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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2018 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Another successful youth hunt still up here have 1 more tag to fill.
  2. 2 points
    After the fog cost her a shot! Face says it all. Saving her dog from the 5 mile hike. All in all I had still had a blast with my little girl. I love this kids tenacity.
  3. 2 points
    Auroras hunt was not so easy. I dont know what it is but it seems like every one of her hunts is tough. We did find a nice little 8pt whitetail with sort of an orangeish chocolate color to his horns. She decided that was her buck. First day we lost him in the thick stuff. Next day we found them and waited for them to bed in the rain. Once bedded we got to within 350 yards and waited for them to get up since we couldn't see them bedded. We got set up and waited patiently in the rainmwhile fog was slowly moving in. Just as they were getting up and we were setting upmfor the shot the fog obscured them while they walked in to heavy cover. That was agonizing! Next morning we got there a bit late but I found them right away on the hill closest to us. We hustled to the edge of a ravine and got to 287 yards. Set up for the shot. I let her take a dry shot at him and she was ready. While loading the next round and finding him the scope something on the hill spooked them and they bolted! Luckily he stopped at 350 right between some trees with a quartering away shot. She squeezed and i could tell she hit him but not where. We basically spent her last two days of the hunt and half of the 3rd day (friday) trying to find this deer. We find the trail and lose it, then find it etc. Never had good blood and we went at least a mile. On the third day we didn't see any scavengers around so I'm confident it was not a fatal shot and maybe she'll have another chance next. Poor kid was pretty bummed.
  4. 2 points
    Caliche first big game animal! Proud mom and sis! Got ber packed up and on the way to pitchfork unlimeted just in time to beat the rains. Roxy got in on the fun. Got our first taste of real rim weather.
  5. 2 points
    Well Caliche got it done 2nd morning. Opening day in the powerlines was a bust since they mowed it all down there wasn't much activity. We spotted a single bull bull off in the distance but that was it. Later in the day we went to look for deer but since we left Caliche with mom at the camper all we saw were elk! Next morning someone was alreary where we were gonna go so we switched plans and headed towards barx area to glass some fingers. On the way we caught a couole in the flats feeding. Caliche made 2 shots before she walked off in the trees. We walked around the edge of the finger trying to get a good shot at her to finish her but was unsure which cow we were looking at. We Waited for awhile and decided to sneak in quietly. He was bummed it didnt happen quick but it all worked out. She ended up staying close to the same spot and we were 10 yards from her put one more in her to finish it. He was pretty pumped. Mom and sister got to be there for it all which was pretty cool.
  6. 2 points
    I picked up a few Baofeng 8 watt radios and installed Nagoya 701 antennas, both off of Amazon. They have great range! Totally programmable with the CHIRP program. Anywhere I go, whether hunting or fishing, I'll set one up with all the local channels, marine channels, emergency channels, and weather channels. Can even bounce off repeaters(with a license) and extend range virtually across the state. Most of the standard handhelds like Midland are 5 watts max with crappy antennas and have preloaded/limited channels. Something to consider.
  7. 1 point
    Nice! Congratulations!
  8. 1 point
    Nice congratulations to you and your son.
  9. 1 point
    Good stuff. Bummer on Aurora, but sounds like a good experience for everyone.
  10. 1 point
    I was up on the youth deer hunt. I saw your truck parked a couple different places. Congratulations!
  11. 1 point
    Well its bitter sweet! I just sent off my late rifle tag to Arizona Elk Society to be donated. I am moving back to Arizona & starting a new job on the 22nd so not gonna be able to get time off for my hunt. I am super pumped about moving back, but bummed I won't be able to use my tag this year. I am ok with it as I know a wounded warrior will get to use it & have awesome time. I would like to thank Tom Wagner & Arizona Elk Society for helping me complete the tag transfer. What a great way to give back to our vets!!!!!!
  12. 1 point
    I tagged along on a pack out Friday for a vet that never hunted before. Dale from wild heritage taxidermy and a couple guys took a vet out that shot his first ever animal. He was thrilled. Nice big cow. Those donated tags really make a difference to those vets, good for you and good karma to you like muledeerare3e said! It was cool to see how someone who basically does It for a living does It. I learned something so it was a great morning.
  13. 1 point
    Good luck on your hunt too, let us know how it goes.
  14. 1 point
    Next year karma will give you a 400” bull!! Or it won’t. Either way, good for not wasting it.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    If you are looking for black box style radios, not ham, check with Creative Communications on I 10/40th st. Also, Aircomm is in Phoenix, HiTech Wireless in Glendale These radios are not like bubble packs, there quality and you'll find them about 200 bucks each. Many places will program them for you for free if you buy from them.
  17. 1 point
    Tikka T3 Light in 7-08.
  18. 1 point
    They often go to water at mid-day (11 am to 1 pm), although it seems they do that more during the summer than winter. But they definitely move the most at dawn and dusk. I have sat waiting on bedded bucks to come out of cover for many hours....from when they bedded in late morning until dark. Often I find they don't get up until just before the very last shooting light of the day. You will think it's impossible that they could still be in that same clump of bushes you saw them go into hours prior. Years ago, a member (Shortypants, I think) had a quote that I often think of...."coues deer are always where you last saw them" and it's true more often than not for sure. Rifle hunting Coues is definitely not like hunting elk. You spend a lot more time sitting and glassing and waiting than you do stalking. When I elk hunt I cover many miles everyday, when hunting Coues the majority of my hiking is done just getting to the glassing spot. Patience is key.
  19. 1 point
    Sir give me a call...I’ll try and answer your questions....Dave 602-228-1719
  20. 1 point
    Do what Matty said... stand by, you're gonna get sh!t on by this group. Ed F
  21. 1 point
    Just go to any unit and fire a 6.5cm at a random mountainside. The bullet is guaranteed to only hit a monster buck.
  22. 1 point
    Our G&F regs have a ton of good info on success rate & draw odds for draw tags which can help you nail down what unit to put in for, and the G&F website has great starter points listed unit by unit. Seems like everybody has their own favorite unit, but the truth is there are a ton of units that have great access and excellent trophy potential. Good luck on your deer slam, I only need the two blacktail species to finish mine. https://www.azgfd.com/Hunting/Units/
  23. 1 point
    They both look like they are ready for dad to find them some animals:)
  24. 1 point
    Showing up early enough to make a water run in would be the safest thing to do. Better than leaving a day early because you ran out.
  25. 1 point
    You're in for an adventure for sure... I do not know anything about unit 30a, I'm a rookie at these coues as well... But one piece of advice I could give you is glass SLOWLY at the edge of cover not so much in the open yellow grass, although they are in the open yellow grass as well... I just spotted more on the fringe of cover... Have fun and give us a report when its over...