters, so there was no doubt it was a cow. She was big with a horn on one side broomed off about 2/3 gone, so I knew she was old. She didn't have a cow tagging along and her hide on her hump had some gray. She might have even been the lead cow. As she moved to my left, she was in line with the low sun such that I really couldn't make out her front legs. I aimed slightly back, as to avoid her elbow and squeezed off a shot from my 444 Marlin. She ran about 25 yards back towards the park and fell over in a cloud of dust. The herd lingered for a while as I waited in the blind. I did not want to booger them up any more so I waited about 10 minutes before I went to the cow. There was a huge bull that came in about 5 minutes after the first bison came in. This bull literally towered over all the other bison like Shaquile O'Neil. As impressive as he was I was looking for a clear shot at a cow so I didn't watch the bull for long. Two other hunters filled their tags on the same day. As it turned out, I ended up having to break her down by myself. That job beat me up, but I got her done. I was able to drive up to her so that made it easier. THE END
  20. 1 point
    Hunts for Heroes has a lady veteran new to our program who has narrowed her choice to a 7mm-08 in a smaller/youth model. She's new to hunting, doesn't own a big game rifle, and hoping to find a decent buy on a pre-owned rifle or a steal on a new one. NO other calibers being considered. Asking you all to keep your eyes open for us. A huge thanks! --- Tom Cell: (480)760-3868
  21. 1 point
    Leica Customer Service I thought I would take a moment to create a post in reference to Leica's Customer service improvements in 2018. Those of you who know me, and read my 2018 SHOT Show report may recall reading: "We discussed customer service as this has been a hot button topic. Last year they tripled the staff and in 2018 they will be doubling that. They are putting Care back into Customer Care. When any product is sent in for service the customer will be contacted in 1-2 business days. They are on a mission to be #1 in service. So happy about this." As you may or may not know I spend a few hours a day interacting on various forums. This is a follow up post from one of the numerous hunting forums on the web: Amazing service from LEICA Please take a moment to click on it and read it through. Now, I am in no way saying that this is how every service interaction is or will be. What I am saying is that obviously, Leica has been stepping up and as stated in my January SHOT Show report, "They are putting Care back into Customer Care" Just thought it was worth sharing. As always, feel free to reach out to us about any product or brand we handle, whether you purchased it from us or not. We are here to assist. Have a great day. Thank you for your continued support. If there is anything else that I can assist you with please let me know. Doug Camera Land 720 Old Bethpage Road Old Bethpage, NY 11804 516-217-1000, 212-753-5128 Please visit our web site @ Cameras,Binoculars, Spotting Scopes, Rifle Scopes | Camera Land NY Long Islands Largest Camera and Sports Optics Superstore
  22. 1 point
    Hey there, I was up there with a friend for the antlerless hunt and can also comment on not seeing a ton of elk or sign. We had a few rough days off I think it was Rd # 7 just North of the 124. The last night we were up there we took a drive through the Perrin Ranch (part of the ranch-access program) and thought there were some good areas to glass, so we headed back in there for our last morning. We ended up seeing a herd at first light and after being in tight with them for a few hours, finally got a shot at a cow. It was tough, but we got it done on the last day! I wouldn't say where we found these elk was a real obvious spot by the looks of it, but there were a few bulls in the herd. If you're not looking for a monster, message me and I can point you to where we came across these elk.
  23. 1 point
    They taste great, not many of them and they they fly like bullets.
  24. 1 point
    Nothing really, just something different and challenging.
  25. 0 points
    the captain i always fish with in cabo brought a fish 405lbs the second day would have been worth 1.7mil. they disqualified it because i guess it somehow got hit by the prop while landing.