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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/24/2018 in all areas

  1. 7 points
    I don't believe you at all. I don't even know that you are in fact a hunter. I feel as though you are an antihunter here simply to start crap. I am done with you.
  2. 6 points
    Cot dam you are wearing us all out with your bitching
  3. 5 points
    Who would pay for a package when you can just listen to a podcast that gives spots away for free?
  4. 4 points
    Things change! When I was a kid, you started off with a BB gun, then a .22 if you showed that you could safely handle the BB gun, then a center fire rifle. Now days I see guys with their kids barley out of square pants shooting their 300 RUMS. I've never listened to a podcast, nor have I hung a camera in the woods, but it doesn't bother me if someone else does. By the way there was some old timers when I was a kid, who didn't think that using a scope on a rifle was sporting.
  5. 2 points
    Maybe you just need some animal crackers to feel better.
  6. 2 points
    I've had the same pair, non HD, for years and love them. I'd take them over my buddy's razors any day.
  7. 2 points
    im trying to go 2 for 3, im not that optimistic but im sure it will be fun
  8. 2 points
    If its legal and you don't like it press on, how can something on a tree ruin your entire day..? maybe because you let it? That's what's wrong with a lot of things these days its only a issue because you make it. I quit worrying about stuff along time ago, always have a plan A/B/C ect... There isn't any secret spots and its everyone's woods. Just go out and have a good time If you area isn't what you like adapt and over come, A day in the woods is better than a day at work if you cant realize that maybe you need a new hobby?
  9. 2 points
    My old man will be giving em heck starting tomorrow in 35a and b!!!! He's trying to make it 4 of 7 with his bow!!!
  10. 2 points
    Cry me a river, this is why I left this forum for a while. Bunch of whining cry babies always b*itching about something. For hells sake, just go hunting and have fun.
  11. 2 points
    My dad was anti scope.......if you couldn't see it with your bare eye and use open sites you had no business shooting.......
  12. 1 point
    Not much of a story really beings the hunt lasted 30 min after opening light. Bedded the buck the night before, Colby was on one side of the meadow close to where they had been the previous night. I glassed the antelope up, Colby got into a little cover and the antelope decided to run right to him. Colby shot and I watched the buck lay down less than 30 yards from where he was originally shot. Fun fast hunt. The buck scores 79 1/2 sci. Big congrats to my cousin!!! Preparation and practice truly do pay off. Hope you enjoy the pictures. The pictures didn’t post in the order I tried to do them in sorry.
  13. 1 point
    You certainly can stop @ 40.5 and play with OAL and call it good. Or you can you can go the other route and then work on OAL. Personally I have always determined OAL first then worked up to max loads. When groups became inconsistent I would try different seating depths.
  14. 1 point
    My company would make her a management trainee. (I'm not kidding!)
  15. 1 point
    So this is what I do. Normally I start out with a lower charge for the cartridge and add power in .5 grain increments. I will typically shoot 3-5 rounds per load. I always use a chronograph. I will typically load up charges that I know are going to be past max. I start out shooting the lower charges and go up in grain weight with each new load. I'm always looking for pressure and I expect to hit it at some point in the day. Stop shooting the hotter loads once you hit pressure signs. You will need a bullet puller to get the bullets out. Normally you will see the groups open up and tighten up as the load goes up in grain weight. Normally I will find 2-3 nodes (or loads) that are better than others and at different speeds. I'll pick the speed that I want to shoot the gun at and then I will fine tune the grain weight of powder from there. Then I will do .1 or .2 grain changes in powder as needed to fine tune the load. So in less than 50-70 rounds you should have your first round done and then about 20-30 rounds the second trip. Side note. Normally the hottest load isn't the most accurate. I usually pick the second load down and use that one. Never had a deer complain about 50FPS slower bullet yet.
  16. 1 point
    130....I've kinda started wondering if there is anything about hunting you do enjoy........take a deep breath.....you obivously have issues with.......stuff..... go out and enjoy the hunt because you are prepared for all the crap that can happen out there!!! Control what you can and enjoy!!!! We all get pissed about something.....how about sharing a fun hunting story with us!!!
  17. 1 point
    So what if there were cameras. You seem to think no one else should be in the woods while you hunt. If there was sign at those tanks be there first and the other issues should take care of themselves. However if you choose to sit in someones pop up blind don't bother bitching because they kick your butt out of it. I would have no problem backing out if you beat me there but i will be taking my blind with me.
  18. 1 point
    15 years ago you didnt ride UTV's everywhere either, new technology will keep changing the face of hunting. But banning one thing will lead to banning something else, and that might be something that you use. I love cameras just to see what wildlife I can catch on there, would I show up at a waterhole by a road opening day, no way.
  19. 1 point
    Like AZAV8ER said, the mountains like the Catalinas can have areas relatively untouched by human traffic. Just going some place not super easy to walk to can yield deer. At low to mid elevations, even the best case scenario, i.e. dead deer at you feet within minutes as you watch him fall, still leaves boning out time and the walk out, maybe in 90-100 degrees. Higher elevations and the breeze will help you have more time to get your 2018 buck to the rig. And regarding the light weight string and burlap, a successful archer I know back in Missouri utilized that set up for dozens of timberland harvests.
  20. 1 point
    When you "scout" tanks that have dirt roads leading directly to them you kinda have to expect that some other lazyasses will also be "scouting" that area. I don't remember the last time I saw another person's trail camera in my area. Park the UTV & put some miles on your boots, I promise most of your hunting problems will melt away.
  21. 1 point
    Lot of guys haven't gone out scouting yet!!! Thats fine. Archery is my second type of hunting. I focus on rifle but when I get the itch to go out I just grab my bow and head out. No need to scout just enjoy being out doors and if you can put on a stalk thats good hunting right there. I would say 50 percent of the time I head out I put on some type of stalk. At least I get the buck fever feeling
  22. 1 point
    The one on the right looks like he's shaping up to be a real nice buck.
  23. 1 point
    Lots of trees to sit in. I’ve killed my last three az archery deer above 8500 ft in August. Don’t worry too much about what other people are doing, just find a spot where deer are hanging out and stick around until one shows up. Easy peasy.
  24. 1 point
    What's easier than steak? Meat + heat = fine dining.
  25. 1 point
    I have one of those little burner jet things about the size of your hand, just big enough for a large can of soup. I get a couple big cans of chunky soups, some spaghetti-O's and anything chocolate to keep my calories up and call it a day. I hunt so hard I could care less whats going in there, and I don't have the energy to cook . . . just want something in there to stop the belly-noises and get some shut eye. Heck I ain't camping . . . I'm huntin! ha ha. Can goods don't need any preparation either. Just throw one in for every night out. Easy. And no mess. My only advice is skip ANYTHING that has garlic, is spicy or has peppers in it. . . that could haunt your hunt something fierce. . . . keep it bland and plain to keep the scent and stomach cramps to a minimum.