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  3. keepontrekking

    REM 700 300 BLACKOUT

    Pm sent
  4. firstcoueswas80

    Joined the Toyota Cult

    That rear end sag is going away! New leaf springs going in on Friday!
  5. Roosevelt Mark

    Successful HAM hunt

    Me and my son had a good morning Saturday
  6. Roosevelt Mark

    Successful HAM hunt

  7. Elkaholic1

    Browning X Bolt

    Bump. Deal with confidence, jbrocko takes really good care of his hunting equipment!
  8. wildwoody

    Thanks (continued)

    Lets get them Diesel trucks fixed. Hunter will take great care of you and your vehicle. Best part is he comes to you.
  9. CopperStateDiesel

    Thanks (continued)

    Has been a great time dealing with each and everyone one you guys ive met so far. As a thank you for everything again Im re-giving you guys the 20% off labor if it helps anyone out. You guys have been the best, enjoy your evening
  10. Big Browns

    Successful HAM hunt

  11. firstcoueswas80

    Successful HAM hunt

    Real men use 10mms! 😘
  12. wildwoody

    ADBSS 2025 Banquet

    Will start a second table count. #1
  13. Nuter13

    Lever actions

    I apologize for the jumping the gun I was just trying to prevent someone from getting scammed . I hope you don’t have any issues with your sells because of me
  14. Nuter13

    Lever actions

    Thank you for pointing that out I never even thought about that !!
  15. Nuter13

    Lever actions

    I am sorry if the original poster wasn’t scamming! I didn’t even think that maybe some stole info and did this ! I was just trying to save someone else some stress in the long haul !
  16. L Cazador

    Feral hog

    Years ago there were feral hogs in the Cordes Junction area. That area became so populated that you couldn't safely shoot so everybody stopped hunting them. I'm sure they have spread as they are prolific breeders. Cook that meat well above 170 degrees. Watchout for trichinosis!
  17. LK37

    Marlin 45-70

    PM sent
  18. wish2hunt

    Feral hog

    Let’s go see if there are more in the area

    WTB Toyota Tundra or Tacoma

    Ive got a fairly built 02 4runner I may consider selling.
  20. AZBIG10

    ADBSS 2025 Banquet

    Let me know. I may be able to recruit a friend or 2.
  21. trphyhntr

    ADBSS 2025 Banquet

    Yeah right, those chicks at that place are way out of my price range
  22. wildwoody

    ADBSS 2025 Banquet

    There $125 a seat for the banquet, I think mine might be full, if not Lance is next. Maybee we get another table. I'll pony up if we get another 10
  23. AZBIG10

    ADBSS 2025 Banquet

    I want in! How much?
  24. wildwoody

    Superbowl What a gamw

    Right, sucks being white these days. Lol
  25. Mocha1545

    Superbowl What a gamw

    Thank God the half time show is over!
  26. wildwoody

    Superbowl What a gamw

    I'm loving this being a Cincinnati fan. Finally the Chiefs can't be save by the Ref's. Go Eagle's
  27. wildwoody

    ADBSS 2025 Banquet

    Ok that will be interesting. , friend
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