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  1. 3 points
    This Saturday morning, I shot the sets of 3-shot groups at 100 yards. Temp was about 75 degrees and the wind was calm. Charges ranged from 65.0gr Ramshot Magnum to 68.0gr in 0.5gr increments. This charge range was chosen based on the previous velocity to charge test. I did not do a round robin shoot as OCW suggests, but shot each 3-shot group separately. Velocities were measured with a ProChrono. Between 3 shot groups, the barrel was cooled 10 minutes by running air through the barrel via a 12v air inflator and rubber tubing into the chamber, and wiping a wet cloth over the barrel. Groups were shot with the Omega suppressor attached. Here is the data table of velocities, average velocity, ES extreme spread, and SD standard deviation for each set. Granted, 3 shot groups are not the best for ES and SD determination. For those OCW oriented, here is a plot of the group centers for each charge weight. The first group for 65.0gr magnum was the 2nd smallest at 0.296" The last group for 68.0gr tightened up from those of 66-67gr and had a lower SD. Any thoughts and suggestions are appreciated. Next will be to shoot some 5-shot groups of chosen loads, and test the Bulldozer bullet into some media (board, paper and water jugs) from the 6.5 WSM and 6.5 Creedmoor.
  2. 2 points
    As luck would have it I had the opportunity to do some bear hunting with the cousins last weekend. Combined my wife's cousin JW and I have killed over 20 bears in AZ between state land and the rez. Let me just say if it wasn't for the passion in are hearts I would sitting right under my ac unit at the house this time of year. It doesn't much matter where you go for bears in AZ, this time of year chances are it will be over 100 degree's sometime during the day of your bear hunt. And it was all that plus some you know it's hot when you are in the saguaro's and prickly pears for a bear hunt in August. Remember saguaro's do not grow over 3800' elevation. Between JW and I we have 8 kids in which 5 teenager's 2 preteen's and the newest hunter to the family a 1.5 year old. He has 4 and I have 4. As we get older are focus is certainly towards the kids getting out to hunt and us guiding them to success in all aspect in life. We started with looking up high 4500' plus and we located one bear opening day but are shooter was in school till 3 and wasn't arriving till that evening. Saturday was hot with no bears located. But we had the oldest teenager down in lower country and he spotted 2 bears. So I decided to move down to help him on Saturday evening. I found a nice black bear right at dark (as usual) with no chance to close the gap before time would run out. So we opted to go home and come back Sunday evening to get it done. So that was 3 we saw in the same area. We were able to close the gap Sunday evening to be in the heart of them and like clock work one bear showed up for the party. JW and his oldest were able to close the gap and get into shooting position I was watching from 1000 yards away on another ridge. I could see the bear and them in my bino's . Then boom and the bear just stood there then boom, boom, boom. The bear had enough and he booged up and move off to a deep canyon. the kid was heartbroken that he missed. So with about 15 min's of safe light left I started looking around and located what was to me a jumbo chocolate in the pears he was at 1124 yards and there was no way to close the gap in time but he was to be numero uno on the hit list. We called the bear line and unit was to close Weds. Between work for us and school for him we knew we were running out of time. I was able to get out Monday evening by myself and had a beautiful solid black one at 207 yards the only thing this bear was missing was about 150 pounds to match up the chocolate one I had saw. So I passed on him which is pretty hard to do. In my heart I really wanted the kid to get one first and I didn't want to booger it up in their. Finally the last evening of the hunt Weds we all were able to get in position for another evening And as luck would have it the same bear he missed came back out and the boy took it as a personal mission to seal the deal on that bear. He glassed it up him self then stalked it and was able to harvest that bear that evening at 150 yards with us old guy's watching . It was like passing the torch off or kung fu master when you snatch the pebbles from my hand it will be time for you to leave. Some of you older reader's will get this. 17 years old and pretty much did it on his own . He originally found the bears ,his dad and I where just their for back up. Now if you have ever taken a bear in the evening with no roads in sight you know how the REST OF THE STORY GO'S needless to say we arrived home around 1:30 am. And again I was happy too be part of it. And for the 350# chocolate I saw well my chocolate addiction will carry on. Thanks for the read, Pete
  3. 2 points
    Not much of a story really beings the hunt lasted 30 min after opening light. Bedded the buck the night before, Colby was on one side of the meadow close to where they had been the previous night. I glassed the antelope up, Colby got into a little cover and the antelope decided to run right to him. Colby shot and I watched the buck lay down less than 30 yards from where he was originally shot. Fun fast hunt. The buck scores 79 1/2 sci. Big congrats to my cousin!!! Preparation and practice truly do pay off. Hope you enjoy the pictures. The pictures didn’t post in the order I tried to do them in sorry.
  4. 2 points
    If you want a tip many were given on this site lately. Hunt very near or closer to the res. Bears, deer, etc. 😵
  5. 2 points
    Arizona? Never heard of it. thought this was southeast California. Can’t trap, can’t bow hunt near houses, can barely hunt cats, that will soon do away. on topic, from time to time I listen to Bryan Call or Aron Snyder. I’m not religious about them. I remember this one time where Aron Snyder talked about a guy who broke up with his girlfriend (who knew his best hunting spots.)The next season she brought her new boyfriend into his favorite hunting spots and he killed a big buck right front out from underneath him. I always keep a good area in that hat to take the newbies to. But the best spots, are mine.
  6. 1 point
    My wifes bison hunt from April is up on YouTube on The Mountain Project Page. Check it out and let me know whatcha think! Thanks https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=K34Vz5e2tSA
  7. 1 point
    Fishing was slow as expected but still got some good bites
  8. 1 point
    Custom Ruger 10/22, 18" fluted Green Mountain match heavy .920 barrel, Bell and Carlson Anschutz thumbhole stock with weaver scope base. Located in Mesa. SOLD, Thanks Ryan!
  9. 1 point
    What's the scoop on the last pic? I don't think I'd really care to find one of those.
  10. 1 point
    Do you have a biology degree? Somehow I doubt it. The bear hunting regulations set a harvest limit. This is done with the understanding that even if the harvest limit is met on the first Saturday of the hunt it will remain open till sundown on Wednesday. It is expected that more bears may be taken between the time the harvest limit is met and the time the hunt closes. Harvest limits are set accordingly. If the harvest objective is met in the first week the unit is closed for the rest of the year. The plan controls the harvest and still gives hunters a block of time in remote areas with only a weekly check in to see if a hunt is still open. Would you prefer to have to go find a location with phone service to check in every night at sundown to see if you could continue to hunt tomorrow?
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    You might want to get a turkey tag too. They are all over the unit.
  13. 1 point
    No Deer in 23 ,They Moved onto the Rez. .........and Lions are in every unit as well and Californians................BOB!
  14. 1 point
    What doesnt Adam complain about? Hes like having a second wife.... They both complain a lot, and neither one puts out!
  15. 1 point
    Jump up definitely jump up that is where the big ones are shot during archery season
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    It’s posible to kill deer with a bow in 23 with out driving up and down any road. That’s all I’ll say
  18. 1 point
    The Safest Ways for Teenagers to Reduce Weight Overweight is one of the most well-known problems today. Obesity seems at almost any stage, from children to over 60-aged adults. There's a number of methods to eliminate weight, and every one of these is appropriate for every sort of individuals. Adults will probably be less difficult to select weight loss pills if it's essential. If you're an adult, then you can read about diet medications if you would like to purchase a item. But if you're a teen, you need to follow and attempt these manners . We need to lose weight safely How do teens eliminate weight safely? 1. Avoid skipping meals Skipping meals Isn't a Fantastic way to Drop weight, Especially breakfast. To ensure that you still have sufficient power for all day, you ought to eat modest portions every 3 to 5 4 days. So, there ought to be five meals daily to maintain the blood glucose level stable. 2. Drink Lots of fluids It doesn't mean aerated beverages, sodas, and juices. Your body requires water to moisturize and eliminate toxins. Folks need a minimum of three liters of water each and every single day. In any case, other options for you're berry fruits juices along with low-fat dairy. Green tea must be among the which has a small quantity daily to slowly get rid of weight. 3. Replace your chewing gum with mint Chewing gum helps in burning off calories but isn't Great to your tummy. Rather than this, you need to suck on a mint to help keep thirst. 4. Do not eat anything p.m The guidance is to complete your supper by 8 a.m.. A cup Of yogurt or tea are what it's possible to take after supper. And , you shouldn't eat some other candies, particularly anything at nighttime. 5. Give snacks up and processed foods Teens enjoy bite such as cakes, chips, fries, Sausages, and snacks, etc.. But they're all unhealthy when generating more sugar and fat in blood. Eating too much may result in elevated cholesterol level. Teens need to have a custom of eating milk which could enhance metabolism. 6. Avoid fad diets Fad diets aren't a fantastic idea to get a long-term foundation. Many fad diets aid lose weight fast but lead to the nutrient deficiency and lots of health dangers. While teens' body needs an adequate source of nourishment for development. 7. Do not follow low carb diets There's no research demonstrating the efficacy of it When many scientists assert it's unhealthy. After it which means you've got to give up the majority of the food groups. In doing this, your body can't get the ability to get the job done. 8. Exercise frequently Doing exercises have to be part of the everyday routine. Physical activity is essential for a healthy body and a healthy mind. There are various exercises you can follow such as lifting weights, swimming or jogging but only in three or four times each week. In any case, dance may be a fantastic option once it functions on muscles. 9. Walk Daily Everyone believes that walking burns off. Yes, it Is the fact but recall to walk at a lively pace. With every minute of walking, then your body is able to burn off 6 calories. The secure way for teens to lose Weight Diet tips to shed weight quickly for teens Teens would be the era of climbing. Thus, with Any weight loss program, they nevertheless need to ensure the nutrition and supply enough energy to the entire body. Diet may be implemented but do not overlook some food groups under. High Fiber meals - help keep you full for more and not as sense hungry Calcium-rich Foods -- great for bone growth and bone density rather than adsorbing fat High Iron foods necessary in the delivery of oxygen into the cells and maturation of the immune and brain function. Fruits And veggies -- a supply of essential vitamins and minerals to the increase of the body. Five servings of fruits and vegetables daily will be helpful for health. Fluids - drinking water assists to metabolize, move nutrition, and burn off . Consequently, if you can't take enough water, your system can't eliminate the fat. Weight loss pills to Teens Sometimes, natural manners Can't Eliminate weight as folks want in case their Obesity problems are severe. Therefore, weight reduction pills are occasionally required for teens. But like adults, teenagers will need to carefully select drugs as their entire body is sensitive. Their health can be readily influenced by the components in those products. You're able to view more to refer several the most powerful weight loss pills. Click here https://www.scoop.it/t/healthcare-by-healthlife/p/4101076477/2018/08/28/7-recommended-weight-loss-pills-that-work-fast On the other hand, many Men and Women Believe that teens shouldn't ever take diet pills. They fret about the probability of overdose and abuse. Many tablets contain dangerous ingredients which can result in the death if a person takes a lot of. While that, teens mean to eat diet pills within the normal. Furthermore, they may rely on medication and overlook the fantastic eating habits. However, why many teens still use medication and lose the weight that they want? The main issue is they are alert to their health when choosing pills. Applying it's not completely awful, but how we utilize will determine how efficiently it functions. Visiting physicians to find suggestions and prescription is necessary. Teens should utilize diet pills together with the principle of the physician rather than performing themselves. You will find the unwanted effects of weight reduction pills, that they must think about prior to opting to purchase prevent the unwanted outcome. There are a few weight loss pills which have little to no side effects for teens, and that means that you are able to refer to select. Xenical - stop the fat absorption in the bloodstream. But only seriously overweight teenagers should utilize. PhenTabzteen Natural Green Tea Extract - encourage metabolism Natural Hoodia Gordonii Appetite Suppressant - sugar and also make we feel full quicker Read more: https://medium.com/@jfile.net/the-top-10-weight-loss-pills-fda-approves-a40229a017a1 They're the manners and finds for teens to Use when slimming down. Obesity in this age is occasionally simpler but occasionally More complex to resolve as opposed to adults, thus we will need to look after it.
  19. 1 point
    Get in line and drive up and down Young Road like everyone else does.
  20. 1 point
    Other than 4b which is the premierr trophy elk unit in Az, I always hunt sucky areas so I have not seen any difference in the last many years. In my OPINION,another BIG difference I have noticed is the proliferation of UTVs roaming about. It has become a cancer in our sport. I am a firm believer that the introduction of the utv has made hunting "easier" or more accessible (if in beleif only) to the "average joe" hunter so now they can go further and longer. Thankfully I get OFF the road so I don;t have to worry about 90% of those guys.... As a disclaimer, I DO use a utv, but only to get to a trail head or when I am toting kids.
  21. 1 point
    I would agree that podcasts and social media have basically ruined our little secret of leftover tags.
  22. 1 point
    A year ago, a buddy back in Iowa sent me a picture of himself with a 3-4lb smallie at his wife's family's cabin on Rainy Lake in Ontario, Canada. His text with the picture said "Would this interest you?" That started a year-long planning process of getting his family's and our family's schedules lined up to spend a week at his wife's uncle's cabin. I haven't been to Canada in 35 years and going back there fishing has been high on my bucket list since the last time I was there. The short version is that all the stars lined up and we got back this past Saturday from a week up there. Fishing wasn't great by the Canada standards I remember, but was awesome by our standards here in northern Arizona. My wife is the only one who didn't catch fish, but she only got out twice and was only half-heartedly trying. She was more intent on getting the kids opportunities and taking pictures. Me, I was the net man, hook-remover, lure changer, hook-baiter, snag remover, new leader-tier, and still made time to fish for myself. I wish my son could have caught a pike, but he loved the smallies and walleyes. I wish my daughter could have caught a walleye, but she loved the smallies, pike, and perch. I ended up with 5 pike ranging from 3-5.5lbs, a handful of smallies, the biggest of which was 3.5lbs, and a couple of eating-sized walleye. My favorite part of the trip was our kids asking when we could go back to Canada, especially after hearing them moan and groan about going and fishing every single day as we were planning the trip. To be fair, I told them they didn't have to fish every day if they didn't want to, but I was going to be fishing every day. Our last night there, my buddy and I took off, kid-free, and had a blast getting into fish. We booked it back in, ate a quick supper, and loaded everyone up on the pontoon to go back to where we finally found the walleye. Jacob hooked a good one, but it broke off at the boat as I was trying to net it. Then he hooked and landed a good eater. Aside from my kids getting hooked on this kind of fishing, my other favorite was catching two pike in 10 minutes on the Savage 3d Suicide Duck lure I bought specifically for this trip. If you've never seen that in action, look it up on YouTube. Its beyond awesome to see in person. After my two, I gave the lure to my daughter. She had a strike, but missed it. It was even more amazing to watch standing next to her. My only goal not met was catching a pike on my 9wt fly rod. I used it a couple of times in the inlet by the cabin, but no pike were hungry. I got better distance and hauls, though, so its still a win for me. Morning view from the cabin First pike in 35 years First smallie in 18 years 3.5lb smallie Syd's first pike Syd's first smallie Jacob with a smallie Jacob's walleye (wiggling the whole time) 2nd pike on duckling lure Bite marks 5.5lb pike (my 2nd best) Syd and I doubled on pike Jacob and I doubled on pike and his first smallie Rainy Lake Sunset Learning to drive a boat Cabin at night
  23. 1 point
    Here's my all time favorite. I don't think I've ever seen a coues as burred up as this one. To bad his beams were chewed off.
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    So yeah, it actually is for sale. Its a 90 or 91 Dodge Caravan. It has a wheelchair lock in it for the kind that sticks out the bottom and attaches to the device on the floor. It's not pretty but it gets the job done. New steering pump, rack and pinion, wiper blades, oil, new AC compressor, and new tail light assemblies. Windshield had a chip that cracked but the crack was filled in and repaired. Two tires are new and I will replace the front two in a couple days. Battery is fairly new. My mom got this for my dad before he passed and it sat for awhile. She spent around $3k and put about $800 (I think) into it. Looking to get $2300 OBO