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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/09/2018 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Flatlander and his buddy Andrew came out with his little girl today and shot a limit. These boys will have some sore arms tomorrow. They shot a lot.
  2. 2 points
    21 is not what it used to be but there are still good bucks to be had. I think your 150” standard is fair but you can do better. I typically see 1-2 bucks every year in there that will go 160-170”+. Good luck!
  3. 2 points
    I think you will have a better hunt than you are expecting. Mike deer rut a Bit earlier than coues. I have seen some big swollen necks before Christmas in the desert. You will have a great time. Good luck!
  4. 1 point
    Game and Fish called me the other day and said a tag holder for unit 21 mule deer December 14-31 surrendered his permit and offered it to me since I would have been next in line the draw (what are the odds). I told the nice lady that I would take it. I do know that 21 isn't known as a trophy unit. I do know it is a tough unit to find and big buck in and even tougher to kill him even in December. I know that December is usually marginal for rutting activity. That said, I am not looking for a giant but would really like to take a solid 4 point. Even if its only a 150 class. It has been many years since I hunted 21. I bowhunted it religiously in the 90s and chased many GIANT bucks around 'Desert HIlls' just north of Phoenix. Not only is that area no longer 21, I'm sure land development and years of rifle hunting/archery hunting has taken a toll on the quality and number of bucks in the region. All that said, I am happy to have 18 days of longer days and warmer air away from my home where it will be dark and butt cold in December glassing up deer in the desert. I wasn't interested in another late whitetail tag, I know I'm never going to draw a strip tag. I have been trying to draw a late mulie tag since they became available. And here we are. So.....how big of a mistake did I make taking this opportunity? I'm sure 27 would have been better but I'm all in for 21 now. Are there any decent bucks left? I was considering hunting the New River Mountains area. Maybe the foothills of New River Mesa both north and south of the Mesa. What do you think? M
  5. 1 point
    There are some bruisers up there. One of the biggest typical mule deer I have ever seen was in 21.
  6. 1 point
    I have hunted unit 21 since I was a little kid. A 150 to 160 inch 4x4 should not be a problem on this hunt. Pm me if you want some scouting info. But in my opinion unit 21 has a whitetail population now that is ridiculous. The whitetails are all the way down to new river now.
  7. 1 point
    You're way behind. Final score was 45-18 and should have been a lot worst. Also, doubt Tate will be hugging any Heisman trophy in the near future. ☺️ Hope ASU shows up tonight so the state isn't totally embarrassed.
  8. 1 point
    Wildcats taking a beating in Houston. 31-0 so far. I think the Wildcats will be cellar dwellers in the Pac12 this year.
  9. 1 point
    Click on the magnifying glass in the Search bar and it will take you to various options for searching by author, time, content, etc.
  10. 1 point
    We packed him from the kill site to camp yesterday night to camp. Then broke camp and hiked every thing to the truck this morning
  11. 1 point
    idk but i wonder how many big desert bucks were running around back then
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Ttt. I didn’t think this would last very long.
  14. 1 point
    You must have a Leupold spotter
  15. 1 point
    Well we went back out to try and eleminate some more coyotes. We blanked on the first stand. Had my youngest son on shotgun duty. We drove to another area we had seen a few on the antelope hunt. My oldest son and I began to glass as this is how we had seen most of coyotes in the area. About twenty seconds into glassing I found 5 all together. We grabbed our gear and snuck into the one bush we could find. A little cotton tail in distress and we had three of the five charging in. I told my oldest son to give his younger brother a chance with the shotgun, and let them come as close as they would come. The lead dog came into 150 yards and checked up, caught our wind and left taking his two buddies with him. Upset we had three headed in and not a shot fired, my youngest said "dad you see the one by the rock?" I did a quick scan and found the one dog who was sure he was out of range. He was sitting in the middle of a rock pile and was looking back at the "bad bush". I asked my oldest for a range, to which he stated he had left the range finder back at the truck. I figured I had nothing to loose, I got down behind my my rifle found Mr. Cocky sitting on his rump giving us the stink eye. I started my squeeze, (uncontrolled jerk). That's when I realized the safety was still on. Took the safety off, and really took my time on the trigger, utilizing the hold over hash marks in my scope, and guessing the range. After the shot I was able to see the coyote was down. My sons and I than realized just how far thie shot had been. We all started giving our guesses at the range, Gage 486, Gavin 385, me 400. We went and check the dog. I hit him just behind the left shoulder an the V-Max had done its job very effectively. when we got back to the truck, Gage grabbed the range finder, and was back to the bad bush. As I walked back to him, I asked how far. Gage said 446. This was not my longest shot at a coyote, but it was the longest shot I had ever hit a coyote at. Was just lucky to have my two best hunting partners with me. The year has started off great, can't wait to see how the rest of the year go's!
  16. 1 point
    Not sure pissing on it will do anything. Where I cut my teeth hunting there was always a big camp of guys in the same place every single year. They pissed in the same spot most of the time from what we could tell. Deer started hitting that piss spot and it became a kind of salt lick. Always use to jump deer off of it when we drove around the corner
  17. 1 point
    I already agree with the perspective. I just think Dave is a condescending little twat. Thats why I said "how much".
  18. 1 point
    I hope this does not come down to a vote where 500 people support one thing and 50 support another and that is how they choose what method to follow. This is not a ballot issue but a chance for people to offer suggestions and bring up concerns. I hope the committee takes ALL suggestions under consideration and selects the best one based on sustainability, least impact on hunters/fishermen and meets the monetary goal that has been suggested. The best decisions are not always the most popular. I am also concerned about creating another form of bureaucracy. What percentage of the money is going to go to hiring more staff that includes wages, matching funds, insurance, retirement and a new 3/4 ton 4X4 PU? Has anybody noticed any difference in curbing ATV/UTV abuse since we had to start buying the $25 stamp 12 or so years ago? I haven't. I do see colorful brochures and pictures on the website but that is about it. If this is the same kind of thing we are looking at for educating the public then I want no part of it and I would just as soon as sell a few tags to rich folks and let them pay for it.
  19. 1 point
    First one I encountered was in Sculthorpe, England. Bad enough I was driving a USAF Dodge 6 pack on the wrong side of the road full of ammo and a chicken crap 2nd Lt., that thought we we're going to die in that roundabout. Yes whatever engineer designed that one where hwy 60 and 93 split in Wickenburg, forgot we're all not driving SUVs. Seen plenty of good wrecks there with semis.
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    Heck, there's two in the middle of the Navajo Nation headed up the HW87! Why? Goofy butt things....
  22. 1 point
    Cottonwood thinks they're so cool because they are the traffic circle capital, but Chino Valley has plans to give Cottonwood a challenge to that title. They are all right for cars but totally suck for semi trucks, commercial vehicles and people who make wedding cakes.
  23. 1 point
    I remember when they put the first one in Payson few old timers hammered right over the top of it!
  24. 1 point
    Business opportunity. Buy land right next to the roundabout and open a body shop.
  25. 1 point