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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/2018 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Hey CWT Community, I have had three different members reach out to me this week asking if my son is still in the skull cleaning business. The answer is yes, very much so. Thanks to many of you, business over the past year and a half has been great for him. He has been learning countless lessons and has made a good chunk of change in the process. For any members on here who aren’t aware, my 13 year old son got his taxidermy license a year and a half ago, and started his own Euro business. Word of mouth advertising alone has kept him really busy, with work coming in almost weekly, even through the “off” (or so we thought) season. Last year he got so busy during peak season that he struggled to keep up in the time frames he tries to keep, even with my help and working both evenings and weekends. To help with the load this season he has asked me to help clearly define the services he will and will not be offering. He also purchased a second set of equipment, so his free labor pool (me) can help him work through the busy season. I know I am already pushing the sponsorship lines here on CWT. So I try not to comment too often about his business (sorry Amanda), but wanted to provide you all with his most up to date FAQs. Following his page on Facebook or Instagram is pretty much the best way to keep up with his business. There are numerous pictures posted on these pages. Thanks and good luck this season!
  2. 2 points
    The Democrats lost a true champion in John McCain. 11 years ago, they hated him when he ran for President, this week they treated him like Elvis Presley. If McCain supported Trump, they would all be singing a different tune.
  3. 2 points
    After not drawing an AZ antelope tag for the 23rd year in a row, I got fed up and got a NM landowner tag. Big thanks to Zeke-BE for getting me in touch with the right guy late in the game. And his knowledge of the hunting area for a starting point. I got my wife Regina and Taylor to go along for the trip to keep me company. We left Saturday morning @ 3:45am to try and get to the unit to get some scouting in. My hunt started on Sunday, and with absolutely zero knowledge, I was nervous. Hooked up with Brandon, saw his buck and heard about a couple good bucks from him. Got out to the unit by about 3:30pm, and saw another pickup stopped in the road, and 3 bucks off the road about 250 yards. Guy got out, and got off the road. Antelope ran over a hill, so I pulled up next to him to offer my rangefinder use of he needed it. Really nice guy, NM resident named John. Well, I let him lead, and he didn't get more than 200 yards down the road while I stayed put, and he got back out. Next thing I see, is him take a shot....then another....then another. He waved me up, and I saw 2 bucks off in the distance. That was a good sign. John had shot the bigger of the 3. So I walked out with him to give him a hand retrieving his buck. I am really glad I did, because I thought his buck had looked pretty big from a distance. Well, it gave me a quick education on antelope. We dragged it back to 50 yards from the road, I wished his wife good luck on her tag, and we set off to find some speedgoats of our own. I glassed up antelope after antelope, and saw what I would consider two or three shooters. Now, I had hopes of a mid-70" buck, not expecting anything big. Also, not knowing really what a mid-70" buck really looked like. The weather on Saturday was moving in with cold rain, lots of lightning, and roads that turned into snot on a glass doorknob slick. We saw some beautiful country and got some nice scenery photos. Saw a big heavy, wide 4x4 muley way out in the antelope flats too. I would have never guessed it. Saw 113 antelope on Saturday afternoon in about 4.5 hours. We got to the hotel about 9:30pm, grabbed some nasty McDonalds for dinner, and hit the rack by 11:00PM. Sunday morning, up @ 4:00am, and got out to the unit by 5:30am, 20 minutes before legal light. I glassed up antelope within 10 minutes. 4 does and a small buck. Nothing worth going after though. I checked the spots where I had seen the two possible shooters the day before, but could not locate the bucks. I did see a lot of antelope, but most were 2-5 miles out. Saw a badger about 50 yards off too. Biggest one I have seem. I thought it was a javalina at first glance as it was waddling across the hillside. As the morning went on, I saw another shooter buck, at 880 yards, but he was having none of my peeping-tom antics, and hauled over a hill and down into some shallow cuts and disappeared. Saw some more beautiful country, saw some other hunters trying for a decent buck about 3 miles away. About 9:00am, I was glassing a huge grass flat when I picked out a bunch of antelope does.....and the buck I would name "Teflon Don". 1.5 miles.out, in an area as flat as a table top, with no cover bigger than a Gatorade bottle. I put Taylor set up on my spotter, and designed a plan to try and get close enough for a shot opportunity. I dropped down behind the truck and got in the only small draw around and cut the distance to 1300 yards. The antelope bedded down in the calf-high grass. Then to 1000 by duckwalking. Then, on hands and knees and cut the distance to 771 to the very last piece of cover, 3 small yuccas. The wind was ripping, and I had left my Kestrel in the stupid truck. So I got set up and waited for the wind to die down.....and waited....and waited. After 30 minutes, the wind was actually picking up. So, with not much to lose, I left my 15s by the yuccas, and stood up with my rifle in one hand, and my tripod in the other, already set at height for a seated shot. The 13 antelope had me pegged the moment I stood up. So I started walking directly at them. 750, 700, 650, 600, 550....still bedded. I thought, "If I get to 500, I am going to sit down and wait for that buck to stand up." 525, still bedded...521.....crap, they stood up in unison. I dropped to a seated position and got the buck in my scope right as a doe walked in front of him. Dialed the 6.5SS to 1.5MIL, tried to figure wind was probably 15mph? Meaning a 14" drift. Then, they all turned and booked. They did stop and give me a big "Eff you" @ 992.......then poof....gone. I continued to watch the 360 view I had for them to show up a mile or three away, but they never reappeared. A 1.3 mile stalk over 2.5 hours....down the drain. Back to the truck 3+ hours later, we ran and grabbed a quick lunch "in town" (a truck stop diner). I figured the only place they could have gone and not been seen was to actually circle about 150° to the west, as there was a slight low dip that ran along the same direction I had last seen them. On the way back, I saw another shooter buck, not as big as Don, but still a decent buck. One of the 3 I had seen the afternoon before, but again, at 1000+, he was hightailing it for the draws when he saw my truck. So much for him again. By 3:30, we had driven around and found a two track that would get us closer to where I thought the antelope might have headed to. Low and behold, I stopped to glass...there is Don with his harem of 12 lovely ladies again....1300 yards out. And they are bedded again. So again, I got Taylor on my spotter, and I grab my gear. Rifle, rangefinder, Kestrel (wind was still whipping), bipod. I head 90° from them and head for a low cut that actually has 3 big trees in it that would get me to within 700 or so yards from them. Well, a big, ornery black Angus bull is eyeballing me with a bad attitude in the cut. He was actually pawing the ground as I was talking to him when I passed 30 yards from him, always keeping an eye on him. Finally got past him, and met his two buddies about 200 yards later, right by the trees I was angling for. Snotty suspicious bulls that came towards me. Talking quietly to them too, they let me pass...for now. Got to the last tree, and noticed one small hill that would get me closer. So crouching, I make my way through some waist high grass...when....bzzzzzz to my right, about 2-3'? Oh crap. I can't see him, but he knows I am there and telling me to back off. I hate rattlers when you can't see them. So move to my left and now paranoid......20 yardage later....I jump a stinking (literally) skunk! "PLEASE don't spray me" I plead with him as he scrambles off. So, I get to the base of the small hill, and would later find out Taylor had no clue I was that close until I showed up in the bottom of the spotter. The last 100 yards or so, is a belly crawl to the top in 6-10" tall grass. Get to where I can just peak over, and see one of the does still bedded. I find Don, bedded on the left side of all the does. So, again, belly crawl to the top, move 8' very slowly to the left and get set up on a badger tailing pile right next to the abandoned (I hoped) hole. Cactus in my belly and chest, but the only spot that offers a stable rest, decent cover, and a good spot to wait him out. Then....I notice the two bulls had decided to come over and make sure I was being a good boy....from about 30 yards off. So, I ranged Don a out 50 times, 428 yards. Kestrel telling me winds between 15-21mph. Dial to 1.0MIL, wind hold will be 9-13". And I wait. Scope set on 8x for a good FOV, but plenty of magnification for the shot. And I wait. And I check the bulls. And I ranged Don. Etc. All the while, saying, "Stand up and turn, Don". About 30 minutes later, Don stands up, facing direct away from me. "TURN Don!".....and Don walks straight away from me, as I count his steps "Turn, turn, turn, turn, TURN, TURN, TURN!!!" And Don walked over the rise and his girls followed suit. I let them get over the small rise, and I grabbed my stuff and literally ran 350 yards, then approached the rise...to see Don and the dirty dozen about 1.5 miles away and moving.......you got to be kidding me! Back to the truck, and drive around about 5 miles away, and glass Don back in the middle of the flat. No way to get to him before dark. So, tired, dejected, we start a trip towards the highway, glassing along the way. Glassed up another possible shooter, with about 30 minutes of light left....at well over 1 mile......of course. Back to the hotel, and in bed by 9:30. Monday, up at 4:30am, in the truck by 5:00, in the hunting unit by 5:40. Headed to try and find "Teflon Don" again, with 10 minutes until legal shooting light. We had found a 2-track that might take us to within a mile of Don's last known location. Well, 10 minutes into legallight, totally unprepared, I spot 6 does. So I stopped and walked to the back of the truck and grabbed my binos.....yep, 6 does. Get in the truck, and another antelope stands up.....the shooter buck that always ran off from 1000 yards away! So, I eased out of the truck, walk to the back, grab the rifle and chamber a round. Slowly, SLOWLY, walk 15' off the road, kneel down, BOOM. Send the 6.5mm 150 SMK @ 3117fps to the buck. Let me tell you, the "whop" sound that 150SMK made was impressive. The way the buck dropped was even more so. Not even a twitch or a kick. The exit was about 2". Insides were liquefied. Thanks to a hunting buddy and a fantastic daughter for helping me pack him out the 186 yards to the truck, my wife for putting up with my addiction, and to God for the opportunity to e hou my time outdoors with my family and putting these beautiful animals on the planet and on my table in the upcoming weeks.
  4. 1 point
    I tried something new with some Dove last night. I marinated the Dove in Italian dressing for about a week. I cut the Dove into small pieces. I added some mild jalapeños and bell peppers from the garden. I cooked them for about a minute and they were done. They tasted Amazing!
  5. 1 point
    I Went with the fast fire on my Ruger 22/45. I like it because it is very compact and does not say Vortex on it.
  6. 1 point
    Looks like it will be a 5 minute limit this year compared to an 8 minute last year.
  7. 1 point
    I have had a camera out since early August and was a bit depressed at first. Overall growth seems to be down from previous years in the area I hunt. Just comparing old pictures to this year. Anyways, I was pleasantly surprised to see the growth over the month of August, with little rain most of the summer in my unit. This buck is only a forkie but he has impressive size. Last year he was a bit bigger, but still a nice buck this year. The first picture is from August 4th and the next two are from August 28 and August 30. I will be keeping an eye on him and see how he finishes out. I might pursue this buck as I think it would be a cool buck to harvest. I have some other good bucks hitting this particular waterhole but they aren't as wide as this one. Not sure why the pics are so blurry, they are clear on my computer. Anyways, thanks for looking.
  8. 1 point
    We have sold a few to happy user's. Please feel free to give a call and we can discuss it
  9. 1 point
    I think He knew more about world wide situation than anyone including all Presidents in my life except maybee Eisenhour but then i was just 3-4 years old then. A shame American people voted obamma over Mcain. I think He screwed up on his VP choice did Him in................BOB!
  10. 1 point
    I'm not a McCain hater, I just feel like he sold AZ short in so many ways........I wouldn't want his wife to take his empty spot........I just strongly disagree with his politics and have for years.....pre Trump era. May his family find comfort in their memories of McCain......
  11. 1 point
    McCain was a true patriot who leaves an amazing legacy of service. God Bless him and his family. Rest in Peace, sir.
  12. 1 point
    This post was about John Mcain.. He was a Good man. and a hero to Me. Why did You have to jump in and make this about you daveck 130 or what ever the heck your name is . Go away. This the first Ive said anything about u but get lost Please../.........RIP MR . Mcain. I went to the airport and watched air force 2 take off. Sad day for AZ.....................BOB!
  13. 1 point
    Dude, it's the same for everyone. You don't see a like button on your own posts because the system doesn't let you like your own posts. So when I post, I don't see a like button for my posts either. It's the same for everyone. I see a like button for your posts and I am sure everyone else does too. So people can like your posts.
  14. 1 point
    I have never had a hemorrhoid before, if I get one I will name it davehc130😏
  15. 1 point
    He is poster child for term limits. +10000!!!!! I’ve lived in AZ my whole life and can’t list 3 things he’s done for AZ. The VA debacle is exemplary of his senate record. With that said, no sense in kicking a man when he’s down. May he Rest In Peace and condolences to the family.
  16. 1 point
    lee elbert 500 w reidhead show low AZ why don't you just stop by the house sometime you silly, mouthy little twat? lee
  17. 1 point
    That is not what he is saying. Jeez, relax. He is saying you can't hack making to his spot and back out. This site not be the best suited to your temperament.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Here is a good friend of mines coues.... Another buddy of mine..
  20. 1 point
    I use the free iMovie software that comes with Macs. It's great and can do some pretty complex editing, depends how much you want to put into it and learn. I too think that a separate camera, made for video, would be a better choice for quality video than a Go Pro. Unless it's impossible in a given situation, USE a tripod to make your movie watchable and not make your audience motion sick. I like the Canon Vixia cameras for good quality without breaking the bank.
  21. 1 point
    My wife Julie made us some bear stuffed peppers. They were delicious!
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    Yote I'm from Kansas and still have farms there. I hear everything your saying. I'm getting ready to move back there in the next couple years. If your ever up there in November let me know. I'll have you down for a Kansas pheasant and quail hunt on my farms. Easy limit on pheasant everyday. Kenny
  24. 1 point
    Friday I had made dove poppers using hatch chili and queso fresco after coating each piece in a mix of cumin and chili powder and I was wanting to do something different for last night. After slicing the breast I chopped up some more hatch chili and mixed it into the bowl of dove meat. Then I whipped up some egg whites and added the dove and stirred it up to get it all coated before adding the fish fry. I heated up a 50/50 mix of mustard oil and canola oil in the wok. Once it was hot I added the dove and stirred it to keep from boiling. It only took a couple of minutes to cook and then I drained it. Before I started the wok I got some water hot in a pot and when it looked like it was close to boiling I added some green cabbage leaves then let if boil for a minute or two until it was a little soft then took them out to dry. I added some fresh carrot to add some sweetness to counter act the chili. I like lentils so I cooked some up and added tumeric, sliced almonds and the top off two cloves. All in all the dove was incredibly tender and cooked perfect with a little crunch from the fish fry and it just melted in my mouth with none of the liver taste that can come from overcooking them.
  25. 1 point
    Next time I will add some cabbage and a little chunky salsa.