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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/2018 in Posts

  1. 9 points
    Got to my hunting unit on Friday 21st at 6:00 pm. 24 hrs later, Saturday at 6:00 pm, put an arrow in this bull, ran about 100 yards and dropped. I'm very happy! Thanks for looking
  2. 7 points
    Well this has been along time coming. After 20 years of trying to convince my wife to leave communist California, it is finally going to happen! I got a call on monday from my brother in law, he says he is needing a construction superintendant. I talked to him on the specifics, and told him I would talk to the wife and get back to him. I am a small General Contractor specializing in Kitchen & bath remodels and do most of the work myself. My body is getting torn up & I've had a nagging pain in my hip area for about the last 5 to 6 years. Being self employed & going to the doctor to get checked out doesn't work out to well. I finally asked my wife to make me an appointment so I can find out whats up with my hip. I see the doctor yesterday & he says my hip is bone to bone & I need it replaced. My wife tells me take the job your brother in law offered you & quit doing the physical work. So I made the call today to take the job, money is decent & I won't have to physically tear my body up anymore. So to make a long story I am finally coming back home to Arizona & could not be happier!! I have missed it since the day I moved away even though I hunt there every year. It never ever felt like home in California & I have hated it since the day I moved here. My kids are all out of school & moving on. We are ready to start a new chapter in my old stomping grounds & I can't wait. 30 days & counting down to coming home!!!
  3. 7 points
    Suzy my wife, and my daughter Sarah drew unit 1 antelope tags this year. We chose to camp about an hour away from where we planned on hunting to be amongst bugling bulls and much cooler temps. They were able to tag out the first weekend which left us with a week to enjoy camp and the mountains.
  4. 6 points
    Great season! Got into a herd having a full blown party, opening morning (a week late in 7w this year for the early muzzy hunt in there) Had some bruisers just out of bow range. Got into big bulls every single day and no shortage of amazing elk hunting! Met some cool hunters in the field, earned some blisters and bruises. Found a good shed, hiked through God's most beautiful country, I had a great time overall. I called in many bulls, saw some of the most jacked up bulls I've ever seen, took a shot and missed at a 3x6 that was so strangely cool.. and an hour after that, I managed to slock this little guy on Monday evening. Ranged him at 86 yards, as I began to punch the trigger I noticed a blade hanging out if the rubber band..... Talk about a dilemma..... I punched the trigger anyway. Bull ran 40 yards and spin-out dead! Had him half quartered up before my fellow archers showed up, 2 trips down the mtn, and we had him bagged and tagged and hanging in the cool air back at camp by 1am. My 4th archery bull and I really really enjoyed the hunt. Just got home to do laundry and work tomorrow, then back up the hill to call in another bull for my buddy.
  5. 5 points
    After the kill? I was talking about after the morning hunt
  6. 5 points
    bunch of IPA drinking, fedora wearing, vape smoking hunters in this thread i guess
  7. 4 points
    I'm not sure how, but this has got to be Trump's fault.
  8. 4 points
    White boy beer right there. Can't blame the mexicans on this one.
  9. 3 points
    I could say a straight hunter, sane hunter, actual hunter, god fearing hunter, but I won’t. Any hunter who enjoys s beer after a kill is ok in my book (queer beer or not) as long as they take the can with them. Rainbows and smiles my friend, we’re all happy here 😉
  10. 2 points
    I must say I definitely don’t have any California ways!!! Hate this state with a passion!! Tried to leave years ago, but life happens & didn’t want to pull my kids out of school. They’re all grown up now. I’m so grateful for the job offer from my brother in law!!! Can’t wait to finally buy a resident hunting license.
  11. 2 points
    what kind of hunter isn't excited about an ice cold coors light after a hunt? It's the only thing that gets me through
  12. 2 points
    The paper threw me at first, but definitely Guatemalan. Bust it up...look for seeds. Crushed red pepper, leaning towards Honduran.
  13. 2 points
    I’d think some one who hunts in that far is not drinking beer. Most of us pack whisky or shine
  14. 1 point
    Well I was fortunate enough to draw another early bull tag this year. This year I would be chasing rutting bulls with a bow in hand in a unit I personally had never elk hunted before. My hunting partner and I spent a lot of time this summer running cameras and scouting with very little to show. About 2 weeks before season everything changed and the bulls started to move in. The hunt started off great with good rutting activity and several solid bulls to chase. Opening day found me in a pocket of 5 or 6 bulls tearing up. The bulls were very responsive to calling and several smaller bulls were passed. The second morning of the hunt had me intercepting my target bull and his cows. The cows passed by me at 10 yards broadside but the bull opted to walk right to me. At full draw the bull was staring me down at no more than 4 yards when one of his cows circled behind and winded me. The cow barked and the bull started to take off. I managed to stop the bull and guessed him at 35 yards with no tome to range and let it fly but he ended up being at 51. That night while heading back to camp I had a black heffer jump in the road in front of me. As I hit the breaks and tried to avoid hitting her my side by side decided to flip over. Miraculously I walked away with a bruised arm and a sprained ankle. I ended up coming home to recover and hopefully able to hunt again later in the hunt. Wednesday I was able to head back up and give it another go. With my ankle in a brace and immobilized as much as possible I was able to stalk a great bull but was unable to seal the deal. Thursday morning I decided to head to an area we scouted and saw several good bulls. We got in the area and had bulls sounding off all around us. We played cat and mouse with a group of 6 bulls that had 2 groups of cows. After calling to the bulls for 30 minutes while working in on them one of the bulls finally committed. The bull worked from across the canyon right to me. The bull was at 30 yards when I let the arrow fly. He started to walk when I released and I hit him a little back but still in the liver. I immediately started to cow call and the bull stopped at 20 yards. I was able to get another arrow in him and this time took out his lungs. The bull ran about 20 yards and piled up. This hunt definitely won’t be one that I will forget anytime soon. Can’t thank all the guys in camp enough for all the help and encouragement.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Any bull slocked with an arrow is a trophy indeed. Congrats on your hard earned success.
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    I pack out a pack full of cans practically every hiking venture I go on.....15-20 cans........in some of the most remote areas in this state.....SLOB is correct and is no discriminator of race........root beer, 7up, dr pepper.......bud lite, orange crush..........SLOB is SLOB
  23. 1 point
    Bounced out of a Yeti 110
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    4A has been on fire. Bulls are coming to calls, just have to find what they want. Some are coming to bugles with raking, and others to a cow call. Been a fun hunt.