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  • September 26, 20192024 Coues Calendars are in!

    2024 Coues Calendars are in!

    Darren Freestone has put together another great Coues buck calendar for 2024! The calendar is a spiral-bound, heavy-stock, full-color wall calendar that you will enjoy looking at all year!  Thank..

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coues deer

Does the picture above make your heart beat faster? Does the first hint of the cool fall air find you longing to be in the mountains of the southeastern Arizona, New Mexico, or Mexico? If so, then perhaps, like me, you have developed a passion for searching for the elusive Coues White-tailed Deer. The Coues Whitetail (properly pronounced “cows”, but almost everyone pronounces it “coos”) is a small subspecies of white-tailed deer found in Arizona, New Mexico and Mexico. This deer has developed such a reputation for being able to vanish from view in the smallest amount of cover that it is frequently referred to as the “Grey Ghost”. Many people consider Coues deer to be the most challenging big game animal to hunt. Some even refer to hunting Coues deer as the “poor man’s sheep hunt” because of the harsh terrain involved. Famous big-game hunter Jack O’Connor proclaimed the Coues deer to be “the most difficult of all deer to kill” due to its extreme wariness and the inhospitable habitat this deer can live in.

This site, launched on December 23, 2002, is dedicated to bringing you everything you could possibly want to know about Coues White-tailed Deer. I will cover topics such as the biology and taxonomy of this deer as well as how to effectively hunt for this species. I intend to make this web page useful to the novice as well as a veteran Coues deer hunter. If there is something you think should be included in this website that you don’t see, let me know by sending an email to This is a work in progress and I will frequently be adding information to this web page, so please visit often. Information on this website has been gleaned from numerous books, journal articles and technical reports. Please visit the references page to see a list of that literature.

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About is the leading Internet resource for information on Coues whitetail deer.